We invite you to join us on our 2024 Croatia & Italy adventure! We begin our journey on 26th April with a big focus on seeing these beautiful countries by bike. Watch this space after 26th April! Read more
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  • Day 2

    Encounter Bay to Doha

    April 27 in Qatar ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    As we post our first footprint, it is 1 pm on Saturday in South Australia. We are in transit at the massive Doha airport waiting for our next flight to Zagreb. It is now 6.30 am here.
    Back to the beginning - we travelled from Encounter Bay to Adelaide with Sue & Duncan Tullett. Arrived early, so celebrated the beginning of our European Adventure with a nice McClaren Vale red at the airport hotel!
    The long haul flight to Doha was challenging - 1 hour of sleep for Kerrie and maybe 3 for Roger. However, we are feeling good!
    Next we fly to Zagreb, transit another 4 hours before a short flight to Dubrovnik. Tomorrow we hit the tourist trail with guided walks of the old town and the city walls.
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  • Day 2

    Doha to Dubrovnik

    April 27 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    After a 6 hour flight from Doha to Zagreb, where we transited for 4 hours, we then flew Croatia Airlines to Dubrovnik. Fortunately we got a shuttle bus immediately for the 30 min ride into Dubrovnik as the sun set. Dubrovnik is jaw-droppingly beautiful!
    We dragged our tired bodies and luggage around the Old Town trying to find the Dubrovnik Old Town Apartments. After many steps we found our home for the next 6 nights. Fortunately a lovely young man offered to help lift our bags up the steps - he needs to be knighted!
    A shower and then down a few steps to an alfresco restaurant for some pizza and local wine, then off to bed! We are here and cannot wait to see this stunning place.
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  • Day 3

    Delightful Dubrovnik!

    April 28 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    We could not have wished for a better nor more successful first day of our Croatian holiday. The weather was perfect and our 2 X guided tours were superb!
    We started the day with breakfast at a cafe only a few steps down from our accommodation. The Dubrovnik half marathon added to the excitement and festive feel today. Hoards of people running right through the Old Town in blue T Shirts.
    We then enjoyed a guided tour of the Old Town led by a young man named Banko who had lived through the Croatian war. His tales of survival moved us all to silent tears.
    A refreshing gelato was followed by a tour of the Old Town Walls, led by a young woman, Antonio. Another amazing tour.
    After a shower and rest we hit the alleyways for a wine and cheese platter at D'Vinos Wine Bar before heading up another lot of steep steps to Lady Pi Pi restaurant. No bookings allowed, so we lined up and waited for a table. We all enjoyed a seafood platter in a lovely outdoor setting. Worth waiting for!
    It doesn't get any better than this!
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  • Day 4

    Debrovnik Day 2

    April 29 in Croatia ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

    Sue & Duncan sorted phone and electrical issues after breakfast. We visited the Franciscan Monastery Museum and the Museum of Natural Science. Both fascinating. We met up with Sue & Duncan, had coffee and cake before walking to the Cable Car. Very expensive for a short ride up a mountain, however, the views of Dubrovnik were beautiful.
    We then visited the Fort Imperial - the Empire's Fort where the Homeland War 1991 - 95 was comprehensively documented. Dubrovnik, after 33 years, still carries the physical & emotional scars of that horrific war.
    It was such a beautiful day, Sue thought a cruise along the coastline would be nice - she was quite right! We saw Dubrovnik from the sea and enjoyed relaxing for 45 mins without any steps to climb!
    After freshening up we had dinner at one of the alfresco restaurants before indulging again in gelato from our favourite gelato shop!
    An early night before a very early start tomorrow when we visit Montenegro.
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  • Day 5


    April 30 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Our 3rd day in Croatia and today we went by bus to the beautiful Montenegro. Delightful weather again - how fortunate we are so far with glorious blue skies!
    We had a fabulous guide & bus driver and boy oh boy did we need them! The traffic was chaotic to say the least and the bus passed oncoming traffic at break neck speeds with centimetres separating opposing vehicles!
    First stop was at Parest where we got a boat transfer to Our Lady of the Rocks island where there is a quaint church filled with priceless treasures. Onto Kotor for a 3 hour stop over. There were a number of cruise liners in and around Kotor so there were people everywhere. We ended up choosing to sit for an hour and enjoy a beer, watching the passing parades of people being led by guides. The only time we touch beer is in Europe! Not sure why, but we love it here!
    It was interesting waiting at border check points at both Croatia & Montenegro. Sometimes traffic line up for many kilometres waiting to pass through, however, today we probably waited only an hour!
    Home to our apartment for showers and a rest. Sue & Duncan went their own way at this stage because they have a very early start again in the morning.
    We went to a restaurant called Trivadoor Brassiere to have dinner and listen to a 2 piece jazz group consisting of piano and double bass (plus vocals). The night was perfect, the food good and the entertainment fabulous. A night we will remember. Sleep in for us tomorrow while Sue & Duncan travel to Bosnia & Mostar for the day.
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  • Day 6

    Dubrovnik - Old Town & New

    May 1 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    While Sue & Duncan did another tour, we explored more of the Old Town and went by bus to the new area of Dubrovnik.
    Firstly we visited Fort Lovrijenac and were able to see the Old Town from a different perspective. Of course this meant climbing many stairs, but the effort was worth the glorious views.
    To escape the hoards from cruise boats, we got a bus to the newer area of Dubrovnik and walked along the coast before returning to the Old Town.
    We bought a Dubrovnik 7 day Pass which enables us to visit a number of museums, etc. We went to the House of Marin Drzic (Croatia's equivalent to England's Shakespeare) and then to the Ethnographic Museum which is housed in Dubrovnik's old Granary. A comprehensive display of Croatian costumes and life over many centuries.
    Back to our local alfresco restaurant 'Castello's' down a few steps from our apartment for pizza and a glass of wine before heading back 'home' for a rest!
    Sue & Duncan arrived back at 5 pm. They had a wonderful day touring in a small coach. Their photos are stunning. We joined them for a drink and then had dinner at another, quieter, alfresco restaurant. Thunder then rain! However, that didn't stop us getting our gelato prior to returning to our apartments!
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  • Day 7

    Last day in Dubrovnik

    May 2 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    A slower start to our last day in Dubrovnik. After breakfast, Duncan & Roger visited the Maritime Museum while Sue & I browsed the shops. Sue bought a lovely Adriatic sea coral necklace & earrings. We met up with the boys and enjoyed some pastries from the bakery for lunch.
    We decided to do a bus tour of Dubrovnik and hired a quirky electric vehicle & driver (Meoh) for 1.5 hours (100 euros). We thoroughly enjoyed the tour and hearing more about life in Croatia from Meoh.
    We celebrated our lovely week in Croatia with a shared pizza and wine at an alfresco bar near the sea.
    Dinner was at the local restaurant 'Castello's'. Duncan enjoyed black risotto and the rest of us had lasagne & salad. Of course we finished our meal with gelato!
    Tomorrow we leave Dubrovnik and board the Harmonia - a boat that will be our home for the next week as we ride a number of islands between here and Split.
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  • Day 8

    Old Town Dubrovnik to boat Harmonia

    May 3 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Today we begin the second stage of our Croatian holiday. Firstly we packed our cases again (with difficulty) then had our last breakfast in the Old Town. We were concerned about getting our cases down the 64 steps, however, we found it much easier than dragging them up the stairs! Caught a bus to the Ferry Port and took our luggage on board.
    Embarkation is scheduled for 2.30 pm so we walked around the inlet and found a nice bar/restaurant on the marina where we enjoyed .. yes, correct, some wine and cheese, together with possibly the best bread we've ever eaten. Yum!
    Back to Harmonia to unpack our luggage in our cabin before a 3 pm briefing and nibbles. The crew offered a 3 hour tour of the Old Town, which we declined. Instead we found another bar/restaurant where we sat and chatted before returning to the Harmonia in time for a 7.30 dinner and briefing for tomorrow's ride. The 3 course meal was delicious! Starting to meet the other people on board. Lots of Americans. Everyone we've met are interesting and lovely folk around our age, some much younger!
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  • Day 9

    Dubrovnik - Sipan - Mljet

    May 4 in Croatia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    At 0700 the Harmonia sailed for the island of Sipan. We had breakfast before Eddy, one of our two guides, briefed us about the activities for the day. Eddy is an excellent, very personable guide. On arrival at Sudurad bikes were disembarked and we all went on a short ride to the village Sipanski Luca just to become acquainted with our bikes.
    Back on deck we sailed for the island of Mljet.
    2 courses were served for lunch and then we had a siesta time before disembarking at Mljet. We visited some Roman ruins at Polace before riding in the Mljet National Park along the edge of the lake system that finally ended in the ocean. A very picturesque ride.
    Another delicious 3 course dinner before showers and bed! Our first day couldn't have been better, however, we hear that tomorrow is much more challenging!
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  • Day 10

    Mljet - Trstenik - Orebic - Korcula

    May 5 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    We woke to calm seas and blue skies and eager to start riding. The Harmonia departed Mljet at 0800 and set sail for a peninsula barely attached to the mainland. We started riding at Trstenik and spent the next 3 or so hours riding 25 km. An exciting ride where we rode up a mountain and then had a long, fast (up to 58 km/hr) descent to Orebic.
    We then boarded the Harmonia and sailed across to the island of Korcula, navigating for 1 hour. Lunch on board and then we walked around the bay for an invigorating swim in the Adriatic sea which is crystal clear
    Korcula is often referred to as a mini Dubrovnik. We were given a guided tour of the fortified old town. Once again we were blown away with the beauty of the Old Town.
    We found a lovely pizzeria on the water's edge and enjoyed pizza and greek salads and red wine. Of course we couldn't pass by the gelato bar without indulging!
    Tomorrow is the toughest & longest day of the tour. Hope we can make it!!
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