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Top 10 des destinations de voyage : Koblenz
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    • Jour 5

      Vorbei an 14 Schlössern und Burgen

      5 septembre 2022, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Heute ging es weiter bis nach Koblenz. Über 80 km dem Rhein entlang, vorbei an 14 Schlössern und ebensovielen Bäckereien, durften wir ein weiteres Mal das tolle Wetter, aber leider auch den Gegenwind geniessen! Erwähnen muss ich auch noch die lange Fahrt mit einer Fähre über den Rhein, ein kleines Highlight! (8 Minuten, € 6.80 für Michele, mich, beide Velos und den Anhänger)
      In Koblenz angekommen stand „Business as usual“ (duschen, Kleider waschen, ausdehnen und natürlich ESSEN) auf dem Programm! Ein weiterer toller und unfallfreier Tag, nie eine Selbstverständlichkeit!
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    • Jour 31

      Day 31: Koblenz, Germany

      3 août 2022, Allemagne ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      We woke up with a beautiful view of the Rhine hillsides brightened by the early morning sun. There was another delicious buffet style German breakfast that was included with our room price which had a wide selection of breads, meats, cheeses, yogurt, fruit, muesli, and spreads. We were on the road about 9 PM with a 50-mile day ahead of us. The ride would take us on the west side of the Rhine past numerous castles and churches along the bluffs. We found it hard to move forward as there was something we wanted to explore every 3 or 4 miles. The scenery was amazing and we are overwhelmed by the beauty of the Rhine River valley and villages along the Rhine. It is tourist season in Germany and there are many bicyclists along the Euro Velo route. Campgrounds are full and villages are a bit crowded, but everything is calmer than touristy areas in the US. Our hotel in Koblenz was right along the Rhine River, and we spent the early evening exploring the area and grabbing some supplies for a picnic style dinner in the hotel room. The sunset from our balcony was beautiful, and the crescent moon 🌙 looked beautiful over the steeple in the horizon. It was early to bed as the heat had us pretty worn out.En savoir plus

    • Jour 22

      We're Having a Heat Wave

      8 septembre 2023, Allemagne ⋅ 🌙 22 °C

      When we arrived at the Trierer Hof Hotel yesterday, I asked the owner if they had experienced a hot summer this year. "It started off pretty warm", he replied, "but the past couple of months have been cold and wet".

      In that case it must have been just bad luck that saw us arrive smack in the middle of a series of hot and very humid days. In fact the temperature has risen to over 30C for the past few days, and the sequence is set to continue for at least another four days.

      This has come as something of a shock for our team who have just arrived from the Australian winter. The combination of high temperatures, hot sun and enervating humidity really takes its toll. I am just so grateful that our hotel features functioning air conditioning. This is something of an oddity in this part of the world.

      Today the group decided to ride the cable car to the fort on the other side of the Rhine. For those who are afraid of heights, this was something of a challenge, but the views down to the city from the lofty location made the trip worthwhile.

      Maggie and I spent the rest of the day alternating between exploring the old city and retreating to the coolness of the hotel room. At this point of time it is worth making mention of the very big elephant on the room. While I adore the history, culture and scenery of Europe, there is one aspect of European living that literally gets stuck in my throat. That aspect is the cloud of smoke that follows wherever you go.

      While Australia and many other countries have made huge progress in reducing the incidence of smoking, in Europe it is a filthy accepted part of life. Whether you are walking down the street, enjoying a view or eating at an outdoor restaurant, it is impossible to escape being enveloped in a stinking cloud of noxious tobacco smoke.

      From the young to the old alike, they are all equally addicted to a lifestyle revolving around nicotine. Parents think nothing of blowing clouds of poisonous smoke right into the faces of their children. Even when they are not smoking, the stink has penetrated into their clothes, hair, curtains and carpets. You just can't escape that awful smell. At times I really feel like yelling at people to wake up to how stupid their behaviour is.

      I am not sure what the statistics are concerning smoking in the big cities, but from my own anecdotal experience, I would say that it is at least 40%. The rest of the population choose to use vapes instead.

      This afternoon an exciting event took place - our boat arrived at the docks. Although we cannot board until tomorrow, it was fun to have a close up look at the vessel that will be our home for the next seven nights. In the morning we will be checking out of the hotel, and at 3 pm we will be boarding the MS Olympia. The next leg of our adventure will start.
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    • Jour 4

      Welcome to Koblenz

      13 juin 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Day 1 in Koblenz...
      - Thank goodness for the train app bc that loud system needs some work!
      - Exploring the old city, somehow this place feels more German than the last place...
      - I was reminded to make sure I get in some photos 📸 I need to work on my selfie gameEn savoir plus

    • Jour 12

      Koblenz - Deutsches Eck

      31 juillet 2023, Allemagne ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Das Deutsche Eck ist eine künstlich aufgeschüttete Landzunge in Koblenz an der Mündung der Mosel in den Rhein. Ursprünglich nach einer nahegelegenen Niederlassung des Deutschen Ordens so bezeichnet, ist es heute vor allem für das 1897 dort errichtete monumentale Reiterstandbild des ersten Deutschen Kaisers Wilhelm I. bekannt.En savoir plus

    • Jour 24

      Stolzenfels & Lahneck Castles

      6 novembre 2022, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Stolzenfels Castle [km 585] - a 19th century Prussian king rebuilt this charming 13th century castle.
      Lahneck Castle [km 586] Originally built in 1244, Lahneck portrays mediaeval life through its furnishings and portraits in the chapel, knight’s hall and servants kitchen.En savoir plus

    • Jour 12

      Tag 7 - endlich geht's weiter

      10 août 2022, Allemagne ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Nach ca. 2,5 Std. Zugfahrt und 'nem halben Kilometer bis über den Rhein war ich um 8 Uhr endlich wieder auf dem Rheinsteig 🙂
      Nach 'nem kurzen Stop bei einem Bäcker ging es 100 m weiter durch eine enge Gasse und eine Tür an deren Ende und schon stand ich wieder mitten im Grünen auf dem Bienhornpfad.
      Der Weg führte mich (natürlich bergauf) nach Südosten an dem Wohngebiet Pfaffendorfer Höhe vorbei und bog dann nach Süden Richtung Ruppertsklamm ab.
      Östlich des Weges war Militärgelände, wo mit allem Möglichen geballert wurde, was dann aber immer leiser wurde.
      Der Weg windete sich hin und her, als wollte er vermeiden, der Ruppertsklamm zu nah zu kommen.
      Irgendwann war aber nicht mehr genug Platz zum Ausweichen und so kam ich oben an der Hütte und dem oberen Eingang der Klamm an.
      Dort traf ich noch mal einen Fernwanderer, der aus Wiesbaden kam und mir schon Mal den Tip gab, das es auf der Marksburg Wasser für Wanderer gibt. Seinen 20 kg Rucksack hätte ich allerdings nicht tragen wollen, aber er wollte sich komplett selbst versorgen.
      Die Ruppertsklamm war dann wirklich sehr schön. Sie ist zwar von oben kommend etwas schwieriger zu gehen, aber der Gegenverkehr hielt sich in Grenzen und so konnte ich auch ein paar Fotos ohne Leute schießen.
      Danach ging es dann ein Stück die Lahn entlang und über eine alte Fußgängerbrücke auf die südliche Seite.
      Anschließend ging es lange bergauf bis zu einem höher liegenden Hotelbunker, wo ich den Halfwaypoint passierte. (Ich weiß nicht, ob es den in physisch gibt, falls ja, hab ich in verpasst) Aber mein Körper wollte nicht mehr zurück suchen, sondern ein isotonisches Getränk, den er auch bekam.
      So gestärkt konnte es weiter gehen. So langsam machte sich auch Müdigkeit bemerkbar, aber es stand gerade kein geeigneter Platz für ein Nickerchen zur Verfügung. Auch die nächste Schutzhütte hatte keine Bänke ohne Gefälle im Schatten. Also ein bisschen im Sitzen ausruhen, dachte ich. Aber irgendwie war die Hütte wohl gerade ein beliebter Ort und es herrschte ein Kommen und Gehen. Also weiter, Berg runter und auf der anderen Seite wieder rauf zur Marksburg. Dort gab es erstmal Zucker mit Koffein in flüssig und eiskalt. Mit dem Essen konnte ich mich nicht anfreunden; außerdem war mir da zu viel los und nach Burgbesichtigung stand mir nicht der Sinn - also ging es nach relativ kurzer Pause wieder weiter. Nach einem heftigen Anstieg kam ich dann am berühmten Königreich Schattenbank vorbei, wo ich mich aber nur kurz niederließ, weil ein Stückchen weiter oben noch eine Schutzhütte war.
      Diese war auch frei und genehm und jetzt sitze ich 2,5 Stunden später immer noch hier...
      Ich denke, ich bleibe heute hier - die Sonne scheint noch schön auf's Panel und lädt die Powerbank noch voll, die Aussicht ist fantastisch, ich habe genug Wasser und Essen - der Tag war lang genug heute.
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    • Jour 3

      Day 2 Frankfurt and Nurnberg

      1 septembre 2023, Allemagne ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After quite a few hours sleep it was time to organise the chaos that was our room after just emptying everything out to find what we needed. That took us to about 10am. Nice shower in place with sideways jets so didn’t have to get hair wet.

      So then 2 hours walking around Frankfurt where it was a bit rainy but warm. Went to the mall, interesting that the designer roof had leaks which we noticed when going up the escalator. Went to supermarket bought 1 banana 1 nectarine 1 toothbrush plus toothpaste. Had pretzels for brekkie at Wiener Feinbaker Heberer. And then went back to the Kleinmarkethalle. Bought a few things there including saffron tea with chia seeds and mint. Tasted great at the stall, and first try this evening was pretty nice. Also discovered a really neat wee bookshop which had some fascinating titles. Bookshop was Buchhandlung Walther Konig. Trisha was sorry she didn’t have a big bag to fit some in.

      Then it was time to go back to get our bags and make our way to the train station. Thanks Google for taking through what seemed to be some dodgy streets with lots of strip clubs and dodgy men hanging around. When we got to the station it appeared that the parallel street looked much nicer! I’m pleased I didn’t choose accommodation near this station though, the reviews did not make it sound like a great place.

      We had lunch at the food market at the train station. Sat at a 4 person table as that’s all that was available, but gave it up for a group of 8 later when a 2 person table was available, those people were very appreciative. We both had a salad and I had some roast chicken to go with it, yummy.

      We thought we had our train sussed very early. Got on platform 7, spoke to a lady who said that train was out of service. We thought that might just change when it was time for ours to go. But luckily Trisha read another sign board and it had changed to platform 6. We got on all ok and had a nice 2.5 hours relaxing on the train.

      Arrived in Nuremberg and had decided to walk the 1.8 kms to our hotel. Hmm, didn’t notice the hills on the walk which took us through the old town which looks great, and we had a few rests on the way and finally got here around 7pm. Our hotel is wonderful. Nice separate sleeping areas and we are here for 4 nights so have unpacked everything.

      We couldn’t be bothered going out for tea so have snacked on what we have, did some washing and will be in bed early.
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    • Jour 12

      … mein Bett heute …

      31 juillet 2023, Allemagne ⋅ 🌧 20 °C

      … den Ballast abwerfen, duschen und Koblenz besichtigen …

      Trip Inn Hotel Hamm
      St. Josefstrasse 32 - 34
      56068 Koblenz- Süd


    • Jour 23

      We are Going Sailing

      9 septembre 2023, Allemagne ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      In the short space of time we had been in Koblenz, we had learnt our way around the city centre, and also learned to appreciate the attraction of living in a modest sized city of 115.000 inhabitants. It would have been nice to spend some more time there, however the biggest challenge we faced was the uncomfortably hot weather.

      Each day, by the middle of the afternoon, it was a challenge to be outside in the sun. Even though it was not so hot by Australian standards, it was apparently a little unusual to experience such hot weather in Germany this late in the season. At least we did not have to worry about getting wet.

      We did not have an ambitious schedule for the day, as we all knew that we would be boarding our boat at 3 pm. Hearing that some of the others had discovered a bike shop of biblical proportions, not far from our hotel, that seemed like a pretty good place to have a look around.

      The shop certainly was impressive, both in its dimensions, and in the quality and number of its bikes and accessories. It is worth noting that although there was a huge range of ebikes, touring bikes and mountain bikes, I could not even find a single light weight road bike ! Maybe this says a lot about the difference between cycling in Europe and Australia.

      The bike shop even had a test track, where prospective bike buyers could take bikes for a test ride. Now, I haven't seen that in Australia.

      Maggie experienced something of an epiphany at that moment, when she saw a lovely green Cube ebike, and experienced love at first sight. Although she loves her Gazelle bike back in Australia, in Europe I think she could be tempted to be unfaithful. I remembered back to the old days (over 50 years ago) when she used to gaze at me with that look in her eyes.

      After enjoying a nice coffee and a cool rest in the cafe in the magnificent new library building, we wandered back to the hotel to wait for the rest of the group. While some had decided that 400 metres downhill was definitely too far to walk, there were several of us who were made of stronger stuff.

      At about 2.30pm we gathered our luggage and set off on the 10 minute walk down to the docks where the MS Olympia was moored. This boat will be our home for the next week as we make our way along the Moselle River to Saarburg.

      While David and I found our way to the boat, when we turned around the women had gone missing in action. We could have gone back looking for them, but it was hot outside, and the boat WAS air conditioned. It did not take us long to decide that they would probably eventually make it (they usually do). David and Iq settled down in airconditioned comfort.

      The MS Olympia is certainly larger and more luxurious than any other vessel we have used on our previous bike and barge adventures. Not only does it accommodate 96 passengers and 21 crew members, all the cabins feature full air-conditioning, TVs and fridges. You can even fit in the bathroom in reasonable comfort. It was almost a genuine "pyjama boat".

      While the comfort was very welcome, it was a little difficult to share our boat with so many other people, many of whom were chain smokers. Although they are not allowed to smoke indoors, they waste no time lighting up as soon as they take the first step out the door. Maybe I will bring my own gas mask on the next voyage.

      After a welcome and introductions of the various crew members, we were subjected to an almost interminable briefing session, which would have been a great cure for anyone's insomnia. It seemed to go on for hours.

      Then we moved downstairs to the impressive dining room. The service and food was excellent, but it was amazing just how much noise 96 passengers can make when they have had too much to drink and have too much to say. In fact the noise level was so high that I struggled to hear anything that was being discussed at our table.

      It had been a long day, and we were all very keen to finish the final course and retreat to the quiet of the upper desk. Too late, the smokers had already polluted the air up there with clouds of noxious smoke. Perhaps the best place to be is sleeping in our own cabin after all.

      Tomorrow we get on the bikes for the first time. The weather forecast ? Another day with a temperature in the low 30s.
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