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  • День 38

    Last day in Córdoba and the south

    17 мая, Испания ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    Another lovely day. We met Omnia at 9, had breakfast and headed off towards the Jewish quarter again, hoping to beat the crowds in the narrow streets…and we did..very successful - we found the synagogue which is hard when tour groups are blocking the way, very old and interesting - only one of the 3 synagogues left in Spain. Then we went to the Alcázar of the Christian kings…another big fortress, but not Arabic style. And no long queue to get in, though quite a lot of people and school groups, and we got in free - being jubilados- retired!! It was a good visit, and a tower to climb with great views (and not so high that it was a huge effort to climb). Then that led on to the alcazar gardens which were almost the highlight. Beautifully laid out, the ubiquitous orange trees, sculpted cypresses, and others - flowers in bloom, and importantly the fountains were founting - the look of them and the tinkling of the water is such a pleasure - calming and beautiful. Then visited the Khalifa baths (also free jubilados)…ruins from the Islamic period.

    So a lovely morning, and we stopped for bocadillos and coffee/colacao and a break. Then back on the trail to wander some more and find interesting places. Omnia parted from us after a while to do her own things, and Amr and I pursued the churches listed as good to visit and on the list with the Mesquita ticket…but only found one open, a lovely one, but after that they all seemed to be having a siesta…but we had fun wandering in different streets from our usual circuit, and where normal Cordoba residents seemed to be living and having their normal lives….stopped for another refreshment and back in room for downtime.

    Still perfect weather, doesn’t get too hot. Clouds floating around, but no imminent rain and mostly sunny. Amr is suffering terribly from spring allergies which is driving him mad with an annoying cough and runny nose and we hope this will improve tomorrow when we go to Madrid. It has only been since we came south, and this time last year he was fine in Madrid…so here’s hoping. Meeting Omnia at 7 for our last dinner here, then get a train late tomorrow morning back to Madrid.

    …I had published, but just have to add that we had the most perfect dinner! Amr and I had seen areas off the tourist track which looked fun and when we went there at about 7.30 all was a bit quiet, but we decided to sit at one place and try…and had a drink and asked for menu and it was different from the usual things we had kept having…still Spanish style but with little twists…Spanish fusion? Anyway, it was amazing, and such a lovely end to our Córdoba experience…by the time we left, people were queuing up and waiting for us to pay and leave…such luck and a perfect evening!
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