Juan Carlos I Park

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    • Day 38

      Last day in Córdoba and the south

      May 17 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Another lovely day. We met Omnia at 9, had breakfast and headed off towards the Jewish quarter again, hoping to beat the crowds in the narrow streets…and we did..very successful - we found the synagogue which is hard when tour groups are blocking the way, very old and interesting - only one of the 3 synagogues left in Spain. Then we went to the Alcázar of the Christian kings…another big fortress, but not Arabic style. And no long queue to get in, though quite a lot of people and school groups, and we got in free - being jubilados- retired!! It was a good visit, and a tower to climb with great views (and not so high that it was a huge effort to climb). Then that led on to the alcazar gardens which were almost the highlight. Beautifully laid out, the ubiquitous orange trees, sculpted cypresses, and others - flowers in bloom, and importantly the fountains were founting - the look of them and the tinkling of the water is such a pleasure - calming and beautiful. Then visited the Khalifa baths (also free jubilados)…ruins from the Islamic period.

      So a lovely morning, and we stopped for bocadillos and coffee/colacao and a break. Then back on the trail to wander some more and find interesting places. Omnia parted from us after a while to do her own things, and Amr and I pursued the churches listed as good to visit and on the list with the Mesquita ticket…but only found one open, a lovely one, but after that they all seemed to be having a siesta…but we had fun wandering in different streets from our usual circuit, and where normal Cordoba residents seemed to be living and having their normal lives….stopped for another refreshment and back in room for downtime.

      Still perfect weather, doesn’t get too hot. Clouds floating around, but no imminent rain and mostly sunny. Amr is suffering terribly from spring allergies which is driving him mad with an annoying cough and runny nose and we hope this will improve tomorrow when we go to Madrid. It has only been since we came south, and this time last year he was fine in Madrid…so here’s hoping. Meeting Omnia at 7 for our last dinner here, then get a train late tomorrow morning back to Madrid.

      …I had published, but just have to add that we had the most perfect dinner! Amr and I had seen areas off the tourist track which looked fun and when we went there at about 7.30 all was a bit quiet, but we decided to sit at one place and try…and had a drink and asked for menu and it was different from the usual things we had kept having…still Spanish style but with little twists…Spanish fusion? Anyway, it was amazing, and such a lovely end to our Córdoba experience…by the time we left, people were queuing up and waiting for us to pay and leave…such luck and a perfect evening!
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    • Day 37

      Lovely day in Córdoba

      May 16 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      It is my birthday and has been an excellent day, and it hasn’t finished yet. We met Omnia for a leisurely breakfast around 8.30 in the little bakery attached to, but not part of, the hotel. Then we set off walking, via the tourist info which gave us a better map, and we discovered that our Mesquita tickets also qualify us for entrance to many churches dotted around the town. And it doesn’t have to be today…perfect.

      There are many little narrow streets, and flowers and courtyards, so pretty. We wandered down to the river, and walked over the Roman bridge and up the tower at the end, which is a museum plus a lovely view from the not very high top. We then walked through the old Jewish area, which was quite crowded - round the bridge, the Jewish quarter, the Mesquita and the alcazar is where the hordes go, but still not quite as confronting as Seville and Granada. And the weather remains kind - the same cool to start, and never getting too hot…

      Stopped for refreshments- croquetas - this time with prawn and spinach - and then went to the Mesquita for our 2pm time slot…we had bought tickets online, but of course found out today that for this we could have got them on the spot!! Oh well…it was easy. And very popular…many many people, but this is such a vast area it doesn’t feel too crowded. It was built as a huge mosque in 788 AD with many columns, and when the Christians overthrew the Arabs they turned it into a huge cathedral in the 1200s. It is an extraordinary building, with the columns and lamps like a mosque, then you find a gothic cathedral structure all amongst it. Fortunately they kept a lot the beautiful Islamic decoration…it is a huge area, and there are chapels all around the edge. It is hard to describe, and impossible to take photos that capture the whole, but of course we all attempt to.

      After that, Omnia had her own wander looking at the very interesting shops and streets, and we did our own wander, ending up with downtime back at hotel. Getting ready for birthday evening!

      …Now just, and it’s after 11..late! But we had a remarkable evening. First we went to the concert we had seen a notice about at the Conservatorio Superior de Musica - featuring saxophonists. So we thought might be fun…it was free, and obviously was students practising their performing… but they were good…it went for a little over an hour, and at first I was happy, but not enthralled, but then it pepped up, and they did a version of the Tchaikovsky serenade for strings arranged for 11 saxophones, some Manuel de Falla ending with the ritual fire dance, and an encore of a Brahms Hungarian dance!! Didn’t think I’d ever hear them played by saxophonists! They were good, and got riotous applause from (I think) fellow students…Amr took a short video of the encore - (not forbidden at this sort of concert!) it isn’t in focus, but you can get a sense of the fun!

      Then we went to a restaurant where we had booked for 9.30. Really good…not posh, but obviously popular and delicious food. At that hour it was still busy, but tourists had left by then…more people walked in after us…no problem, kitchen still busy. Lovely birthday evening!
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    • Day 36

      Bus to Córdoba

      May 15 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      This morning we got up reasonably early and found a good nearby and open place for breakfast, then got a taxi to the bus station, walking up and down the four flights in the hostal for the last time! It was an interesting bus ride - again millions of olive trees, but as we moved on there were other crops, and fields of pale yellow and on closer inspection we think it was the grain crops already drying out, as it was quite deep and tall…so the green new growth maybe doesn’t last all that long, or maybe everything is a bit earlier here in the warmer south. Also fields of green potential sunflowers - just endless fields of cultivation.

      Arrived at Córdoba at a bit after one, and walked to the hotel, quite walkable distance from the bus station, and also train station where we leave from on Saturday. And we are now at a real hotel!! With lift, everything more conventional than the last 2 charming gems. But we are very well situated, and a short walk into the historic centre and all that we want to see.

      And soon after our arrival Omnia also arrived, from Madrid by train! Lovely reunion with her. And after a short pause we all walked out and first sat and had a little light refreshment…some delicious croquetas of spinach and pine nuts…great combo…to keep us going till dinner. Then we all wandered round a bit, through the very pretty narrow streets, admiring the gorgeous courtyards leading into buildings and just getting a feel of the town. We have 2 full days here, and we are booked in to see the Mesquita tomorrow - booked online after experience in Seville and Granada, but may not even have been necessary as it was easy to choose day and time!! This town has a lovely feel - not as frenetic as Seville or even Granada, and is so charming and manageable. Glad we have 3 nights here. And the temperature is even perfect…cool in morning, and not too hot at peak…

      Just back from dinner now…we had spotted a good potential place in our meandering…it was a Jewish establishment, though I hadn’t noticed that at first, but we had noticed the interesting menu posted up, and the food was delicious and a little bit different from what we have experienced in Andalusia so far. But it was a bit chaotic - we got there at about 7.30 and one poor girl was working the whole place it seemed…at about 8 more workers appeared, probably the 8 o’clock eating hour… anyway we had delicious eggplant with honey and sesame seeds (which we were offered twice more…!), patatas bravas with spicy sauce, chiperones plancha(!!!), a version of pimientos padron and all wonderful when they finally arrived. I have a very good feeling for our visit here.
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    • Day 60

      comienzo del otoño 🍂☔️

      October 29, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Nach vielen Reisen im September und Oktober kehrt nun gerade etwas mehr Ruhe und Alltag bei mir ein. In Córdoba wird es nun auch etwas kälter. In der letzten Woche gab es einige Sturmwarnungen und viel Regen ☔️ - dementsprechend habe ich viel Zeit warm eingekuschelt im Bett verbracht oder draußen im Regen (provisorisch mit Regenschirm) mit meinen Leuten hier einen Kaffee getrunken. ☕️❣️
      Auch wenn ich hoffe, dass das Regenwetter bald wieder aufhört, ist es wirklich angenehm nun bei etwa 20-23* Grad durch die Stadt laufen zu können - ich bin ready für den spanischen Herbst (mit etwas mehr Sonne bitte!) 🍂🌞
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    • Day 110

      Weihnachtsstimmung in Córdoba 💕

      December 18, 2023 in Spain ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      Die letzte Woche in Córdoba vor Weihnachten, geprägt von vielen weihnachtlichen Aktivitäten, Sport und viel selbst gemachtem Essen! 🫶🏻💕
      Es war so schön ein paar ruhigere Tage mit meinen Córdoba-peeps zu verbringen, aber jetzt freue ich mich unendlich auf Münster und auf Zuhause 🏡❤️🎄☃️🧑🏼‍🎄!Read more

    • Day 95

      Tercera semana ❄️

      December 3, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Weihnachtszeit in Córdoba: die Stadt ist geschmückt - und zwar reichlich! 🕯️Die „Weihnachtsmärkte“ (= ein paar wenige Stände und hauptsächlich Fahrgeschäfte für Kinder) sind zwar nicht zu vergleichen mit denen Zuhause - trotzdem kommt man etwas in Weihnachtsstimmung. Ansonsten habe ich mich diese Woche zwischen der Bibliothek, gemütlichen Cafés, meiner Yogamatte und dem Sportpark hin und her bewegt. Jetzt sind in Spanien erstmal Nikolaus-Ferien und ich befinde mich auf dem Weg nach Portugal… 🇵🇹Read more

    • Day 60

      Cadiz y fiestas de electro

      October 29, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      In dieser Woche habe ich spontan eine Nacht bei Lina in Cádiz verbracht - die Sehnsucht nach dem Meer war schon wieder groß! Trotz der etwas kälteren Temperaturen konnten wir einen schönen Tag am Strand verbringen und waren sogar schwimmen 🏊🏼‍♀️❄️
      Danach standen 2 Electroevents an: eins abends in Córdoba im Hinterhof des Rektorats der Universität, das andere tagsüber in Sevilla.
      Heute habe ich mit Esra und Claudia ein neues Café entdeckt, das ich so so toll fand! (Gemütlich + die Torte war soo lecker 🤌🏻)
      Ab nächster Woche startet die Besuch-Saison für mich: erst Charly & Clara, dann Nico und dann Kiki ❣️
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    • Day 19

      Några av Cordobas sevärdheter besökta

      April 14, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      La Mezquita med sin palmsal av dubbelbågar är häftig att se.
      Relieftavlan är också udda.
      Stenläggning i gamla stadsdelar i Spanien är ett riktigt hantverk.
      Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos trädgårdar var också imponerande.
      Mosaikarbetet där gick inta av för hackor.
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    • Day 39


      April 19 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Da ich mich ja bereits in der „Nähe“ befinde, entscheide ich auch noch Córdoba zu besichtigen und fahre mit dem Zug nicht ganz zwei Stunden in Richtung Nordwesten.

      Córdoba war ebenfalls eine der letzten maurischen Städte, wurde aber bereits früher von Königin Isabella und König Ferdinand erobert. Die Stadt hat ihren eigenen Charme, wirkt deutlich größer als Granada und macht einen etwas weitläufiger Eindruck, was wohl daran liegt, dass sie nicht so hügelig liegt. Schmale Gassen, einladende Viertel und schöne Parks gibt es aber auch hier.

      Berühmt ist die Stadt zunächst für die 2000 Jahre alte Brücke Puento Romano. Dahinter liegt aber das eigentliche Juwel, die Mezquita-Catedral de Córdoba. Eine im 8. Jahrhundert errichtete Moschee, die durch die spanische Eroberung durch erhebliche Umbauten zu einem christlichen Gotteshaus umfunktioniert wurde bzw. seither als Kathedralmoschee bezeichnet wird. Den Muslimen war es fortan verboten in den einst heiligen Pforten zu beten bzw. wurde ihnen die Religionsausübung zur Gänze verboten. Ähnlich erging es auch den Juden, die vertrieben und verfolgt wurde. Nur mehr das jüdische Viertel, die heutige Altstadt, erinnert noch daran.

      Zurück aber zur Mezquita-Catedral, die mich schlicht überwältigt. Zwar wirkt sie schon von draußen außerordentlich groß (23.000m2), aber von innen nochmal mindestens zehnmal größer! Das Gebetshaus lässt mich einige Male mit offenen Mund stehen, so unwirklich wirkt die enorme Halle mit ihren 856 Säulen auf mich.

      Ich bestaune anschließend noch die Altstadt, die Brücke, den Glockenturm, römische Säulen und verschiedene Plätze und komme am Ende des Tages auf mehr als 20km Fußweg - dementsprechend erledigt falle ich ins Bett. So viel zum Thema ausruhen 😬

      Am darauffolgenden Tag fahre ich zurück nach Granada, von wo ich am Sonntag einen Bus nach Nigüelas nehmen werde - von hier wird meine Wanderung weitergehen.
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    • Day 1

      Zeitüberbrückung im Cafe Ole

      April 2, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Zimmer ist noch nicht fertig. Also müssen wir noch 45 Min überbrücken. Das machen wir im Café Olé um die Ecke, wo wir sehr günstige Getränke bekommen. Auf dem Bild sieht man einen Lottostand, sieht man an jeder Ecke, Lotto spielen scheint in Spanien sehr Populär zu sein.Read more

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