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Top 10 Travel Destinations Schleswig-Holstein
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    • Day 26

      Wolmersdorf - Husum

      May 25 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Nous venons de nous rendre comte, que nous n'avons pas vraiment pris de photo auj...mais tout va bien, nous mangeons bien :-)

      Passés a Meldorf - Heide - Friedrichstadt et Husum, ca pedalé bien, sans vent de face et juste qq gouttes de pluie de temps en temps.
      Les deux dernieres villes sont très joli et touristiques - nous sommes bien contents que sur le camping c'est calme on entend uniqument beler les moutons ☺
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    • Day 30

      Neumünster, Einfelder See

      May 18 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Very late breakfast, but breakfast at the last hotel on the trip could rank as the best. We walked into NMS and saw the Meyn's house (36 Roonstrasse) with my old window (the left side in the two attic windows), then the school I first went to in 1975. After that we went shopping for a few presents. We can report that NMS has only one shop selling Australian wine and only one shop selling a particular type of marzipan, and they are both hard to find. Google Maps is no help.

      At 2pm Jule and Tscorsch (a nickname - real name Joerg) picked us up and we drove to Wim and Dorit's' house on the Einfelder See (lake) - about 15 mins. Checked their heritage-listed Bauhaus-style traditional red-brick house, had Kaffee und Kuchen, walked around the lake (8.2km), which meant going past another house I had stayed in for a few weeks as i did the rounds of many kind-hearted Rotarian families in 1975, saw the house that one of Dorit's sons is building 100m away, had a swim in the lake (with the 15 deg water slightly brown from the peat swamps) and then dinner in the late evening sunshine. Great fun all afternoon, and mostly in English. We left a little early (8:45pm) when it was still sunny, but Wim and Dorit are driving to Holland with friends tomorrow for a 1 week cycling trip (50-90 k per day).

      23,835 steps, 18.6km and no flights.... except tomorrow at 3:30pm. We will get a bus from the NMS railway station straight to the airport. It takes 50 minutes.
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    • Day 29

      Lübeck / Neumünster and Boostedt

      May 17 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Leisurely breakfast, short walk to the bus station next to the Bahnhof, waited for the 10:13 bus to Bad Segeberg, showed the driver the ticket DB had emailed, 42 mins through fields, solar farms, wind farms, woods, villages and an autobahn, walked 200m to the two- carriage local train, and we were in Neumünster at 1135.

      It was a 12 min walk to the hotel, which is called the “old steelworks” and was built near where my main 1975 host father (Erhard Meyn, Max's father) had a cast-iron foundry. We then went back into the own to look around, then the hotel and a 10 min walk to see Elke Voss, another former host parent, whose husband, Peter, had had his dental practice almost next door to Max's family's house... NMS is not beautiful, but a quiet wood, blue skies, green trees and gardens and millions of flowers made it different to usual.

      At 5:45 Wim, another 1975 host-brother/friend, picked us up and drove us to his family’s thatched cottage in Boostedt, a nearby village. It is in its own small wood and was surrounded by green - and once again the sound of cuckoos. We had dinner with Wim, his sister Jule and her husband Tschorsch - Tschorsch cooked. White asparagus, potatoes, butter sauce and prosciutto, with semolina flummery and strawberries. And to top it off... his home-made Korn.

      14,430 steps, 11.1km, 6 flights
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    • Day 5


      May 17 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

      Heute hab ich eine Dünenwanderung gemacht. Es war herrlich. Und das Radfahren ging auch recht gut 😅. Hatte heute nicht so viel Gegenwind 🤣
      Der Spaziergang war wunderschön. Jetzt noch ein Sundowner im Strandkorb. Letzter Abend auf Sylt ☺️Read more

    • Day 28


      May 16 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      We had breakfast at the hotel at around 8:45am. The original idea was to save time, but it was also very good. Perhaps the best yet, apart from not quite having the personal touch of the people in Bamberg, and having a table of noisy, probably Chinese women. It was a large room, but ignoring them was easier said than done.

      having seen some of the centre of town yesterday, we walked anti-clockwise around the town, starting in the greenery along the river, then we criss-crossed the town just being impressed by all the buildings we found. One large church – St Giles in English – was not touched in WW2, so it still looked as it had in the early 1800s, and largely as it was in the 1600s, and parts might have been similar to the 1400s or even when it was built in brick in the 1200s. At some time in the distant past the inside was whitewashed, and in patches the old wall paintings are visible, but they have left that for future generations. It was one of the lesser churches - but this was in Luebeck, a city powerful enough for its army to defeat the armies of Denmark in a battle in around 1227.

      Then the Cathedral, which was bright and huge. It was started at the same time as Notre Dame in Paris, and is still an engineering challenge. The 115m high towers are not straight. The right tower leans to the right (2m!) and the left to the left (1.8m), and both a bit forward (2m). When one looks at the other towers in the photos, none of them are straight, and it is not an optical illusion. There is no stone in the ground here, so the foundations must sit on clay. It also means they build with bricks and mortar, and the mortar weakens and cracks over time (as do some bricks). There were engineering displays in the Cathedral showing the age of the different area of brick, as well as the angles and cracks. They were almost as grand as the old altars and the 500 yo tombstones underfoot, and the bells at midday. Curiously, the cathedral's towers are not the city's highest, even though it was always the most important building for the pious. One of the other churches has a tower that is slightly higher after some age-old local political power struggle.

      Lunch in a park by the river, then we walked around the other side of the town, saw Germany’s oldest station of the cross (12th C), and at 5:45 we met Wiebke.
      Anne’s (and my) niece, Fiona, has a German partner, Philipp, who grew up in the middle of Germany. On the train yesterday Anne messaged Fiona and mentioned we were heading to Luebeck, as decided 12 hours earlier. It turns out that Philipp’s younger sister, Wiebke, lives in Lubeck, but is going away tomorrow. Many messages later, the arrangements worked and we met in a café at 5:45. It is a small world, as they say. Wiebke is lovely. She speaks wonderful English, having lived in NZ for a year, and being a teacher of English in primary school. It was nice to hear about her family, and all the dirt on her brother Philipp.

      Dinner afterwards in a small Italian restaurant she recommended, and an early night.

      29,471 steps, 23.1km, 6 flights.
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    • Day 27

      Bamberg / Lübeck

      May 15 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      We decided not to go out but to have breakfast in the hotel, and it was the best. It was in a huge, bright room with lots of space, with everything set out along one very long wall. One lady was rather shyly extolling the virtue of her home-made fruit quark, and another was plying people with pots of coffee or tea.

      We walked to the station and waited, and waited for the ICE to Hamburg. It was about 15 minutes late when it arrived. It had lots of spaces for luggage, seats weren’t a problem, the wifi was great (but no power points…) and raced along at 230kmph. The speed showed up on a monitor, and on a dedicated ICE computer link that also had all the connecting trains at all the stations, complete with platform numbers and time to get there. At one stage the train was 25 mins behind schedule, but by Hamburg (14:22) it was 1 minute ahead of time. We had to change platform for the regional train to Luebeck, and arrived around 3:15. We are getting to nbe very good at arriving at towns and hotels in the early afternoon. I have never done it before.

      Our hotel in Luebeck (Radisson Park Inn) is on an island between the station and city (5 mins to each). We walked into the city/town, and went up a lift to an observation platform in an old church tower, then walked up to the Rathaus and another huge church. In the 1200s Luebeck was the second largest city in Germany (after Cologne) and, even though not the home of kings or emperors, it was probably the richest, and it stayed that way for centuries, all due to trade. The old buildings were meant to show wealth and power – like the seven enormous steeples in town, and the fortified gates on the roadways. Unlike Bamberg, with its colours and Baroque/Rococo flourishes, Luebeck was austere Calvinistic simplicity, and still is.

      The Dom in Luebeck has two huge cathedral bells in pieces on the floor after a 1942 bombing raid and subsequent fire. It was almost as dramatic seeing them this time as in 1975… except it is the first church we have visited so far that sells tickets at the door. Hardly the dour Protestant approach… or maybe it is.
      Lots of walking around to find a restaurant off the very strong tourist track, but we could not find anything other than kebab shops, so we had dinner by the river with the hordes. It wasn’t bad at all.

      16,000 steps, 12.1km and 7 flights.
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    • Day 1

      Le depart approche !

      June 18, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Le road book est entre nos mains ! Plusieurs missions aujourd’hui !

      Direction la Suède ! La journée se finira avec une cérémonie à la vinking !

      Un trombone bleu est en notre possession pour faire de troc tout au long de notre voyage.Read more

    • Day 5

      Von Travemünde nach Trelleborg

      June 7, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Der heutige Plan heisst mit der Fähre von Travemünde nach Trelleborg zu fahren.
      Der Morgen bietet noch Gelegenheit für einen ausgiebigen Spaziergang mit den Hunden und einen feinen Kaffee. Unterwegs sehen wir die „Akka“ einfahren, unsere Fähre für den Nachmittag.
      Um 15 Uhr starten wir pünktlich Richtung Schweden.
      Die Reise dauert etwas mehr als 7.5 Stunden und ist sehr ruhig.
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    • Day 8

      Flensburg, ein Tag im ☔

      June 5, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Heute Morgen wird's wohl nichts mit Sightseeing. Aber ich hatte Glück und fand am Pfingstmontag eine Bäckerei, welche den Frühaufsteher Moll bediente und ich so zu Croissants und Cappuccino kam. Werde wohl heute morgen an meinem Rad "schrauben", damit es dann für die Morgige Regentour ready ist.
      Auf dem Rückweg eine kleine Rundtour gemacht., da es gerade nicht regnete.
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    • Day 8

      1stes Zwischenziel: Flensburg

      June 5, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Wie jeden Morgen Müesli zum Frühstück und der Tag kann beginnen. Um halb acht ist am Pfingstsonntag auch in Deutschland die Welt noch in Ordnung und so war ich praktisch alleine auf den breiten Strassen. So konnte ich mit Unterstützung des Rückenwindes schnelle Kilometer hinter mir lassen. Als dann auf einmal Schluss mit dem Weg war, kontrollierte ich mein Navi und das zeigte quer über einen Fluss. Ein junges Girl mit Hund klärte dann den unwissenden Papa Moll auf, dass es hier einen Lift und einen Tunnel gibt, um auf die andere Seite zu kommen. Im Übrigen sei das kein Fluss, sondern der Nord Ostsee Kanal... Alles klar. Essensaufnahme ist in Deutschland an einem Sonntag schwierig. Zum Glück fanden verschiedene Veranstaltungen statt, wo ich zu meinem Zuckerschub kam.
      Die letzten Kilometer pedalte ich mit Franca, einem 18 jährigen Girl, das ebenfalls eine Wochenendtour von Bremen aus angetreten war, um ihr Setup am Bike zu testen. Sie will nächstes Jahr den Pilgerweg bis Spanien ganz alleine mit ihrem Hund befahren... Cool.. Was für ein Girl mit 18 Jahren.
      Papa Moll musste 63 Jahre werden...
      In Flensburg habe ich mich nun in einem Gästehaus einquartiert. Hier werde ich am Montag Flensburg erkunden und erst am Dienstag die Reise fortsetzen. Hoffentlich stimmt die Wettervorhersage nicht......

      Suunto Fitness Link:…
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Schleswig-Holstein, Sleeswyk-Holstein, شلسفيغ هولشتاين, Schleswig-Holstein suyu, Şlezviq-Holşteyn, Шлезвіг-Гольштэйн, Шлезвиг-Холщайн, শ্লেসভিগ-হোলস্টাইন, Slesvig-Holstein, Шлезвиг-Гольштейн, شلێسڤیگ-ھۆلشتاین, Šlesvicko-Holštýnsko, Шлезвиг-Хольштайн, Slesvig-Holsten, Šleswig-Holštejnska, Σλέσβιχ-Χόλσταϊν, Ŝlesvigo-Holstinio, شلسویگ-هولشتاین, Schleswig-Holstian, שלזוויג-הולשטיין, श्लेसविग-होल्सटीन, Schleswigsko-Holsteinska, Շլեզվիգ Հոլշտայն, Schleswig-Holsteinia, Slésvík-Holtsetaland, シュレースヴィヒ=ホルシュタイン州, შლეზვიგ-ჰოლშტაინი, 슐레스비히홀슈타인 주, Schleswij-Holsteijn, Slesvicum-Holsatia, Šlėzvigas-Holšteinas, Šlēsviga-Holšteina, Шлезвиг-Холштајн, Шлесвиг-Хольштайн, श्लेस्विग-होल्श्टाइन, Sleeswig-Holsteen, Sleeswijk-Holstein, Schläswisch-Holschdä, Szlezwik-Holsztyn, شلیسوگ ہولسٹاین, Šlezvicko-Holštajnsko, Shlesvig-Holshtajni, Släswiek-Holstein, รัฐชเลสวิก-โฮลชไตน์, Шлезвіг-Гольштейн, شلسویگ-ہولشتائن, Jlesvigän-Holstän, 舒勒斯維-荷斯泰因, 石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因

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