Saint Helena
Saint Helena

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    • Day 16

      St Helena 05.01.24

      January 5 in Saint Helena ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

      05. 01.2024 St. Helena

      Heute Mittag sind wir in St Helena bei strahlendem Wetter auf Reede gegangen. Nach 1 1/2 h technischen Problemen mit dem Anlanden im Miniaturhafen von St Helena unter Beizug der beiden Käpten und endlosen Diskussionen mit der lokalen Hafenbehörden, konnte endlich das Tendern losgehen.
      Mit viel Glück bin ich als letzter auf das 2. Tenderbot gekommen samt Trottinett. Mit diesem bin ich nach Jamestown gefahren.
      Das 1. was ich gesehen habe, war ein leeres Taxi. Fragte den Taxifahrer nach einer Möglichkeit ein Auto zu mieten - keine Chance die nächsten 1 1/2 Tage - diese Zeit seit Monaten ausgebucht.
      Er erklärte mir, dass 100 Meter von hier ein weißer Ford Transit warte und hinauf nach Longwood, dem Napoleon Haus fahre - genau 1 Platz war noch frei - heute und morgen alle Transortmöglichkeiten ausgebucht 😡 - also habe ich die $25.— hervorgekramt und schon ist er losgefahren. Zum Glück habe ich diesen Sitzplatz noch bekommen - die Strassen sind alle so schmal und vor allem ungewöhnlich steil - da wäre ich mit dem Trottinette niemals hochgekommen, ganz abgesehen davon habe ich beim 1. Fotostopp eine Signalisation Velofahrverbot gesehen - sicher nicht ganz unberechtigt 🙊. Wir sind die Napoleonstrasse hochgefahren - nach etwas 1 km hat man auf den 1. kurzen Wohnsitz von Napoleon heruntergesehen im hinteren Teil des schmalen Tals, talaufwärts sah man auf das langezogene Jamestown und auf die MS Celestyal auf Reede.
      Die längste Zeit sind wir bei ständig wechselnder Vegetation hochgefahren bis vor Longwood die verlassene 1. Grabstätte auftauchte. Der Leichnam von Napoleon wurde nach 14 Jahren nach Paris in den Invalidendom überführt. Weiterfahrt nach Longwood wo die eigentliche Wohnstätte von Napoleon in einer sehr schönen Parkanlage steht.
      Das ganze Gelände war geschlossen - wir waren natürlich zu spät. Nebenan ist der Golfplatz 🏌️‍♀️ von St Helena auf einem schönen Hochplateau gelegen. Darunter ist der neue Flugplatz gelegen mit neu einem 6 h Flug ✈️ am Dienstag und Samstag ab Johannesburg - immer mit dem Risiko, dass die Landung wegen den Scheerwinden abgebrochen werden muss und unverrichteter Dinge 6h nach Johannesburg zurück fliegen muss.
      Weiter sind wir über Horrorstrassen nach St Pauls gefahren - dann am Sitz des Couverneurs vorbei, wo ich tatsächlich die beiden Uralt Riesen Schildkröten 🐢 gesehen habe - sind irgendwie unglaublich zwischen 100 und 200 Jahren alt.
      Sind dann runter auf den Sonnenhang von Half Tree Hollow gefahren, wo das Spital ist und zu unterst das Ende der 699 Stufigen Jacobsleiter von Jamestown endet. Am Schluss der 3 1/2h Rundfahrt brachte er uns direkt vor das Tenderboot - dieser ca. 75 jährige Taxifahrer hat einen Superjob mit unglaublichem Wissen über St Helena gemacht😇🤗 - diesmal wirklich 🍀 gehabt mit diesem letzten Sitzplatz - und das ganze für lausige $25.—
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    • Day 19

      St Helena - Namibia 2. Seetag

      January 8 in Saint Helena ⋅ 🌙 24 °C

      08.01.2024 2. Seetag

      Heute mehrheitlich ruhiger Seetag mit wechselnder Bewölkung und 22-25 Grad. Abends ansteigende Dünung.

      Haben heute Nachmittag eine Ölplattform auf einem Transportschiff überholt.

      Am Abend war ein spezielles mehrgängiges Diner für die Weltreisenden (230 Personen) mit anregender Unterhaltung mit der Kreuzfahrtdirektorin Nadine.

      Weitere Bilder vom Aufenthalt in St Helena
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    • Stepping onto St Helena Island

      April 21, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      After 5 days of waiting on the boat for Covid tests, we were finally allowed onto the island. The ferryman came to fetch us and it was a bit surreal setting foot onto this remote island in the middle of the Atlantic. We checked in at immigration and headed straight to Anne’s Place for a cold drink. Actually, I’m not sure that I was walking straight - after 19 days on the boat, the island felt very unstable and there was definitely a bit of staggering going on. 😂 There are no ATM’s on the island and we had no cash, but they are happy to open tabs for the yachties. WiFi is very pricey at £3.30 for half an hour, and you can’t seem to make WhatsApp calls. But there is a wonderful relaxed vibe on the island. The locals are all very friendly and wave at you when they drive past. Looking forward to exploring more.Read more

    • Jacob’s Ladder

      April 22, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Some may not believe it, but I climbed the 699 steps up Jacob’s ladder. Dom and Craig were very kind and patient and stopped every 50 steps to rest (and then every 30 steps…) but we did it. The record is just over 5 mins and we did it in 50 🤣! I think that it’s safe to say that tomato face was the handbreak here! 😁Read more

    • Island birthday

      April 24, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      I never thought that I would celebrate a birthday on St Helena Island, but here I am! My gift from Gill was a most beautiful painting of the view from our boat, which I will treasure. Then we caught the ferry and everyone on board sang happy birthday! We had a fabulous day driving around the island visiting all the interesting places, and Craig had managed to find someone to make some cupcakes for me. If you know me, then you’ll understand what a highlight that was! 😂Read more

    • Island houses

      April 24, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ 🌬 24 °C

      We spent the day travelling around the island and saw The Briars, the first house that Napoleon stayed in after he was taken prisoner by the British and brought to St Helena. We also went to Longwood, where he stayed until his death. Then we met Jonathan the tortoise who is apparently over 190 years old. He lives in the garden of the Governor’s residence, Plantation House, which is surrounded by beautiful forests.Read more

    • Coffee time

      April 28, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We visited Farm Lodge - one of three small coffee plantations on the island. Steve, the owner, was there and explained the process, which is extremely labour intensive. Every bean is hand picked, peeled, pulped, sorted, graded, dried and roasted and he and his wife do it all themselves. This results in it being very expensive (£10 for 125g) but it is one of the few pure arabica beans found in the world. It was brought here in the 1700’s and as it is the only bean on the island, it has never been modified. It’s delicious!Read more

    • Next step

      April 29, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      We’ll be leaving St Helena tomorrow morning and heading for Ascension Island. We should arrive there in about five day’s time and will spend a couple of days there. Looking forward to sailing again and not eating so much! 🙈 Did some final provisioning today and had our milk delivered from above. 😁 We have really enjoyed our time on this friendly island.Read more

    • The kindness of the Saints

      April 30, 2022 in Saint Helena ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      We found the St Helenians to be be very kind and friendly. They have limited resources on the island, but what they do have, they are very generous with. One morning on the ferry ride, one of the fishermen gave us a huge piece of fresh tuna he had just caught and wouldn’t accept anything for it. A few days later I asked Lisa at the Consulate Hotel if she knew where I could find some eggs. The next day she was waiting with six fresh eggs and wouldn’t accept payment. And when we climbed Jacob’s Ladder we were told that there are no taxis at the top to bring us down (and as you can imagine, there was no way on this earth that I was going to walk down as well 🤣) so Lisa handed her cell phone over to us with the taxi driver’s number and said she had some credit on it so we must just use what we need! I’m not sure that I would hand my phone over to some salty-looking strangers. The day before we left, we did all our provisioning and Hazel at the hotel said we should leave it there while we went around shopping. At the end of the day we returned to the hotel where Peter had his bakkie waiting outside to load it all up and drive us down to the harbour. They had also sold us a case of beer at the retail price, making nothing for themselves. On the ferry ride back, one of the Ukrainian yachties gave Dom a big bunch of spring onions - we’re not sure why😂 but it was very kind of them! On the morning of our departure, the ferryman Colin arrived in his boat with a huge yellowfin tuna which he also just wanted to give to us. We couldn’t possibly eat it all ourselves so we paid it forward a bit and gave some to some other yachties, Craig and Barbs, who were setting off for Brazil. They had already left their moorings so they turned back and the only way to get it to them was to fling it! 😁 As we sailed away we felt very humbled by these generous Saints.Read more

    • Day 120

      Jamestown, St. Helena

      April 13, 2015 in Saint Helena ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We are now truly in the middle of nowhere. St. Helena Island is a British territory where Napoleon was exiled after he was defeated by the British. He spent his last few years here before his death and now the island has about 3800 people that live there for otherwise no good reason. It is incredibly small and is like going back in time. They have no airport (or not until the one they are building is finished next year). They have no cell phone service although they are going to be putting a tower up soon we are told. The internet is slow and expensive so they have no ATM or credit card use on the island. It is kind of pretty but much of it is just rock with the central part being fairly lush. The port is not protected and it the waves are very high you actually can't land ashore. They get a boat that makes a circuit between Capetown, Ascension Island and St. Helena every three weeks so other then taking one of the 3 or so cruise ships that stop by every year that is the only way to get on the island.
      The people are incredible friendly though and it was a very pleasant place to be. There is an old stairway with 699 steps that goes from the town to an old fort on the hill along the lines of an old funicular. The thing that everyone has to do is try to climb the stairs which Nancy and I did with several stops to rest along the way. We were very proud until we met a 66 year old women at the top who did it everyday as part of her exercise routine. :-) We strolled back down on the winding road that led back to town. There were about 10 cruising boats in the mooring area and we saw some folks around town that looked like they were cruisers so at least they get a few visitors from passing sailboats too.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Saint Helena, Sainte Hélène, HLE

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