Dominikanische Republik
Punta El Anclón

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    • Tag 7

      Playa El Anclón

      1. Juni 2022 in Dominikanische Republik ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Today there was no dive, however we had a meeting instead, where I met Jonathan, the biologist we‘re working for, for the first time. During the meeting we discussed everything that needs to be done and even though meeting sounds boring when you could go diving instead, I absolutely loved it. I could ask as many question as I wanted, I could come up woth ideas and I felt as if I could actually make a change. This made me so happy to realize thaz this peoject is partly also in my hands and thaz I am responsible for it such as everybody else, because we‘re working as a team. I wouldnt go as far as to say that I took over the lead (Rio, as the one who has been there the longest still is mainly in charge) but I did talk and discuss a lot, actually way more than anyboby else and Jonathan seemed to like it. I even proposed the diving plan for the next day. Right after the meeting we went working on pur 3d coral models at the diving center. But before I could go I had to prepare lunch fpr Theresa, I had promised I would do it. Apart from Pasta , maybe a sunny side up egg and a wrap, Theresa doesnt know how to cook at all. But since I could only prepare the piadinas and not actually cook them because I had to leave, I wrote her a paper with very accurate instructions on how she had to do everything. While working on the computer the cute boy was there again and entertained me, his sister even made braids all over my head. After we went to a mangrove beach and after dinner we met Jonas, Robin and Tim for drinks at the beach.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 12

      Sleeping under the stars

      6. Juni 2022 in Dominikanische Republik ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After a spectacular deep dive at 9am in the morning, another urchin monitoring dive followed. Unfortunately we barely found urchins which were still alive, but also only descovered two skeletons of dead ones. We were diving in a place with huge rocks with caves and lots of fish. I was particularly interested in one cave since I was quite sure I could see light at the other end. So I looked at it more carefully and figured that I could actually dive through it. As I was swimming through the tunnel I started realizing that it was way tighter than I had expected and that I couldnt turn around, so I had to get to the other end anyways. Suddenly in the middle of the cave, I saw something moving in front of me. A lionfish. Oh Oh.. not good.. not good at all.. i thought. Lionfish are not agressive but they‘ll harm you if you get too close to them. They are poisonous and dangerous to humans if they sting you. So i put my hands to the sides of the cave and slowly tried to push me backwards out of it. I made it out safe but was quite under a shock afterwards. In the afternoon it was my turn to fill up the tanks. Unfortunately today, due to our double dives, we had used 10 tanks total so it took me about 3 hours until I was done. Then I went to playa anclon with the others where we got stung by so many sandflies, it was crazy. In the evening Theresa and I prepared food and brought it up to the rooftop where we met all the others for dinner. We tried to cool plantains like they do it here but it turned out to be an epic fail, it was almost inedible. Even though we didnt go to the club nor stayed at a bar, it was my absolute favourite evening so far. We sat at the table for hours, listened to music, sang along, discussed and laughed. At some point, when there were only René, Rio, Mirjam, Nina and me left, I said that I was so tired but that I didnt want this evening to end so I wouldnt go downstairs to my room. Then suddenly René suggested that we could just sleep up here. We all laughed (at the joke) at first but then looked at eachother and then I knew, yes, we were crazy enough to do it. Half an hour later we had brought up all oir matrasses, brushed our teeth and were laying on the rooftop under our blankets, admiring the stars. We went on talking for a long time and even downloaded an app to figure out which star- constellations we could see. Apart from the obvious big dipper, We saw the scorpion, the swan and the harp. Time flew while we were stargazing and eventually we fell asleep.Weiterlesen

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    Punta El Anclón, Punta El Anclon, Q23775853

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