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    • Dia 8


      22 de setembro de 2019, Equador ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Gester bini bi de Gastfamilie ahcho und Hütt hani de erst Tag Schuel ga. Isch schochli es umgwöhne und uhmega viel Spanisch😄 aber wege dem bini ja au da.
      D Gastfamilie isch mega nett, au wemmer eus nonnig so verstönd, da sie nur Spanisch chönd.
      D Schuel isch au supper, Mir sind s zweite i de Klass und euses "Schuelzimmer" isch uf em Schuelhusdach, also ha e supper Ussicht überd Stadt. Hütt abig gömmer no mit de Schuel go Znacht esse zum mal all chli Kennelerne.
      Ab jetzt wirdi nümme so viel Schribe, da ich ja jetzt 6 Wuche da bi.
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    • Dia 50

      48. We made a run for it!

      11 de outubro de 2019, Equador ⋅ ☁️ 68 °F

      Cooped up in our room in Quito for much of the day Tues-Thurs, we spotted an opportunity to escape on Friday after carefully monitoring the news and communicating with other travellers stuck in Quito through the Pan American Highway blog.

      With only one roadblock showing on our route, we hit the road before daybreak on Friday and headed west. The roadblock was gone when we got there, and we put in 10 hours in to get to the coast and the beach town of Montanita.

      Our plan is to get out to Galapagos from Guayaquil airport. Most of the protests that still continue are focused in the central past of the country, so we are hopeful about our travel plans.

      In the meantime, here are some pix from Montanita.
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    • Dia 9

      Montanita -Day 4

      22 de janeiro de 2020, Equador ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Last night i went back to the place with the pool table and played against a bunch of locals for hours, including David who i hung out on the beach with the night before and also became buddies with Nicolas originally from Peru. Starting to get to know the staff at certain restaurants here and a bunch of locals. Its nice to walk around town and hear my name called out or being greeted with huge smiles and fist bumps. A bit sad its my last day here. And i am casually curious about looking into properties here too.

      Woke up today incredibly sore all over. This surfing experience is having a serious physical impact. I actually feel 48 for a change haha. And no matter how much sun screen i put on, my nose gets redder and redder. I was very close to not surfing today but i don't know when my next opportunity will be, so it was time to suck it up and get back out there and enjoy the moment.

      Today went worse than yesterday. My timing was awful. Balance sucked. I read the waves poorly. And my pop ups were lazy, often going to one knee before standing up. I'm worn out and it shows. I really should go back to the 12 foot board until i get better.

      Three hour drive tomorrow morning to get the rental car back to guayaquil, so made it an early night. One thing i won't miss is all the mosquitos. My legs are covered in bites. Chao montanita.

      Edit: surfing pics are me
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    • Dia 54


      27 de janeiro de 2020, Equador ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Die letzten 5 Tage haben wir in Montañita verbracht. Ein kleines Surferdorf an der Küste. Ein paar Tage Party und am Strand entspannen. Ansonsten hat der Ort eigentlich nichts zu bieten.
      Heute geht's nach Peru, denn die Tage bis zum Abflug sind bereits gezählt 🙄Leia mais

    • Dia 98

      Montañita, Ecuador...Surf, Yoga & Chill

      7 de fevereiro de 2020, Equador ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      So after alot of travelling back and forth the last few months we thought we'd book a beach escape where we could chill, relax... Laze in hammocks, do yoga and learn to surf! 🤗....😂 So we thought! When we arrived it was a surf competition weekend, so we didn't get much sleep for a few days here, although was pretty cool to watch the surf competition right from out balcony (of a hostel we didn't originally book into!.. That's too long of a story 😂😂). Anyway things quietened down here after 2 days, so finally good for relaxing.. And getting sleep at night! 😊 In our hostel (the original one we booked into) they offer surf lessons and yoga classes everyday 🙏😍 love it here! We obviously we're straight onto the surf lesson with a great teacher called Pablo, he taugh us all about the types of waves, dangers and about the equipment we would be using.... Then we headed to the yoga studio to learn how to stand up on a surf board! After a few practice runs we were ready to try the real thing! It was really fun, we both loved it and our teacher was at hand all the time to help us catch the waves 😜 it was really hard to paddle and stand up on the board, so think we need more practice! The days following we have taken a Yin Yoga class and today (10th Feb) we took the Basic of Yoga class, which was faster than Yin Yoga which I like more, but not sure it was Zachs favourite out of the 2 😅 Good workout though. Also they have lots of cats and dogs here... Always a good sign when a places has nice pets! 😘😻🐱🐕Leia mais

    • Dia 103

      More Montañita chillin!

      12 de fevereiro de 2020, Equador ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Most of our time here in Montañita has been mainly relaxing and enjoying the hostel 'casa del sol' because the people here are so nice, and most of the time we can go to the bar and meet new travellers that are here for the same thing... Plus surfing! I think that's a given as its known for its beach life, parties and a good place to catch some waves!... The town centre itself is made up of boutique shops (hippy style) and restaurants with happy hour deals! 😁🍻🍷👍 Then nearer the sea front more touristy shops, including roulette shots at street food /drinking places and I would like to say that the clubs and loud music was just here too, but once you're in the centre it's everywhere 😂 We stayed out a few nights for food and drinks, while catching up with a couple we met in Quito a few weeks before (also from the North of England 😊) and its great if you're in a group.... Or on the pull I guess 😂😂 it's an experience! So we we're pretty happy staying away from most of the noises of the clubs for sleeping 😴 just adding though the nights seem short on a week day if you want to party as most places shut near 10 or 11pm 🙄 alittle odd! We definitely have put on some weight here though, eating either pancakes or breakfast burritos in a morning with a different fruit and topping on the pancakes everyday! (omg they even had cinnamon french toast with fruity cinnamon jam on 2 days 😋😍.. Will deffo have to try making these ourselves! ) This hostel out of all we've been to in the last 3 1/2 months has had the best breakfast... Good work chef.. Muy bueno! 😁👌Leia mais

    • Dia 106

      Last night Montañita! Out with a Bang

      15 de fevereiro de 2020, Equador ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      So today was our last full day in Montañita, and as other days go here, it was pretty normal.... sit on the beach, have a walk into town for some street food and chill in a hammock /read a book maybe and obviously befriend the hostel cat who was waiting for us on our porch aww 😻. But this was the day we most definitely went out with a bang, or fire! 😳 🔥 So as we both agreed we had been indulging quite alot in the really nice restaurant right next to our hostel, and on the sea front (that does amazing Thai and Ecuadorian food, but was a little pricey) So we thought let's cook a full meal for once instead of having our usual tuna sweetcorn wraps that we were eating for lunch all week! 😂😂 So we cracked on and decided to cook some pasta... Mmm fancy! At one point the gas on the stove stopped working, so realised it needed a new cannister, so we asked the hostel guy Jackson to change it, which he did, and we managed to light it again.. Whoop! As we went on suddenly the gas connection came off, and caught the fire we were cooking with, and exploded with flames from under the stove, with the whole of the stove catching fire....we ran back but was too late for zachs leg hair and toes! 😳 Zach screamed "fire fire", and luckily one of hostel guys ran to switch off the gas, which stopped the fire! We both got away without burns gladly but we're we're in real shock, good job we already had a beer to drink after!! So in the end Jackson checked on us, then said because of this (as we had no way of cooking tea plus the trama 😔) he offered to pay for us to eat and drink at the restaurant we loved so much at the beach front... And of course we milked it for a full meal and red wine at sunset. And the freebies didn't stop there, we also got free beers at the hostel bar later! To say we have had such bad luck at this hostel, including the mess up with our room booking from day 1 (we managed to get a superior room and more free beers after this mess too 😂) and the fire! Despite all this we still loved our stay here, and were quite sad to leave after nearly 2 weeks. We'd deffo go back and hope the bad luck wouldn't follow us again lol.Leia mais

    • Dia 105

      Isla Santa Cruz - Montañita

      5 de julho de 2022, Equador ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Es geht wieder aufs ecuadorianische Festland, der Flieger geht um 10 Uhr in der früh. Es wird doch noch ziemlich knapp mit dem Weg zum Flughafen, da ich wieder jedes Taxi meide und wir mit Bus und Boot fahren. In Guayaquil nehmen wir einen Mietwagen und fahren an die Westküste nach Montañita. Da die Straßen aufgrund der Proteste noch in einem schlechten Zustand sein sollen, bekommen wir sogar einen Pickup. Das Starten des Wagens funktioniert allerdings nur mit Eingabe eines Codes vorher, sonst geht die Alarmanlage an. Naja bis wir das rausgefunden haben dauert ein bisschen. Am Strand in Montañita ist es dann schon dunkel.Leia mais

    • Dia 18

      Montanita - Day 1

      16 de julho de 2022, Equador ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      After a quick breakfast found a taxi that would drive me 90 minutes to Montanita for $30. I can't even get to the ottawa airport for that price.

      Unfortunately I did not bring the Brazil weather with me. Very cloudy and coolish at the beach. But still, montanita is one of my favorite places to be. Small surf town with most structures built with bamboo and an incredibly laid back vibe. Lots of backpackers and Ecuadorians getting away from things. Endless restaurants/establishments. And at night, super lively.

      Spent the afternoon walking around the town, chatted with a few locals, and hanging out on the beach. Early afternoon it was low tide and no surfers. But late afternoon the tide returned and there were a ton of very talented surfers. I found my favorite beach bar with craft beer and watched the surfers battle the waves for a few hours. Incredibly enjoyable and relaxing.

      Back to town for ecuadorian ceviche, which is amazing everywhere in this country and unique in how they prepare it. Yum!! And then a quick nap before heading out to the crazy montanita Saturday nightlife.

      I found a live band bar that i was at 2.5 years ago and i found the same cat sleeping on the same bar. Hilarious! That cat is the most chill cat ever. This is an extremely loud music bar, like eardrum pounding, and the cat sleeps through all of it, surrounded by people getting their drinks.

      Bounced around between beach parties, and clubs and finished at a quiet place where I was told i could get craft beer. Challenging in montanita! But i think I have all the spots mapped now. Chatted with the owner, a young guy whose mother is from Quebec and an American father but has lived his whole life in Ecuador. Got back to my room late but all i could hear was pounding club music. I have a knack for choosing poor hotel locations it seems.
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    • Dia 19

      Montanita - Day 2

      17 de julho de 2022, Equador ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Started the day with a yummy ceviche by the beach. And then spent the afternoon on the beach sipping a few beers listening to my music and riding the boogie board i rented. I was very tempted to ride a surf board instead but wasn't feeling that ambitious today. And relaxed watching surfers in the waves. So enjoyable. Amazed to see many of the really good surfers were young kids.

      Again, lousy weather. No sun, not hot, and not cold but definitely not the montanita i had in mind when planning this trip. Instead of spending 4 days in montanita, i found a cheap flight the next day to get to cuenca instead. Which is also exciting... I love cuenca. It will be much cooler but more to do and see.

      As it got darker, i relocated to a restaurant in town where i ran into jeff (new orleans) and Valentina (Quito) again. I had already chatted with them a few times and our paths kept on crossing. Really nice, friendly couple.

      Most of the town was closed this day. Massive difference from Saturday night when it felt like the whole country was in montanita. Found another place to wind down and got to bed at a good hour. Another travel day tomorrow, so seemed wise. Unfortunately my hotel room was poorly situated as others clearly did not have the same desire to sleep and it was another night of loud music.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Montañita, Montanita

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