Dominican Republic
La Barbacoa

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    • Day 19

      Mosquito Beach Bar

      June 13, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Paradise found, that‘s what I thought when we walked into Mosquito Beach Bar at El Porillo. Also, this is what I call a perfect afternoon. I had to fill up some tanks earlier after the diving but didn‘t get bored because Sola was entertaining me perfectly all the time. It‘s surprising, the amount of cuddles this dog needs:) And with her cute puppy eyes I just couldnt say no..:) After the last tank and the cuddle session, I walked to Punta Poppy and from there all the way along the Beach to the Mosquito beach bar, we had seen so many times while driving by but had never checked out. We stayed there the whole afternoon and tried the delicious frozen daiquiris they offered us. To get back i got on a GuaGua, another typical method of transport in the Dom Rep, whoch was full of dominicans coming home from work or the groceries. They were all laughing, talking and some of them even singing. I love this culture. In the Evening we made Avocado toast and later on I had a „date“ with Micka, a guy I met at the beach, who wanted to introduce me to the owners of the „best ice cream shop“ in Las Terrenas and buy me an ice cream. We shared our ice creams so we got to know different flavours as for example Guanábana. In the end he admitted that he already knew all of them;)Read more

    • Day 34

      Último Dia

      June 28, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      In the morning we ate breakfast at the Cafecito del Mar. our fridge was empty anyways because we were leaving and we‘ve always wanted to eat breakfast at a restaurant. Afterwards we went diving and did a nice cave dive first. After we dived to our nursery one last time and replaced the missing ropes. Daria and I worked together in a team and attached all the empty waterbottles we used as bouys. It was a really good dive and we achieved a lot, I was happy about it because it was my last dive. On the way back on the motorboat I enjoyed every second of the ride. In the afternoon I still had my Pasola, and Theresa was feeling way better than the day before after her allercig reaction to the sandflies, so I went to pica pollo to grab some food and later on we drove to Bonita with Henrike to eat and drink a last Sangría at the beach. At 3:30 pm I had to go fill up the tanks. I said bye to Daria and started. Then to my surprise, René, Matteo, Henrike, Antoine and even Micka arrived to keep me company and we played cards and drank rum sours. Later on I went to the beach with Micka and afterwards home to pack my things and get ready for one last dinner at Manty‘s place. She cooked the coconut fish for me and I took 3 portions of it. Imat 10 we went to Etno where Micka joined us. The mood wasn‘t really great, nobody actually wanted to dance even though Micka kept animating them because he knew I really wanted everybody to dance and have fun that night. Eventually he drove them home, but I stayed and went to Babylon to dance one last Time with Frenk, my Bachata guy. After the goodbyes in babylon, Micka picked me up and we drove one last time to the hills above Cosón beach and looked at the Stars. Without light pollution it looks beautiful we could even see the milky way. At about 2am he drove me home where Theresa was still packing. We finished at about 3 and went to sleep.Read more

    • Day 33

      Pasolas and Karaoke

      June 27, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Second last day, still a couple of things left on my bucket list. One of them was eating breakfast at the beach, so I woke up with Theresa‘s alarm, prepared breakfast and took a motoconcho to punta poppy. I loved how calm this beach was during the morning anf enjoyed the time I had all by myself. We did a double dive that morning, one of them was a deep dive I had asked Daria if we could do while I was still here. At this point I really have to sayc I am so so so thankful to have had a diving instructor like Daria. She always did everything so we could dive as often as possible. Aldeas de Paz, the organisation actually only wanted us volunteers to do a max of 3 dives a week. Well with daria we had an average of 6 dives, counting in that weekends are always free). After diving I went to tropikbowl, one pf my favourite places to eat with Theresa because we wanted to plan our trip to Cabarete. In my last post I talked about these sandflies. Well, Theresa had an allergic reaction. Her legs were full of inflamed red dots, that were biting her the whole time, so she couldnt stop scratching her skin. The hospitals here are really bad so all they do when somebody has an ailment, is giving them painkillers, which didnt help her at all. In the restaurant she could handle it anymore, she was shaking, freezing and sweating at the same time, she started crying and I told her to go home. She stayed the whole afternoon in bed but couldnt sleep. I stayed a bit with her but there was nothing I could do except for getting her ice and trying to calm her down.
      Another thing on my bucketlist was to rent pasolas, motos, and drive around and go to some beaches. It took us some time to find a good rental place because some that we saw were really sketchy and we didnt feel comfortable. We found a really trustwothy one with good pasolas at the end. A day of rental including complete insurance costed 20 dollars. They wanted to see our drivinf licenses and I showed my car license. Guess that was enough because they didnt want futher documents, they simply asked if we knew how to drive and if we had driven before. I didnt lie. I had driven one before. For about a minute. After drinking some cocktails. With somebody behind me who took care. But hey, I had driven before. I know all the people reading this are not really proud of me at this point, (sorry mami)
      While we were still at the rental place they gave us each a pasola and explained the basics. Then my big moment came. I obviously had no idea what I had to do but it had to seem like i did. I sat on the pasola, and kicked in the stand. I didnt know a pasola was this heavy and it almost fell to the side. Luckily René was standing next to me and helped me. Then I tried to accellerate but I had forgotten to turn the key to turn on the engine. The guy at the rental looked at the others and asked them if I really knew what I was doing. It was really embarassing but eventually I did it and this stupid pasola started moving. I had some severe difficulties in the beginning especially because in las Terrenas these people drive like crazy but I got used to it fast. We drive to a lookout point which was really beautiful, then headed to Coson for a swim and afterwards drank a sundowner at Mosquito bar in El Portillo. At night there was karaoke at the Garage Bar. First I went to an ice cream place woth Micka and then we met the others at The bar. It was so nice to see how we europeans, usually so strict and controlled, just let ourselves go and sang to songs, danced and enjoyed the night fully as if we were locals.
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    • Day 22

      Manty‘s Dominican Food

      June 16, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Since Nina, Mirjam and Felicie are leaving this weekend we decided to spend one last night all together and go wat dominican food. I knew a hostel where they cook delicious and typical dominican food, because we went there once and organised everything for the whole group. I called the hostelmom Manty 2 days earlier and asked her if she could cook dinner for 11 people and what the price was gonna be per person. She was really nice and told me that for 500 pesos per person, which is about 9 dollars she would prepare different dominican style veggies, fish, chicken, rice, fresh fruit and of course beverage. The day we planned to eat all together, suddenly Manty texted me and asked for a confirmation of the dinner, which I gave her right away. Then she admitted that she still had to go buy the food she wanted to cook but that she didnt have enough money, so she asked me to lend her some money to go to the supermarket. Of course I told her that I would help her out and we met on the street. She sent me a selfie of herself before, so I would know it was her for sure and she even told me what she was wearing. I gave her 2000 pesos, which is only 35 USD… i was shocked and surprised and didnt know what to think of it. She was so thankful, hugged me and apologized a million times. When we went to the Hostel in the evening everything was perfect. No one was late, to start with and we arrived in time. Manty had prepared a huge buffet with everything one could dream of. We ate a LOT and enjoyed every bite of the delicious food. My favourite was the „pescado al coco“, I almost can‘t say it, but I refilled my plate 3 times.
      Afterwards Theresa and I were so full, we were carrying around food babies. But we managed to dance them away at Etno during the following night.
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    • Day 26

      Bonfire Night

      June 20, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Finally after passport problems and missing her flight a couple of days earlier, now it was finally Nina‘s last night and we decided we wanted to go to the beach and make a bonfire. We ate on the rooftop and went to the beach but the spot we wanted to go to turned out to be way to windy, and the only thing we had brought was a lighter. So we moved to another part of the beach where there wasnt any wind and some more light coming from restaurants near by. The others sat down in a circle and wanted to do a fire but were not really sure about it and just sat around. I tried to convince them several times that we could still try and go find some wood but they had already kind of given it up. That‘s the moment I learned that sometimes you just have to do things by yourself. So while the others were just sitting, I started showeling a hole in the middle of the circle and grabbing some wooden sticks on the ground. On friend started helping me, the others were mostly laughing it off and telling me kt wouldnt work, telling me it wasnt possible etc, but that pushed me even more, I wanted to prove them they were wrong and that if you want something you can make it if you put enough effort into this. When we had gathered enlugh wood we build some kind of tent with it and I tried to remember how that used to work. We foind some tissue to that we used to get flames that quickly went over to the wook. 10 minutes later we had a cute little Bonfire and when I told the others that if we didnt look for more wood now it would be off soon, everybody stood up and looked for wood. Eventually Micka came and brought his guitar. So we sat around until 1 am in the morning, playing guitar, singing and listening to songs.Read more

    • Day 32

      Jungle Party

      June 26, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      The infrastructure of our Building is decent but the worst is definitely the laundry machine. I promise that each time theresa and I’ve washed our clothes, they came out dirtier than they were before. Since I didnt have many days here left and I really really desperately needed some clean clothes to go on to Costa Rica, I decided to bring my clothes to a laundry and let them wash and dry. So I brought them to this girl at 3 pm, and went to playa Bonita. I went with Henrike, Theresa, Matteo, Rene, Antonia and Micka. (Now you know the names of my friends here too) all volunteers working with me, except for Micka, he lives here. We spend the whole afternoon there, while the others were just lying around and eating, Micka and I walked along the beach and played some ballgame in the warer sirh Matteo and Rene. At 6pm I went to the laundry to get my clean, soft and extremely good smelling clothes. My jeans shorts finally didnt feel like packing paper anymore but like normal jeans textile as they should. In the evening there was a mottoparty at Mosquito and the theme was „Jungle“. I had brought a bandana, for my hair, so I didnt have to buy anything. Before going there we went to groovy garden for a cocktail and then I went to Micka‘s place. He lives in a residencial complex but they have a private rooftop. We went up and talked a bit, looked at the stars, which were very bright that night, and generally are because there‘s no light pollution over here. We saw the milky way and many constellations. Eventually he put on some music and chose a bachata song. He had joined our dance class 2 days earlier so we had already danced together and knew it was a lot of fun. We danced and tried out new moves. At around midnight we joined the others at mosquito. This was probably going to be one of my last real official parties here so I hoped it would be good. I wasnt disappointed at all, the music was amazing, people were dressed up and the vibe was really good. Micka and I shared a frozen strawberry daiquiri. I got a tired after dancing for a long time, so we had a break and I did something I usually never did: i drank an energy drink and it seemes like not drinking the same amount of coffee as at home actually has an effect, because It woke me up right away, actually it did not only wake me up, I was so hypernergetic that we went back to mosquito and danced until 3 am when the party ended and the people started going home. There was an afterparty but we decided not to go. I wanted to walk home or take a concho but Micka didnt let me and drive me home. When I got home Theresa was already sleeping and I noticed that she had fallen asleep half-sitting in her bed with her phone in her hands. It looked so funny I started laughing and took her phone out of her hand and loved some stuff so she wouldnt gwt hurt in case she moved. I still wasnt tired so I did a bunch of stuff I had wanted to do but hadnt done yet, as for example book our accomodation in Cabarete, where we planned on going after Las Terrenas. So I went to sleep at 5am when I finally was tired.Read more

    • Day 16

      Bachata Night

      June 10, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      A big part of the Dominican culture is dancing, especially Bachata and Salsa. That‘s why a couple of days ago I visited a Salsa/Bachata class in order to learn the basics. It was really fun, we were about the same amount of women as of men, so we could actually try out the steps and moves with partners. They were mostly between 40 and 60 year old retired, rich, french people livong in Las Terrenas, but it was cool anyways. The teachers were young dominicans and you could tell dancing is in their blood. So on Friday we had a double dive and we were 8 People, accordingly we had to fill up 16 tanks!!! We knew this would take forever, especially because with this immense heat, the compressor would need at least 5 breaks and maybe even a piña colada to cool down, so we decided to stay at the diving all together instead of one person staying there and doing it. We ate bananas, drank Santo Libre (Rum-Sprite), Lime-Tonics and played card games. In the evening we watched the sunset and I took a Motoconcho to get home. This dude was really crazy, he drove so fast that i had to hold myself onto him instead of only to the moto. He didnt even care about the speed boosters and bumps on the road, we basically just jumped over them. I was glad to still be alive when I arrived at the ayuntamiento next to our appartment and cooked dinner. Our dancing instructors had invited us to a bar-restaurant, where there would be dancing at night. We went and were amazed by what we saw. There were many locals, includind a youg dominican dancing teacher I had met at the beach once and I had already danced with, dancing bachata and salsa in the middle of the room with guests, people walking by, waiters and with each other. I was happy I could try out the new steps I learned and didnt feel too lost after all. We stayed for a long time and enjoyed the atmosphere & the delicious sangrías;)Read more

    • Day 12

      Sleeping under the stars

      June 6, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      After a spectacular deep dive at 9am in the morning, another urchin monitoring dive followed. Unfortunately we barely found urchins which were still alive, but also only descovered two skeletons of dead ones. We were diving in a place with huge rocks with caves and lots of fish. I was particularly interested in one cave since I was quite sure I could see light at the other end. So I looked at it more carefully and figured that I could actually dive through it. As I was swimming through the tunnel I started realizing that it was way tighter than I had expected and that I couldnt turn around, so I had to get to the other end anyways. Suddenly in the middle of the cave, I saw something moving in front of me. A lionfish. Oh Oh.. not good.. not good at all.. i thought. Lionfish are not agressive but they‘ll harm you if you get too close to them. They are poisonous and dangerous to humans if they sting you. So i put my hands to the sides of the cave and slowly tried to push me backwards out of it. I made it out safe but was quite under a shock afterwards. In the afternoon it was my turn to fill up the tanks. Unfortunately today, due to our double dives, we had used 10 tanks total so it took me about 3 hours until I was done. Then I went to playa anclon with the others where we got stung by so many sandflies, it was crazy. In the evening Theresa and I prepared food and brought it up to the rooftop where we met all the others for dinner. We tried to cool plantains like they do it here but it turned out to be an epic fail, it was almost inedible. Even though we didnt go to the club nor stayed at a bar, it was my absolute favourite evening so far. We sat at the table for hours, listened to music, sang along, discussed and laughed. At some point, when there were only René, Rio, Mirjam, Nina and me left, I said that I was so tired but that I didnt want this evening to end so I wouldnt go downstairs to my room. Then suddenly René suggested that we could just sleep up here. We all laughed (at the joke) at first but then looked at eachother and then I knew, yes, we were crazy enough to do it. Half an hour later we had brought up all oir matrasses, brushed our teeth and were laying on the rooftop under our blankets, admiring the stars. We went on talking for a long time and even downloaded an app to figure out which star- constellations we could see. Apart from the obvious big dipper, We saw the scorpion, the swan and the harp. Time flew while we were stargazing and eventually we fell asleep.Read more

    • Day 13

      16.08 - Las Terrenas

      August 16, 2022 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Nach einem sehr entspannten Vormittag in unserem Dschungelhostel in Cabarete, ging es um 13:40 mit dem einzigen Guagua, einem privaten Minibus, an diesem Tag, direkt auf die sagenumwobene Halbinsel Samana, genauergesagt nach Las Terrenas!
      Gute 4 Stunden dauerte die Fahrt. Inklusive mehrerer Tankpausen und DriveThrough-Momenten. Um kurz vor 6 waren wir endlich in Las Terrenas. Auf der Fahrt nach Las Terrenas ging es gefühlt durch das Auenland und gleichzeitig auch durch einen kleinen, aber intensiven Schauer. Angekommen im unserem Hotel war das Staunen groß. Nicht nur hatte es eine 1a Lage direkt am Strand, sondern haben wir auch ein Upgrade bekommen. Vom gebuchten, normalen Standardzimmer, ging es dann doch ins zwei-etagige Superiorzimmer mit Terrase, Küchenecke und Flatscreen. Beschweren wollten wir uns da nicht und rein sprachlich kann ich es auch garnicht :)
      Kurz frischgemacht, liefen wir die Strandpromenade herunter um etwas leckeres zu essen zu finden.
      Ein OrangeChicken später ging es uns bestens. Mit einem Bier genossen wir den anstrengenden Tag auf unserer ersten „eigenen“ Terrasse auf dieser Reise.
      Morgen geht es zum berühmten Salto Limon - dem berühmtesten Wasserfalls der Republik.
      ¡Hasta la proxima!
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    • Day 210

      Bye bye with a BANG

      April 7, 2023 in Dominican Republic ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Las Terrenas

      Las Terrenas entpuppt sich wirklich als ein kleines Paradies. Alles ist ein bisschen ruhiger als in Cabarete, es gibt eine schöne Strandpromenade und superschöne feine Sandstrände mit unglaublich türkisem Wasser. Überall, sowohl an den Stränden als auch im Inland ranken Palmen. Noch nie haben wir so viele Palmen gesehen wie hier.
      Wir schauen auf Windguru und suchen direkt die nächste Kiteschule im Dorf auf, denn es sind perfekte Kite-Bedingungen vor Ort. Der Kiteshop-Leiter führt uns aber zu unserer Verwunderung nicht an den Strand in Las Terrenas, sondern wir hopsen beide hinten auf sein Motorrad und fahren zu dem 15 min abgelegenen Strand „El Portillo“. Dort sehen wir auch direkt die Kites in der Luft. Es ist ein traumhafter Ort zum Kiten (türkises Wasser und weißer Palmenstrand), allerdings gibt es hier sehr viel flaches gefährliches Riff. Den Drachen sollte man also gut unter Kontrolle haben. Wir haben Riesenspaß in der Session und kommen auch die nächsten Tage wieder her.
      Mit dem Roller erkunden wir auch einige Male die Umgebung von Las Terrenas, wie z. B. Playa Bonita und Playa Calolima sowie den sehr schönen Wasserfall El Limón, welcher aber leider voll von Touristen ist. Am besten gefällt uns aber tatsächlich der Strand, an dem wir auch kiten gehen: El Portillo.
      In unseren Tagen hier werden wir immer wieder gewarnt, dass bald die Semana Santa anfängt und hier die Hölle los ist. Wir denken uns nicht viel dabei, dann sind hier eben bald ein paar mehr Touristen… so what. Little did we know, denn hier herrscht ab Donnerstag absoluter Ausnahmezustand! Las Terrenas verwandelt sich von einem ruhigen Strandparadies in eine laute stinkende Partyhölle.
      Gefühlt tummeln sich hier für 4 Tage alle Einwohner der Dominikanischen Republik auf diesem kleinen Fleck Erde, fahren tagein tagaus laut ratternd und in schrillen bunten hauch-von-nichts Outfits mit ihren Motorrädern durch die komplett überquellenden Straßen und feiern laut die ganze Nacht durch zu immer gleich klingenden lateinamerikanischen Beats.
      Wir kommen kaum noch durch die Stadt, denn alles ist komplett überfüllt. Die Straßen können den Menschenmassen kaum standhalten und entsprechend rollen die Motorräder sogar am Strand entlang. Wir beobachten das Spektakel und ziehen uns in unserer Wohnung zurück, auch wenn sich nirgends die laute Musik und Auspuffgeräusche hier überhören lassen. Eigentlich haben wir uns unsere letzten Tage so hier nicht vorgestellt, aber eins steht fest: Wir verabschieden uns von unserer Weltreise mit einem lauten BANG.
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