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Top 10 Travel Destinations Portugal
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    • Day 5

      Tour Stop 4: Obidos

      May 10 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Obidos is a walled city and aquaduct. We walked half way around the wall and took lots of photos before we ran out of time and had to meet Jose. It is a beautiful little town. Afterward Jose drove us back to Lisbon. He asked us to describe our experience today in 3 words. We came up with beautiful, architecture, comfortable, stories, history, incredible to name a few...
      We got back after a full day and just the best guide, Jose. We walked to get some groceries and dinner then early to bed for a very early start tomorrow to catch the Metro and train to Porto Covo for the start of our 4 day trek.
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    • Day 5

      Tour Stop 2: Batalha Monastery

      May 10 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      We could see the Monastery from a distance as we approached. This was the area where historically the Portugese army of 10,000 stopped the Spanish Army of 30,000 from getting to Lisbon to conquer that Capitol. It was impressive because based on numbers the Portugese did not think they could win the battle. The day after the battle began, the Spanish left thinking they could not win!! So the Portugese were very surprised when they could not see any Spanish and thus were victorious and held their control. The Monastery was built to commemorate the victorious battle over the Castilians and took many years. As the story goes, the architect, Mateus Fernandes built the majority of the Monastery but was losing his eyesight, so the King made the decision to replace him with another architect who finished the remaining chapel dome. The elder architect told the King he could do it, but to no avail. He was very hurt and living in the vicinity he had to listen to the continued building. The new architect completed the dome and as everyone was gathered for a mass, they all heard the crashing sounds of the chapel and dome collapsing! Several people went to the King to tell him that would not have happened if Mateus Fernando had been allowed to continue. The king approached Mateus and asked him to rebuild it. He was still hurt, but agreed to compete it. When he finished the rebuild, the King brought in
      prisoners who had been sentenced to death to stand inside to be the test subjects!! If it collapsed they would die, but if it held, they would be given their freedom. Mateus himself said he would test his.own work and sat in the middle of the chapel under the dome for 3 days. He did not eat or drink and was very frail. The dome held and is still standing today. Mateus Fernandes died a few days after his test of the dome and is buried in the Monastery.
      The architecture is Manueline, Gothic and Renaissance. It is a Unesco World Heritage sight and is truly incredible.
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    • Day 23

      Viana do Castello

      May 9 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Gestern Abend war es noch richtig nett am Strand mit Julia/Dt.und Albert/Kanada mit Sunset, Wein und Chips. Heute morgen ging es um 7 Uhr wieder los. Erst durch Dörfer und dann durch Wälder, rauf und runter, über eine 462m lange Brücke über den Rio Lima, diese führt in die wunderschöne Stadt Viana do Castello. Hoch am Monte Cruz thront das Heiligtum der Santa Luzia, das weithin sichtbar ist und zu dem 330 Stufen hinauf- und wieder hinunterführen.
      Auch die Stadt ist sehr schön und überall ist etwas los. Unser Hostel, das gleich nach der Brücke liegt, das Convento da Carlo ist wirklich super. Dort traf ich auch wieder auf unseren Trupp. Zu fünft ging es dann am Abend in die Stadt zum Essen, das auch noch von Lifemusik begleitet wurde.
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    • Day 46

      Feira da Ladra

      May 7 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Lisbon is cool and hip, yeah, and I'M cool and hip, YEAH? I'll wait....

      ...good. So yes I'd seen a bit of social media content in the lead up to the trip because if anyone knows what I'm into, it's big Daddy Zuk. In particular, I'd been made very aware that on Saturdays and Tuesdays there's a flea market around the Pantheon and Mercato Santa Clara.

      Well today's my last full day in Portugal, and it's Tuesday. Gird. Your. Loins. I got there as some stalls were still setting up, which is a good sign, although to be fair we all move very slowly in the mornings here, most shops open at 10am. On Camino I'd have done a third of the days graft by then but now I just schlep around yawning. I'm on holiday, leave me alone.

      I pottered happily around the large completely dog ridden market for about three hours, noticing the heat of the day creeping up as the shaded sections became more wonderful (it was to reach 29 today). Bought nothing, but only because everything I liked really needed a Portugese villa to install it in - light fixtures, giant embroidered table cloths, things of that ilk.
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    • Day 36

      Adios España y bom dia Portugal

      May 9 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute haben wir uns aufgerafft, Spanien verlassen und sind nach Portugal gefahren. Auch Marokko haben wir hinter uns gelassen. Der Reiz war groß, sodass wir noch einige Zeit überlegten nach dem Familienbesuch wieder zurückzufahren und überzusetzen. Jedoch waren uns die Fährpreise dann doch zu teuer und es wäre „nur“ Gerrits und mein Abenteuer gewesen, Freddi ist es ja egal, wo wir sind. 😉 Dadurch, dass unsere Tage, gerade die mit Abreise, Weiterreise etc. teilweise wirklich anstrengend und herausfordernd sind, haben wir die Idee über Bord geworfen und bleiben in Europa.
      Wir sind jetzt in Albufeira und wollen hier noch nach neuen Campingstühlen schauen (Gerrit hat es endlich geschafft einen zu liefern 🙏🏼😄), weiter entspannen und hoffentlich Freddis 6. Zahn empfangen 🙌🏼
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    • Day 4

      Lisbon: Tastes & Traditions Food Tour

      May 9 in Portugal ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We finished our walking tour this morning and went back to our hotels to check in and meet Joanne for our afternoon food tour. Our tour guide Cecilia, was very knowledgeable and eager to share the History and cultural significance of Portugese food. Our stops supported local, small businesses, some of which have been around for many years.

      Stop 1 at Confeitaria Ilacional was for espresso and pastry buns

      Stop 2 at Solar Da Madalena was for marinated pork buns with piri piri oil and mustard

      Stop 3 at Gin Jinha Sem Rival de Eduardio was a Porrugese drink called Gin Jinha which is cherries in liquor
      Abilio - 50 years serving this cherry liquor in this location
      A nossa = cheers 

      Stop 4 at Manteigaria Silva was the salted, cured Bacalhau cod and we tried a Portugese pork meat similar to proscuitto. It comes from black pigs who only eat acorns the last several wèeks before slaughter.

      On the way to the next stop we saw the university students doing their celebratory walk through the streets dressed in their uniforms singing, cheering

      Stop 5 was the Trobadores Taverna Medieval Restaurant.  Medieval Storytellers would frequent this incredibly old restaurant. We had a unique dinner trying a "fake" pork sausage originated by the Jewish people so they could make it look like they were Portugese and eating regular pork sausages. The sausages were made with white meat and bread. We also tried Baukhla cod with potatoes and another pork dish.

      Stop 6 at caso Do Bacalhau Da Ribeira was for tins of Portugese sardines as a gift from our guide. 1853 canning was started in Portugal for sardines, octopus, cod, tuna.

      Stop 7 at Manteigaria was for Portugese custard tarts 

      Our guide ended with:
      Portugese are melancholy people who have lived through so much.
      Salty sea,  how much of your salt are tears from Portugal

      Other info shared
      Lisbon has Neo-Manuelina 19th century revivalist architecture from 16th century architectural style in Sintra and Lisbon

      Manuelina style in Sintra is from the 16th century

      Lisbon is where the river dies and the ocean is born
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    • Day 54

      Premiers jours au Portugal 🇵🇹

      May 1 in Portugal ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Mercredi 1er mai, après 6h de bus, on met les pieds pour la première fois de notre vie au pays de la morue 🇵🇹
      On est accueilli par José, un ami du père de Guillaume, qui nous hébergera pendant quatre jours à Olhão, à quelques km de Faro.
      Pendant ces 4 jours, nous avons eu l’occasion de visiter Olhão, Faro, Farol et Tavira, et nous avons pu profiter des bonnes adresses de José pour découvrir les spécialités portugaises (miam les pastéis de nata 🤤)

      Los Pinguinos 🐧🐧
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    • Day 3

      Day Tour Stop 2: Pena Palace

      May 8 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      The ride and remaining walk up to this Palace was steep. The horses back in the day had their work cut out for them pulling carriages and supplies. The people who had to walk would have been in great shape. It is a beautiful Palace and the views were fantastic. We could see across to the Moorish Castle that we were looking up at from Sintra. The triton over the entrance to the Palace was sure interesting. Many of their animal portrayals on the outside of the building were quite funny. The lion looked like a monkey and the snakes were cartoonish, not daunting at all!! The colors on the Palace are not original and were done without permission of the government, a no no. There is some interesting history if you look up Pena Palace in Sintra.Read more

    • Day 22–27


      May 8 in Portugal ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute Nacht war Horror, wir hatten einen Schnarcher, den Kate sogar 2x weckte, ohne dass es etwas nützte und eine Schnarcherin, die ich weckte und ihr sagte, dass sie zu laut sei. Sie schaute mich nur ungläubig an, aber alle Pilger waren wach und beschwerten sich. Doch was nützt es, irgendwann schliefen wir ein, aber um 6 war alles auf um sich fertig zu machen.
      Heute ging es wieder dem Strand entlang, ab und zu suchten wir schon ein wenig abseits den Weg, immer der gleiche Strand und vor allem legten wir heute viele km auf den Holzstegen und im Sand zurück. Hostel hatte ich vorab schon reserviert und so konnten wir uns wirklich Zeit lassen und waren trotzdem um 12:30 beim Hostel und trafen alte, junge Bekannte.
      Heute konnte ich auch erstmal eine zeitlang am Strand verbringen, obwohl das Wasser saukalt ist.
      Am Abend waren wir ein netter Trupp, Kanadier, Dt., Ukrainer, Iren , Engländer und Franzosen, die sich bei Rot- und Weißwein gemeinsam zum Strand begaben, war ja gleich über der Strasse, und den Sonnenuntergang miterleben.
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    • Day 3

      Day tour to Sintra Stop 1: Regaleira

      May 8 in Portugal ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      We had a great sleep and were up at 6:30 to get breakfast and Uber to the meeting spot for our tour day. We found our guide easily and we had two guides b/c one was training. We were a small group of 8. One of the couples was from Quebec City. We had a nice lunch of tapas with them and learned that they both work in Cancer Research🥰
      Our tour centered in Sintra, the location of the Moorish Castle Sintra National Palace, Moorish Castle, Regaleira (inverted, initiation and inverted well) and Pena Palace.

      On the way to Sintra, we saw the Aquaduct which survived the big earthquake b/c it was newly built.  It was used until 60's. A story shared was about a
      serial killer who threw btwn 50-70  people over the aquaduct. The police thought these people committed suicide.
      But police saw him commit the crime one day. He threw a person over the side of the aquaduct.  He was the last to be executed. They kept his head to study his brain. His head is in the Univ museum. The aquaduct is now a museum.

      A castle is a fort to protect something
      A palace is considered a house,  like a mansion

      Sintra is the location where the Royal Family came to their summer Palace. This made it a popular place for people to travel to.

      Sintra is Unesco World Heritage Site

      9 gates in 1999 with Johnny Depp. The movie takes place inside Beister House in Sintra

      Dante's Divine Comedy poem describes how one goes through hell, pergatory and paradise.

      The inverted well reflects this and has 9 levels of hell. Each level representing a different sin.

      There was a Secret Society of free masons. To belong one needed 3 things.

      Luigi Manini, one of the well creators, wanted to be part of the society and needed 3 things to belong:
      Proof of importance, $ and ritual (well). Antony, his partner, who was very brilliant creatively, had the $ (millions from gold, silver, coffee) which was why Luigi paired with him on this venture.
      Their goal, together, was to build a perfect society

      9 is close to perfection which is 10, but you can never reach it. Everything they did relates to the #9

      9 levelsx15 steps = 135 (1+3+5=9)

      27 m deep (2+7=9)

      9 floors in well

      3 tunnels exits

      Steps on water at the end, to prove you could walk on water.
      The free masons saw this well as a rebirth going through 9 months of birth then finish on the water and emerge reborn.
      It starts with an entrance in the North on the dark side and emerges in the South or light side

      There are many nautical symbols in the architecture because of the proximity to the sea ( port holes for windows, knotted rope, shells, fish, etc)

      We walked the 45 minutes back to our Airbnb and on the way found a nice restaurant to eat and enjoy a drink.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Portuguese Republic, Portugal, 포르투갈, 포르트칼, ܦܘܪܛܘܓܠ, ፖርቱጋል, ポルトガル, โปรตุเกส, ໂປຕຸກກັນ, ପର୍ତ୍ତୁଗାଲ୍, ព័រទុយហ្កាល់, ประเทศโปรตุเกส, สาธารณรัฐโปรตุเกส, An Phortaingéil, Bồ Đào Nha, Bortuqaal, Feringgi, i-Portugal, Lusitania, Mputulugeshi, Orílẹ́ède Pọtugi, Pɔritigali, Portegal, Portekiz, Pôrtiogala, Portiwgal, Portogal, Portogallo, Portogało, Portúgal, Portûgal, Portugál, Portugála, Portugāle, Pörtugäle, Ködörö Pûra, Portugali, Portugalia, Portugália, Portugalija, Portugalio, Portugaliya, Portugall, Portugallia, Portugallu, Portugal nutome, Portugalska, Portugalsko, Portugalujo, Portugis, Portûnga, Portuqal, Portyngal, Porutugali, Posugol, Pòtigal, Pōtītī, Potugaali, Pɔtugal, Potukali, Purtugaal, Purtugal, Putúlugɛsi, República Portuguesa, Republic of Portugal, Ureno, Yn Phortiugal, البرتغال, برتغال, پرتغال, پرتگال, پورتګال, پورتۇگالىيە, پورتوگال, פארטוגאל, פּאָרטוגאַל, פורטוגל, Πορτογαλία, Партугалія, Португал, Португали, Португалија, Португалия, Португалія, Портуґалія, པོ་ཅུ་གྷལ།, པོར་ཅུ་གལ, པོར་ཏུ་གྷལ།, Պորտուգալիա, პორტუგალია, पुर्तगाल, पोर्चुगल, पोर्तुगल, पोर्तुगाल, પોર્ટુગલ, పోర్చుగల్, ಪೋರ್ಚುಗಲ್, போர்ச்சுக்கல், போர்த்துகல், പോര്‍ച്ചുഗല്‍, পর্তুগাল, ပေါ်တူဂီ, පෘතුගාලය, ポルトガル共和国, 葡萄牙

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