Central African Republic
Central African Republic

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    • Day 48

      4 weeks at home

      November 13, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      The last week has been really fun.

      We are allowed to go out more, so I've been swimming a bit, and we went out for lunch last week. I was a logistician on Friday, there is a 19 year old logistician assistant too, so it was three of us. It was really interesting hearing the stories and how his job works. He gets to drive around a lot, which is always fun. The young guy talks and sings a lot, he has taught the national staff a soccer cheer. He also loves telling me how weird/ stupid my accent is - both French and English. He is also constantly amazed about how little I know about Italy, prime minister? This famous Italian writer? Book? No I'm not Italian. But it's famous! I ask the same questions about famous Australian things and he has no idea, but why would he? It's just Australia *sigh*

      Two shipping containers had arrived at the hospital so we went to organise getting them unloaded from the truck, they had my generator inside! (My ward does not have aircon, so its literally a sauna. I was told I would get aircon once we get another generator). They had already made a platform for both containers. We were waiting for a fork lift to come to take them off the truck and leave them just outside the hospItal gate, then the crane would come in a few days to put them in place. Unfortunately the fork lift never arrived, so now the truck with our containers (and my generator) are headed back to the port in Cameroon; and will hopefully return in a week or two. Another favorite saying here is 'welcome to Africa'.

      When we were leaving a super market the other day the driver of another xpat car started saying emergency! Emergency! They killed the baby! It was all in sango, and our driver was yelling something back. It was really confusing, but no one was listening to the other driver so that's a good sign.

      We have not had as many meeting as before, which is actully nice; so we don't here we are waiting. ..slowly slowly. ....we did get some great news though. The police file for the surgeon is finally closed! He has a fight home, business class, on Tuesday! Everyone is really happy for him. Poor guy was already so sick of this mission and wanted to leave, then his room catches on fire and he gets arrested in one week.

      Last night we had mexican night that me and the head nurse organised. It was sooooo tasty! Unfortunately we could not find any tequila so I shared a bottle of gin with the logistician. Gin and pomplemousse is a great combo! (Pomplemousse is a fizzy grapefruit drink).

      Now it's lazy Sunday! Although every day is pretty lazy these days. I spent most of my days drawing the health education books and watching friends.
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    • Day 51

      A Bangui story and the plan

      November 16, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      At our meeting last night we were told a very interesting story. This start is likely not a true story, just like our surgeon is not a witch who stole a heart for voodoo. So a teenage girl hitch hiked hike from school the other day. The guy that picked her up had a kitten in the car and said that his kitten is hungry; and asked if she could breastfeed the kitten, and he would give her some money. She agreed, and as a result got an absess on her breast and died. This resulted people teasing all of the girls at the school by saying "meow!" When they walk past. Yesterday the girls protested against this bullying, so the police threw tear gas in the crowd of girls. About 35 came to the hospital for care - although nothing serious was wrong; just fainting and hysteria.

      We just had another meeting about how to restart activities! It will be sometime next week. There was a lot of talk about surgical side, which I'm not a part of and also reorganisation. We are limited with nurses, so I will be changing departments from a medical ward- which was previously managed by the icu nurse; to the medical emergency department. I'm quite excited actually. But I've got a lot of reading to do! I need to mesmerize the criteria for admission, protocols and the handover left by the previous nurse. I'll work with an international doctor who is lovely and had heaps of experience with MSF. They triage the kids outside (under a gazebo) then kids go to either surgical or medical emergency with a green, orange or red card.

      The pictures for my education book are finally finished. I'm going to put it together today with the head nurse and do more of a handover of my ward and the new one.
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    • Day 64

      Return to work!

      November 29, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      After six and a half weeks stuck at home we will finally return to work. On Monday i did a quick orientation to the urgence médicale- my new department. The doctor has already made a comprehensive list of problems and solutions, so that makes it easy. For the first week I need to concentrate on hygiene., and getting back to the way it was before we left. The two trolleys were filthy, the floors under the beds/desks/trolleys are also really dirty. It's gotten pretty clusters and unorganized, so I'll focus on that while the doctor does the medical side.

      Sometime soon we will do renovations to my ward. Currently there are about 7 small rooms, we will knock down the walls between the rooms on one Side, joining three together to make the code rouge room and the observation room, with a curtain seperating them. It will be awesome! Then the other side will remain with two consultation rooms and a blood collection room.

      Today I went to the clinic ( a proper emergency project-small 12 bed hospital with triage) to observe the flow of patients and how it is supposed to work. It was really interesting, I saw malaria, scabies, sickle cell disease ( about 50% of the population have it) and mild pneumonia. Two patients were admitted.

      Then after lunch I went to the complex ( complexe paediatrique- hospital) to clean the two trolleys with draws- then it's ready for the drugs and consumable to arrive tomorrow. The nurses open the glass vials ( like frusamide, not amixicillin) by smashing the top against the trolley, I guess they are scared it will break in their fingers. So the trolley was full of tiny pieces of glass! And all over the floor around it. It's a four bed observation room but we had 10 patients being monitored. When we renovate we will have 6 bed. We are also trying to get a blood transfusion room approved as there are a lot of malaria with anaemia and after a transfusion they are better and can leave, but we don't have room In urgence medical and if we admit them we get bed blocked for other kids and if we admit them to a section of the hospital that is not operated by emergency it's unlikely any vital signs will be done. So many things to consider. Ideally it will have about six beds, 1/1.5 national nurses and I will educate them and monitor them too.

      We have another meeting today to discuss tomorrow. Exciting! It's also my birthday I Friday so on Saturday we will go to balafon to do dancing - well until 9pm as that's the curfew. :)
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    • Day 42

      3 weeks at home

      November 7, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      I can't believe it's been three weeks already.

      There is still uncertainty. The surgeon's file should be closed soon, and someone from the main office in Milan will visit us on the 21st November to discuss with the relevant local authorities about our continued collaboration, then we should be able to open.

      The security is much better, we can go to the proper swimming pool and to lunch. It's so nice to be outside. I love driving around and looking out the window. Once I saw a guy wearing a beanie! Ridiculous.

      I have a new job now. I'm creating some public health promotion books. I just started today. I sat with two nurse and discussed which diseases they need, and they told me all about them. The first one will be about the use of traditional medicine, it's herbs and plants crushed into a powder or paste, then they either inject it into the muscle, mouth, bum, or cut the child to put it under the skin. This results in pain, enlarged liver and spleen, and sometimes death. I'll take pictures when it's finished. I like drawing and public health so it's a good job for me.

      I decided I'll stick it out. I said I would commit for six months, so I'm going to. Being able to go out makes it so much better, and I'm busy doing other work. I also found two people who like games!! Winning :)

      Mum sent a birthday present with me. .. so tempting to open in. It's a daily challenge to not touch it....
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    • Day 27

      One week trapped at home

      October 23, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      I'm so bored.

      We get daily updates about the situation and the security. We are allowed to walk between the two house with a guard, it's only 50m maybe. The community were furious, thinking we practice witchcraft or voodoo. The negative attitudes have also been felt with other NGO's and they have also reduced their curfew.

      It's weird for me as I have not seen much at all. I just get updates of what is going on, but am left in this little bubble of maison B, so its pretty surreal. While walking to the other house one day I heard a passer by say ' je deteste les gens des emergency' which means I hate the people of emergency.

      We have stopped all operations for 1 week now. After about 2 days all the drugs and medical supplies were gone, which means the mums need to go to an external pharmacy to buy everything, and it's not cheap. Imagine if your kid was on amoxicilline IV 4 times a day. You need 4 vials, 4 syringes, 4 diluents, 4 needles. That's just one drug for one day, and assuming the kid already has a cannula. It's challenging for me as more kids might unnecessarily die due to our absence and lack of free supplies. But we can't give them our keys to the cupboard where a few more supplies are because we don't just give out drugs we educate and empower local staff. It's also a method to get the government to appreciate our presence more. - it is also unsafe.

      We had almost all the national staff visit us which was lovely but tiring. They miss us and it was a great show of solidarity. They did almost drink all our beer though :)

      Apparently on Monday the community are having a protest against the U.N. blue helmets. So we are hoping to recommence activities on Wednesday if it calms down back to the general level of dislike.

      At home I have drawn, played guitar, watched movies, hung out with my team, we did a mini salsa night which was fun. Made cakes. But it's also really hard. I feel trapped. The Italians are lovely but rarely switch to English or French when I'm there, so I don't understand anything most of the time. I feel bad asking them to switch, they seem like they are having a great time and I don't like forcing people to speak English when I'm there. Although I need to.

      Also everyone here smokes, I did not expect that at all. So after three weeks now my throat kills this morning. I'm pretty sensitive to it so can't hang out too long. And there are also a few people that smoke weed. I used to be fine being around people smoking weed but now I can't stand it and go to room straight away. I think i partially blame it for turning my lovely caring boyfriend into a selfish arrogant one that came home at 4am every night. Too many bad memories with it. And actually, I've never had a good experience with it.

      Now I have so much time I'm also starting to get a bit stressed again about finding a job after this.

      To top it of the internet is even worse with everyone using it and this morning we don't have any water.

      Please tell me about your lives and the outside world! And if you write a comment, don't forget your name :)
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    • Day 20

      Drama drama

      October 16, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      There is always something happening here. First a possible safety issue and we were evacuated. Then I got sick and fainted, along with 8 other international staff. The other day I was going to brush my teeth and smelt something funny, I saw smoke coming our of someone's room so had a look to find an electrical fire. I ran inside to tell everyone FIRE! Lucky we had an extinguisher, but the poor guy has all his stuff covered in the extinguisher dust. And just now ( Sunday night) the project manager and surgeon have been 'arrested' by the police! A child died today soon after surgery, so the parents called the police. The parents believe we took out the child's heart during surgery! Crazy crazy!

      Apart from the drama it's been a good long week. 7 days. This week my goals were to educate the nurses on how to do a urinalysis , how to give metronidazole properly (i caught one nurse guessing the dose! - but after i trainer her it was all done correctly!) And change the doctors round, and give night shift more tasks such as restocking and cleaning to make the days easier. I would say I got about 50% done so will continue for the next week.

      A cleaner asked me if I could adopt her daughter this week. She was dead serious, it was really sad, I said no I can't but kids really need their parents and love which she obviously has if she is willing to give up her daughter to a stranger at the hope of a better life.

      This week I also had two infants with respiratory distress, which I transferred to ICU (they are fine, but we don't give oxygen on my ward) and one poor 4 year old boy who has steven Johnson's syndrome or lyons syndrome, I can't remember which one. But the result is his lips are a wound, we are unable to clean them because he is in so much pain and suffering. They have been stuck together for two days. Another nurse gave oil to put on them and they have begun to open. He may need surgery this week to open them fully, and clean his mouth properly. The poor mum is really upset but grateful we are trying to help.

      Last thing. 2 nurses are leaving soon so
      we threw a party for all national and international staff at a local club. It was awesome and just what I needed after a long week. Almost all the men at work told me they were going to dance with me. Africans are great dancers! Two of my favourite nurses were there, we danced together. It was really nice to see them out side of work. Everyone danced a lot! One guy who also proposed and said he was willing to move to Australia with me danced with me a lot, I tried to get away without being rude! They dance really really close! !! Or just grab your wrists and start dancing. Either way it was still awesome finally seeing a slice of the real bangui, rather than just the xpat one.

      UPDATE: we had a meeting about today's events. There was a lot of yelling, anger and some violence at the hospital by the relatives of the dead child and the police who took the surgeon to a room to interrogate him. It was really unsafe and luckily the national staff and guard came to help the project manager. Both are home now but all emergency activities are suspended until the government offer an apology and publicly acknowledge that we had no part in the child's death. The national staff are supportive but the local population can be very against white people. So everyone has to stay home until further notice.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Central African Republic, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Republik Afrika Teungoh, Sentraal-Afrikaanse Republiek, Afrika Finimfin Man, የመካከለኛው አፍሪካ ሪፐብሊክ, Republica Centroafricana, Middel Affricanisc Cynewīse, جمهورية افريقيا الوسطى, ܩܘܛܢܝܘܬܐ ܕܐܦܪܝܩܐ ܡܨܥܝܬܐ, افريقيا الوسطى, República Centroafricana, Orta Afrika respublikası, Үҙәк Африка Республикаһы, Sentral na Aprikanong Republika, Цэнтральна-Афрыканская Рэспубліка, Централна Африканска Република, सेन्ट्रल अफ़्रीकी गणराज्य, Ripublik Aprika Tangah, Santarafiriki, মধ্য আফ্রিকান প্রজাতন্ত্র, དབུས་ཨ་ཧྥེ་རི་ཁན་རི་པཔ་ལིཀ།, মধ্য আফ্রিকা, Republik Kreizafrikan, Centralno Afrička Republika, Түб Африкын Бүгэдэ Найрамдаха Улас, República Centreafricana, Dṳ̆ng-hĭ Gê̤ṳng-huò-guók, Юккъерчу Африкин Республика, Republikang Sentral Aprikano, کۆماری ئەفریقای ناوەندی, Merkeziy Afrika, Středoafrická republika, Gweriniaeth Canol Affrica, Centralafrikanske Republik, Cumhuriyetê Afrikaya Miyanêne, Centralnoafriska republika, މެދުތެރޭ އެފްރިކާގެ ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ, Titina Afrika repɔblik nutome, Κεντρική Αφρικανική Δημοκρατία, Centr-Afrika Respubliko, Kesk Aafrika Vabariik, Afrika Erdiko Errepublika, Repúbrica Centroafricana, جمهوری آفریقای مرکزی, Ndenndaandi Santarafrik, Keski-Afrikan tasavalta, Miðafrikalýðveldið, Centrafrique, Rèpublica centrafriquêna, Sintraal-Afrikaanske Republyk, Poblacht na hAfraice Láir, Merkez Afrika Respublikası, Poblachd Meadhan Afraga, República Africana Central, સેંટ્રલ આફ્રિકન રીપબ્લિક, Pobblaght yn Affrick Veanagh, Jamhuriyar Afirka Ta Tsakiya, Chûng-fî Khiung-fò-koet, Srednjoafrička Republika, הרפובליקה המרכז־אפריקאית, सेंट्रल अफ़्रीकन रिपब्लिक, Repiblik santafrik, Közép-afrikai Köztársaság, Կենտրոնական Աֆրիկյան Հանրապետություն, Republica African Central, Republik Afrika Tengah, Republica Centralafrican, Republika ti Tengnga nga Aprika, Centrafrika, Mið-Afríkulýðveldið, Repubblica Centrafricana, 中央アフリカ共和国, Républik Afrika Tengah, ცენტრალური აფრიკის რესპუბლიკა, Oraylıq Afrika Respublikası, Tagduda n Tefriqt Talemmast, Repubilika ya Afelika ya Kati, Jamhuri ya Afrika ya Kati, Орталық Африка Республикасы, សាធារណរដ្ឋអាហ្វ្រិកកណ្ដាល, ಮಧ್ಯ ಆಫ್ರಿಕಾ ಗಣರಾಜ್ಯ, 중앙 아프리카 공화국, کۆماری ئەفریقای ناوەڕاست, Борбордук-Африка Республикасы, Res publica Africae Mediae, Repuvlika Sentroafrikana, Zentralafrikanesch Republik, Lipubulika eya Senturafiriki, Centraal Afrika, Repubbrica Çentro-Africann-a, Repüblica Centrafricana, Repibiki ya Afríka ya Káti, ສາທາລະນະລັດອັບຟຼິກກາກາງ, کومره ولات افریقا مینجاون, Centrinės Afrikos Respublika, Ditunga dya Afrika wa munkatshi, Centrālāfrikas Republika, 中非, Repoblika Ivon'Afrika, Republik Afrika Tangah, സെന്‍ട്രല്‍ ആഫ്രിക്കന്‍ റിപ്പബ്ലിക്, केंद्रीय अफ्रिकी प्रजासत्ताक, Покшал Африка Республика, Repubblika Afrikana Ċentrali, အလယ်ပိုင်း အာဖရိက ပြည်ထောင်စု, Ripubrikin Aprika Yugaga, Tlācatlahtohcāyōtl Tlahco Africa, Tiong-hui Kiōng-hô-kok, Den sentralafrikanske republikk, Zentraalafrikaansche Republik, केन्द्रीय अफ्रिकी गणतन्त्र, Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek, Den sentralafrikanske republikken, Sentral Afrikani Republike, Naakaii Łizhinii Bikéyah Beʼałnííʼ, Republica Centraficana, Aafrikaa Giddu Galeessaa, ମଧ୍ୟ ଆଫ୍ରିକୀୟ ଗଣତନ୍ତ୍ର, Централон Африкæйы Республикæ, ਮੱਧ ਅਫਰੀਕੀ ਗਣਰਾਜ, Republika ning Central Aprika, केन्द्रीय अफ्रीका गणराज्य, Sentril Afrekan Repablik, Republika Środkowoafrykańska, Repùblica Sentrafrican-a, مڈلا افریقی لوک راج, د منځنی افريقا ولسمشريزه, República Centro-Africana, Chawpi Aphrika Ripuwlika, Republica Centralafricana, Repubulika ya Santarafurika, Republica Central Africană, ЦАР, Середнёафрицька републіка, Repubulika ya Santara Afurika, केन्द्रीय अफ्रीका गणराज्यम्, Киин Африка Өрөспүүбүлүкэтэ, Tzentràfrica, Ripubblica Centrafricana, Gaska-Afrihká dásseváldi, Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka, Cėntrėnės Afrėkas Respoblėka, Stredoafrická republika, Srednjeafriška republika, Jamhuuriyadda Afrikada Dhexe, Republika e Afrikës Qendrore, Централна Афричка Република, Umkhatsi we-Afrikha, Zentroalafrikoanske Republik, Centralafrikanska republiken, Strzodkowoafrikańsko Republika, மத்திய ஆப்ரிக்கக் குடியரசு, మధ్యమ ఆఫ్రికా రిపబ్లిక్, Ҷумҳурии Африқои Марказӣ, สาธารณรัฐแอฟริกากลาง, Merkezi Afrika Respublikasy, Republika ng Gitnang Aprika, Lipapilika ʻAfilika Lotoloto, Orta Afrika Cumhuriyeti, Afrika Wale Xikarhi, Үзәк Африка Җөмһүрияте, ئوتتۇرا ئافرىقا جۇمھۇرىيىتى, Центральноафриканська Республіка, وسط افریقی جمہوریہ, Markaziy Afrika Respublikasi, Republica Sentrafricana, Keskafrikan Tazovaldkund, Cộng hòa Trung Phi, Zänoda-Frikop, Republika han Butnga nga Aprika, Réewum Diggu Afrig, Өр Априкин Орн, ცენტრალური აფრიკაშ რესპუბლიკა, צענטראל-אפריקאנישע רעפובליק, Orílẹ́ède Àrin gùngun Áfíríkà, 中非共和國, Cunghfeih Gunghozgoz, Centraol Afrikaonse Republiek, 中非共和国, i-Central African Republic

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