Europe By Train
Group Tracking

Public, 116 travelers

Join our Live Tracking and view your entire European rail adventure on the map automatically as you go with the FindPenguins app! You will then appear on the official Eurail & Interrail Live Tracking map, where you can get inspiration and contact like-minded travelers.

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Frequently asked questions

What is FindPenguins?  
FindPenguins is a cost-free and automatic travel tracking app for iOS and Android. For more information, visit
Your advantages at a glance  
  • Appear on the official live tracking map of this group:
    View group tracking
  • Create a collective FindPenguins trip, including your detailed travel route, photos, videos, comments and statistics
  • Share your adventure live with family, friends, press and supporters
  • Get a professionally designed photo book with all your precious memories!
When will I appear in the group tracking?  
If you turn on the Travel Tracker in the FindPenguins app, you and your location will start appearing on the group tracking page. Do so now – or the day the trip starts.
How do I activate the automatic tracking?  
When you start your trip, activate the travel tracker. Then your route will be recorded automatically. You will need the FindPenguins app to do this. In the app you will find a travel tracker icon at the top of your feed. Click it and turn on the tracker for the appropriate trip. By the way, an internet connection is not necessary for the automated route recording.
Who can see my trip and location?  
Should you connect to this group tracking, anyone who has access to the group tracking will be able to see your trip and location. However, in the FindPenguins app itself, the privacy chosen for the trip applies.
Will there be any costs?  
No. FindPenguins is free of charge both during and after the participation in the group tracking.
What happens to my FindPenguins account after the trip?  
Your account remains active after the trip and is available for private use, e.g. for further trips in your life.

Further questions?

Check out our support page or contact group admin.