• Day 10

    Mljet - Trstenik - Orebic - Korcula

    May 5, 2024 in Croatia ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    We woke to calm seas and blue skies and eager to start riding. The Harmonia departed Mljet at 0800 and set sail for a peninsula barely attached to the mainland. We started riding at Trstenik and spent the next 3 or so hours riding 25 km. An exciting ride where we rode up a mountain and then had a long, fast (up to 58 km/hr) descent to Orebic.
    We then boarded the Harmonia and sailed across to the island of Korcula, navigating for 1 hour. Lunch on board and then we walked around the bay for an invigorating swim in the Adriatic sea which is crystal clear
    Korcula is often referred to as a mini Dubrovnik. We were given a guided tour of the fortified old town. Once again we were blown away with the beauty of the Old Town.
    We found a lovely pizzeria on the water's edge and enjoyed pizza and greek salads and red wine. Of course we couldn't pass by the gelato bar without indulging!
    Tomorrow is the toughest & longest day of the tour. Hope we can make it!!
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