Living in: Randburg, South Africa Read more Randburg, South Africa
  • Day 40

    33 days 22 hours and 14 minutes

    July 17, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    Antelope Wells, Port of Entry

    All done!

  • Day 40

    Chats with Yolande

    July 17, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    2019/07/17, 11:49 - Yolande Cairns: 💥Well done🏆 You made it🤗 You're a star.💫 Great job lots of hard peddling and pushing and solid mind and you did it🌟I knew you could.
    2019/07/17, 11:50 - Yolande Cairns: Now go get yourself a hunters if your stomach can take it. You deserve it. Well done. 🤝🏻
    2019/07/17, 14:40 - Yolande Cairns: Well done. See you got your lift. Phone me when you can🤗 did you get some sleep?
    2019/07/17, 15:50 - William: 33 days 22 hours 14 minutes
    2019/07/17, 15:51 - William: Slept about 2 hours while waiting
    2019/07/17, 20:25 - Yolande Cairns: What time you leaving?
    2019/07/17, 20:49 - William: Bus is in 30 mins
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  • Day 39

    Day 34 comments

    July 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    Longest day, distance and time. 7am to 3:44am. 206km!

    After getting my tent set up at 2am, I only got a bit more than 3 hours sleep, waking up just after 5.

    Day started ok with long tar road. But I had diarrhoea and it was hard. Once on the dirt road it got super hot. I even sat under a farm implement for 30 minutes to cool down. I decided to push on through the heat to Separ and rest there.

    Got to Separ where there is only a curio shop. Luckily they had cold coke and anti-diarrhoea medication. Lordsburg (nearest town) my weather app said was 38C feels like 43C. I sat/slept on the porch until nearly 6pm when a rain storm started and temperatures dropped.

    I rode hard to Hachita, not expecting shop to be open. I got there just before they closed and was given free coffee. Jeffrey who would be picking me up at the end met me there. We agreed on a 6am meeting at the finish.

    I was riding well and just continued riding hard. Reaching the finish at 3:44am!

    It is done!

    (30mins later I see a skunk run down the road past me)
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  • Day 39

    Hachita, NM

    July 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Got here about 9:30 just as they were closing. They made me free coffee, a whole pot to myself.

    Met Jeffrey Sharp who will come fetch me after I finish. We agreed that he will meet me at the finish 6am.

    Let's go - the last little bit!
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  • Day 39


    July 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

    Today is blazingly hot. I got my first puncture of the trip just outside Silver City. The dirt road to Separ was super hot, hot sun and refelctive yellow sand. At one stage I sat under a local farmers harvesting machine.

    I'm now in Separ. The temperature is extremely high, looking at the local weather report: Lordsburg shows 38C feels like 42C

    Just a curio store here. They do have coke though.
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  • Day 39

    Chats with Yolande

    July 16, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    2019/07/16, 22:12 - William: I'm in Separ
    2019/07/17, 02:03 - Yolande Cairns: ❤
    2019/07/17, 02:04 - William: 😍
    2019/07/17, 02:04 - Yolande Cairns: Go get your finish last stretch 🏆
    2019/07/17, 02:05 - William: 😘
    2019/07/17, 03:40 - William: On my way already! got 104km to go :)
    2019/07/17, 03:40 - William: Rain stopped as I started
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  • Day 39

    Chats with Yolande

    July 16, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

    2019/07/16, 19:56 - William: Clouds are clearing and it's very hot
    2019/07/16, 19:56 - William: Sitting in shade of farm implements as there is no other shade
    2019/07/16, 19:57 - William: Water in bottle burns when I pour it over myself
    2019/07/16, 19:57 - William: Taking a short break to cool down
    2019/07/16, 19:58 - William: I think it's still 17km to Separ
    2019/07/16, 19:59 - William: Weather report for Silver City says 36C
    2019/07/16, 19:59 - Yolande Cairns: Is the where the road turns. Almost there then half way.
    2019/07/16, 19:59 - Yolande Cairns: That's hot. Are you tired?
    2019/07/16, 20:00 - Yolande Cairns: You didn't get much sleep
    2019/07/16, 20:01 - William: Not to tired was also going to wait out heat there,hopefully with bottomless soda fountain
    2019/07/16, 20:01 - William: The downhill is a bit like riding down the spirit, just slightly downhill
    2019/07/16, 20:03 - Yolande Cairns: Looked more impressive on the map.
    2019/07/16, 20:03 - Yolande Cairns: What time do you expect to finish
    2019/07/16, 20:05 - William: 40km to lose 400m, that's a 1% gradient
    2019/07/16, 20:05 - William: No idea
    2019/07/16, 20:06 - William: Separ 2pm
    2019/07/16, 20:06 - William: Rest 90 mind = 3:30
    2019/07/16, 20:07 - William: 3 hours to hachita = 6:30
    2019/07/16, 20:07 - William: Rest 2 hours (try sleep)
    2019/07/16, 20:08 - William: 70km left = 6 hours
    2019/07/16, 20:08 - William: So 8:30 to 02:30
    2019/07/16, 20:08 - William: Will probable stretch it out
    2019/07/16, 20:08 - William: Try finish at 7 or 8 am
    2019/07/16, 20:09 - William: You 3 or 4 pm
    2019/07/16, 20:13 - Yolande Cairns: OK you must make sure you rest. Only 2 hrs sleep then. You going to be exhausted
    2019/07/16, 20:15 - William: That's why I say stretch it out and extra 5 hours
    2019/07/16, 20:15 - William: So get 5 hours more rest
    2019/07/16, 20:16 - William: Weather app says it's over 34 until 4pm :(
    2019/07/16, 20:20 - William: No imodium in medicine bag
    2019/07/16, 20:20 - William: Was sure I had some left
    2019/07/16, 20:21 - Yolande Cairns: Not good. Do you have anything else that may work.
    2019/07/16, 20:22 - William: No
    2019/07/16, 20:23 - William: Maybe I should push on to Separ then wait out the heat,get 3 or 4 hours sleep before continuing
    2019/07/16, 20:33 - Yolande Cairns: Sounds good. Maybe cafe you can sit in. You'll feel better. 🤗😘
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  • Day 39

    Silver City - late night

    July 16, 2019 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Today had a lot of steep downhills. These were especially challenging as I had removed my front brake pads a few days ago because they were still rubbing. The steep downhills meant I needed to take them very slowly and carefully.

    I got to Silver City at about 23:00 and bought food at Walmart - Vienna sausages and coleslaw.
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  • Day 38

    Day 33 comments

    July 15, 2019 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Got a slow start to the day. Was lazy to get out of bed. Today was a short day. Just over 100km to silver city to do, but included the last few big climbs of the trip.

    As normal it took my body a while to get going. The short, gentle hills making me walk. Mostly I just tried to keep moving as far as possible.

    I was riding through forested hills. Didn't look much like desert, but the hills created a few quite technical descants, feeling much steeper than the climbs.

    I was concerned I did not have enough food and water. I met a fireman who was doing maintenance along the road while monitoring a fire nearby. (I had seen the smoke in the valley but thought it was mist). We had a good chat, him saying he was too old to do what I was doing (he is 40). He gave me 2l of water.

    I am very low on food. My 2 hamburgers and 2 snacks are being very carefully rationed.

    We ended up with hike-a-bike section along the CDT (continental divide trail - hiking) for about 10km. I could hardly ride the trail at all and was pushing very very slowly. TYhis took so long that I ran out of food.

    Finally got to silver city about 23:00 but Walmart was still open (24hours). After eating I rode a about5km south of town and camped next to the highway.
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  • Day 38

    Chats with Yolande

    July 15, 2019 in South Africa ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

    2019/07/15, 23:08 - William: 😍
    2019/07/15, 23:08 - William: This is really tough section
    2019/07/15, 23:09 - William: 60km done, 50km to go, already 3pm
    2019/07/15, 23:10 - Yolande Cairns: Hallo love. Glad to see you still there😁
    2019/07/15, 23:11 - William: Ja
    2019/07/15, 23:11 - William: Guest ranch was closed
    2019/07/15, 23:11 - William: I'm guessing I'll be in Silver City around 9pm
    2019/07/15, 23:12 - Yolande Cairns: Just think that's the worst bit. Almost done. It is not a long piece.
    2019/07/15, 23:12 - Yolande Cairns: How's your food and water
    2019/07/15, 23:12 - William: The Walmart and KFC should still be open. I'll get food for next day at Walmart and supper at kfc
    2019/07/15, 23:12 - William: Got too little food but enough water
    2019/07/15, 23:13 - Yolande Cairns: And snacks finished?
    2019/07/15, 23:13 - William: Small packet peanuts one energy bar and half a burger, and packet of chicken (like tuna packet)
    2019/07/15, 23:13 - Yolande Cairns: What makes this section tough?
    2019/07/15, 23:13 - William: Got enough water, a fireman gave me 2 liters
    2019/07/15, 23:14 - William: Eating quarter burger now
    2019/07/15, 23:14 - William: Lots of hills so down valley, then up the otherse of the valley
    2019/07/15, 23:15 - William: I'm pushing a lot
    2019/07/15, 23:16 - Yolande Cairns: Love you lots. So excited for you. Almost done. Just keep going. You are doing great.
    2019/07/15, 23:17 - William: 😁
    2019/07/15, 23:17 - William: I'm not taking hotel in Silver City
    2019/07/15, 23:17 - Yolande Cairns: This is the section everyone was struggling
    2019/07/15, 23:17 - William: Will get stuff and get just out of town to camp
    2019/07/15, 23:17 - Yolande Cairns: Why. Love your tent so much now?
    2019/07/15, 23:17 - William: I'm being lucky with weather
    2019/07/15, 23:20 - Yolande Cairns: That's fine. After a good rest I still think you can finish in one day. All others have done that. Most way down except for last bit.
    2019/07/15, 23:21 - Yolande Cairns: Remember to get batteries for your tracker
    2019/07/15, 23:21 - William: Every afternoon is cloudy
    2019/07/15, 23:21 - William: Just to extra 5km and not have to wait for breakfast
    2019/07/15, 23:22 - Yolande Cairns: That's good.
    2019/07/15, 23:22 - William: Love you
    2019/07/15, 23:23 - Yolande Cairns: Love you too. What did you see today?
    2019/07/15, 23:23 - William: Also decided Walmart was more likely to have batteries than convenience store
    2019/07/15, 23:23 - William: Roads, trees mountains firemen
    2019/07/15, 23:23 - William: But
    2019/07/15, 23:23 - Yolande Cairns: OK cool
    2019/07/15, 23:23 - William: Yesterday I saw wild boar(pigs) running next to me
    2019/07/15, 23:24 - Yolande Cairns: 😳 How close
    2019/07/15, 23:24 - William: I thought I was imagining warthogs without tails
    2019/07/15, 23:24 - Yolande Cairns: 😁
    2019/07/15, 23:24 - William: About 20 to 30m on my left running parallel with me
    2019/07/15, 23:25 - William: Tried getting camera but they then hid away
    2019/07/15, 23:25 - William: Also day before saw a herd of elk
    2019/07/15, 23:25 - Yolande Cairns: That nice you saw some cool animals.
    2019/07/15, 23:26 - William: Yeah
    2019/07/15, 23:26 - William: Very good sightings
    2019/07/15, 23:26 - Yolande Cairns: Cause you were going slowly. Glad you were looking around😉
    2019/07/15, 23:27 - William: I'm just before last big climb
    2019/07/15, 23:27 - William: Think about 40km to silver city
    2019/07/15, 23:27 - William: (A long way)
    2019/07/15, 23:28 - Yolande Cairns: That's good. Almost there. You can make it. Even if you push..
    2019/07/15, 23:29 - William: Honestly can't push. Just doing my best to keep moving
    2019/07/15, 23:29 - William: There is likely a 10km push in those 40k
    2019/07/15, 23:29 - Yolande Cairns: Very proud of you. You just need a big hug 🤗🤗🤗
    2019/07/15, 23:30 - William: Big hug, step, and your shoulder to put my head on
    2019/07/15, 23:30 - William: Ok, I need to go
    2019/07/15, 23:31 - William: Love you lots
    2019/07/15, 23:31 - Yolande Cairns: Love you lots. Nice we could talk. Good luck
    2019/07/15, 23:31 - Yolande Cairns: ❤
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