Asia 2023

July 2023 - June 2024
My second long-term solo-trip through Asia.🀩 Read more
Currently traveling
  • 100footprints
  • 9countries
  • 313days
  • 1.7kphotos
  • 121videos
  • 52.6kkilometers
  • 29.3kkilometers
  • 11.9kkilometers
  • 3.9kkilometers
  • 1.0ksea miles
  • 1.2kkilometers
  • 1.1kkilometers
  • 943kilometers
  • 436sea miles
  • 199kilometers
  • 72kilometers
  • 18kilometers
  • 15kilometers
  • 3kilometers
  • Where to go - probably πŸ˜‰

    July 24, 2023 in Austria β‹… ☁️ 34 Β°C

    Discovering Asia, exploring myself, connecting with people, visiting cultures, seeking the unknown, loving our planet.

    From July 2023 till nostalgia takes me home. Plans are made, to be broken πŸ˜‰

    Total backpack weight < 12kg

    Trying to travel like locals do, as often as possible.
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  • Day 3

    Trainride to the eastcoast

    July 27, 2023 in Sri Lanka β‹… ☁️ 30 Β°C

    As I really need some beach-time, now, I need to go east, as in southwest still is rainy season 🌧️☁️
    Love riding the train, local food tastes great πŸ₯°
    Sri Lanka, the green island!

  • Day 4

    Pasikuda - nice ride, great beach

    July 28, 2023 in Sri Lanka β‹… β›… 33 Β°C

    Public buses are the best, to learn about people and country.
    In Sri Lanka, it's a great experience, please turn on sound, for the video! πŸ₯°

    Found a nice place to stay, can fully recommend Inn on the bay home, cheap and we'll equipped, quite clean room, great owner, having a small supermarket on the street side and in the middle between Pasikuda beach and Kalkudah beach ⛱️

    Pasikuda beach is really nice and at the moment quite crowded by local tourists. But it's big enough to find some free space 😎

    Took a walk around peninsula, it's a great place to relax, looking forward to a lazy beach day, tomorrow. Have to take a closer look on Kalkudah beach, too.

    Missed today's sunset, but tomorrow I'll see sunrise and sunset, if I don't lose track of time πŸ˜…
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  • Day 7

    Scooter Trip to Trincomalee πŸ›΅β˜€οΈπŸ₯΅πŸ₯°

    July 31, 2023 in Sri Lanka β‹… ☁️ 34 Β°C

    After saying goodbye to Arunan, my amazing host in Pasikuda, and Stefan and Melanie, a great Austrian couple I've met there, I started my Roadtrip to Trincomalee 😎
    Starting at noon obviously wasn't such a smart idea, having my first shadow-break after 15km. πŸ™ˆ
    Looks like I've to spot out a nice beach, nearby, to cool down a little.πŸ˜…πŸ˜Ž

    Edit: found a nice beach for a break 😍 Spent nearly two hours there, my private secret beach 😎

    Luckily some high clouds arose, so further trip was fine. Religious diversity here is amazing, permanently passing a Buddhist temple, a hinduist temple, a mosque or a Christian church. Some very new, some a little bit shabby, but all of them interesting. For me it's fascinating, that most of Buddhist temples having a small Hindu-shrine included or attached. Still trying to understand Sri Lankan Buddhism. πŸ˜…

    I'll come back to traffic in Sri lanka, when I've more experience, but there are two fundamental rules in Sri Lanka:
    -Permanently be aware of animals crossing the streets out of nowhere.
    -Right of way for the bigger one
    Following these rules, is half the battle. πŸ˜…

    In Mutur I took a wrong turn, so I accidentally found myself at a football ground, watching a match of two teenager-teams competing, surrounded by hundreds of spectators while loudspeaker-commenting pointed out the game moves. Nice event and a great atmosphere! 😊

    So, finally, arrived in Trincomalee after a six hour (sweaty) ride. Got not sunburned, had a very relaxed ride with several stops and enjoyed exploring Sri Lankan daily life and the landscapes. πŸ₯°
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  • Day 9

    Trincomalee - a relaxed touristic city

    August 2, 2023 in Sri Lanka β‹… ☁️ 34 Β°C

    Time rushes, when having a great time, already spent 2 days here 🀩.
    Arriving late I directly stumbled across a typical Party-Hostel, as you could find in Thailand in every city.
    Was a rough start here, party went until 4am, but was very nice. Met travel-buddies from Colombo, again, and an Austrian couple who arrived with the same plane πŸ˜… Backpacker's world sometimes seems to be surprisingly small.

    Some partying time by time is fine, but looking for a more quite place I found Akki's Hostel. Akki is a very young guy who set up a beautiful tiny Hostel with only three basic equipped rooms and an amazingly planted and decorated garden, some hammocks around, great for hanging around and relaxing.
    A very nice and not so busy part of the beach is a 60m walk, listening to the ocean all the times is one of the best parts of travelling shoreside.

    So first day here, after changing hostel, I spent relaxing, swimming and recovering from the great but exhausting scooter trip to here. In the evening Julian and I decided to take a look at famous marble beach, which was very nice, but seperated into two parts. One (smaller) public part, being quite crowded as there was a public holiday, and one completely empty part, reserved for army members. 🀷

    Second day I decided to explore Trincomalee's surroundings, as I got some recommendations.
    First of all I went to Velgam Vehera Archeological Site, where you can see ancient ruins of a 2200 years old Buddhist temple complex asides a new built temple was just beeing extended. As I arrived around noon, nobody was around, archeological site's office looked abandoned.
    It's very well kept and a very fascinating place, but do not expect any deeper information for visitors, except one sign, giving basic information.
    Once again I was very lucky, as after 5mins a Tuktuk with two Latvia girls and a tourist guide appeared 😬 So I was able to jump in and finally we had a very nice tour on the site. Karem, our guide, had a great knowledge about historical art- and construction-work, but also was perfectly able to explain the Buddhist rituals in a perfect English.
    Again and again, ancient people's abilities in building huge structures is so fascinating!

    Next stop was Nilaveli beach, going there on a tiny, but well kept dirt road, passing a small lake, seeing fishermen working, going through great landscapes and, of course, uncountable cows crossed my paths.
    Nilaveli beach was nice, but where I entered, fishing dominated the beach and only 2 or 3 shadow places around. After a brief jump into the water and having a relaxing break under the trees with some resting fishermen, I went on to the Tirukoneswaram Hindu temple.

    This is not only a great place to watch sunset, but a very impressive Hindu temple, as usual filled with loads of colorful and storytelling artworks a huge Vishnu statue in front of it, and several statues of gods around.

    Perhaps living in Vienna for such a long time opened up some morbid interest in cemeteries, but I had to stop at a christian church, having one attached. Even if christian cemeteries wherever I've seen have a lot in common, this Sri Lankan one was quite interesting. But so many people seem to die at a very young age here... 😒

    Having a nice view on the sunset, enjoying a freshmade coconut water drink was a nice end of a day packed with great impressions.

    Nevertheless, the night started with a great dinner, served on ceramic plates, sitting on a bench beside the road, next to the kitchen, one of the best Kotthus I've gotten so far πŸ₯°

    Going back to the laughing leopard (party-) hostel for meeting some travel buddies ended up in a birthday party from a local guest there. πŸ™ˆ

    So today another lazy beach day and will check out some snorkeling for tomorrow. With tears on my heart, I cancelled my whale watching trip for tomorrow, as I've now heard several people telling it's very crowded with boats and not really animal friendly. 😒
    But I've already gotten a great recommendation for swimming with whales in Indonesia, so hopefully it's just postponed. 🀷
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  • Day 11

    Leaving shoreside, leaving the beach always is a little sorrowful, but other great times are ahead, so with mixed feelings I said goodbye to Trincomalee's beautiful beaches and the relaxed vibes.

    Enjoying the sunrise and afterwards having a spicy Sri Lankan breakfast with a great Ceylon coffee was a nice start of the day.

    As Ami, a very kind girl from Indonesia, checked in at my hostel the evening before, we talked a lot about our earlier travels and about my plans for Indonesia 🀩
    So I not only got a huge bunch of recommendations, where to go and what to see/do in Indonesia, but even found a new friend I hopefully can visit, when I'll be at Sumatra, in September 😎

    So we spent the morning together, met up with some travel-buddies from Pasikuda, took a last dip into the ocean and left to Sigirya 🀩

    That time I did not start my trip at noon πŸ₯Έ, but unfortunately a little late, so I had to rush, to avoid driving in the dark πŸ™ˆ
    Driving at night at Sri Lanka may be fine in and around cities, but outsides or even in the jungle, this can become dangerous, even for locals. As there are lots of animals walking around freely and crossing the streets, you would need to drive slowly, nevertheless. But if a wild elephant would decide to cross the street, just ahead your scooter, well, ... Let's avoid such a situation. πŸ˜…πŸ™ˆ

    Still found some time, on my way, to spot out a few interesting things, like statue of King Ago II 😎
    Still fascinated by the green but varied landscapes here 🀩
    And, as usual, dozens of cows crossing my way πŸ˜…

    Finally I ended up right after sunset in a small, nice Hostel, meeting again a spanish girl I've seen in Colombo, playing Carrom with some local guys 😎

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