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    • Päivä 22

      Panama Canal Gatún Locks

      24. tammikuuta, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 82 °F

      Just at dawn, we pass under the Atlantic Bridge. Escorted by tugs as a safety measure, the Captain maneuvers us expertly into the narrow entrance to the first chamber. This series of three locks will raise our ship nearly 100 feet to Gatún Lake. With only 2.5 feet on each side and our relative height in constant flux, locomotive operators must carefully manage our position by controlling the length of lines. We say goodbye to the Caribbean Sea and prepare for our transit over ten hours where we will emerge into the Pacific Ocean.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 8

      Panama Canal

      30. joulukuuta 2023, Panama

      The Panama Canal is a waterway in Panama that connects the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean, cutting across the Isthmus of Panama, and is a conduit for maritime trade. Canal locks at each end lift ships up to Gatun Lake, an artificial freshwater lake 85 feet above sea level, created by damming up the Chagres River and Lake Alajuela to reduce the amount of excavation work required for the canal, and then lower the ships at the other end.

      The Panama Canal shortcut greatly reduces the time for ships to travel between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, enabling them to avoid the lengthy, hazardous route around the southernmost tip of South America via the Drake Passage or Strait of Magellan. It is one of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken.

      Colombia, France, and later the United States controlled the territory surrounding the canal during construction. France began work on the canal in 1881, but stopped because of lack of investors' confidence due to engineering problems and a high worker mortality rate. The United States took over the project in 1904 and opened the canal in 1914. The US continued to control the canal and surrounding Panama Canal Zone until the Torrijos–Carter Treaties provided for its handover to Panama in 1977. After a period of joint American–Panamanian control, the canal was taken over by the Panamanian government in 1999. It is now managed and operated by the Panamanian government-owned Panama Canal Authority.

      An estimated 12,000 workers had died during the construction of the Panama Railway and over 22,000 during the French effort to build a canal. Many of these deaths were due to disease, particularly yellow fever and malaria.
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    • Päivä 5

      Agua Clara Locks, Panama Canal

      21. joulukuuta 2019, Panama ⋅ 🌧 25 °C

      A leisurely start today; we read, we swam, we ate. The port of Colon is not famous for a lot and not known for its safety. So we jaunted to the duty free area and back to the boat, before relaxing before our 2pm tour.

      Our fabulous guide Alexis began by narrating our way to the Agua Clara locks, the newest locks on the Panama Canal completed only in 2016. Driving through town, the poverty and run down state of the buildings was clear to see, juxtaposed to the commerce; a canal which costs upwards of $350,000 in fees to traverse and a huge commercial duty free zone.

      At the Agua Clara locks, we were treated to a huge container ship entering the lock, and so got to watch the whole process unfold - the scale is breathtaking. It took nearly half an hour to enter and empty one chamber of the three in the locks, the while process taking at least two hours.

      Back on the bus, we drove over the newly completed bridge which is part of the Pan-American Highway as we headed for Lake Gatun and some canoeing.
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    • Päivä 8

      Panama Canal

      8. huhtikuuta 2023, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 86 °F

      It took us from 7:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. to sail the Panama Canal and it was much more interesting than I expected.

      Transiting the Panama Canal is quite a different experience than the Suez Canal. For one thing, there are no locks on the Suez, so you simply sail along as if it were a river. For another, even though it’s fairly narrow, you are never so close to shore that you could hop off in the Suez.

      Tugboats escort you the the Suez Canal, and you’re part of a convoy, but it’s much more of a hands off experience. Not only did tugboats escort us through the Panama Canal, but we also had lock “mules” with metal ropes pulling our ship through the locks.

      There was plenty of room at the start of our journey, but our last lock was a tight fit as you can see from my pics. Larry estimated that we were only 18 inches or so away from the edge.

      I didn’t expect the mule drivers to get so close to the ship, either. When one driver saw me watching, he opened his window and posed for a photo! That was a nice surprise.
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    • Päivä 8

      Panama Canal

      1. maaliskuuta 2020, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Clocks ahead last night so the 5 am alarm felt like 6. Still dark when we got to our preferred viewing spot on Deck 4 at the bow, the lights of Colon welcoming us. Through the first locks at 7 and enjoyed the traditional hot coffee and Panama buns while listening to the Panamanian narrator describe the building of the Canal.

      By 10, it felt like we needed a snack so sampled the crepes with apple filling.

      A nap on the Promenade was welcome as we sailed leisurely through Gatun Lake.

      Stopped for lunch and a bit of a rest. 35C is pretty hot and hydration is essential.

      Watched our final passage through to the Pacific Ocean at Fuerte Amador where we had had an excursion 10 years ago. This was the only set of local where they used the row boats to move the ropes to the ship.
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    • Päivä 18

      Agua Clara Schleuse

      29. toukokuuta 2023, Panama ⋅ 🌧 29 °C

      Eigentlich wollten wir ja mit dem Zug den Panamakanal entlang und durch den Regenwald von Panama City nach Colon fahren. Leider fährt die Bahn aktuell nicht, was echt schade ist, darauf hatte ich mich voll gefreut 😔
      Naja, wir sind dann mit dem Bus für 3,40$ 2 Std. nach Colon gedüst und haben uns die Agua Clara Schleuse angeschaut. Diese wurde 2016 neu gemacht. Schon wirklich beeindruckend.
      Hier mal eine Kurzinfo:
      Der Panamakanal ist eine künstliche, rund 82 km lange Wasserstraße mit 3 Schleusen der Scheitelpunkt liegt bei 26m. Er verläuft zwischen den Städten Colón an der Atlantikküste und Balboa, einem Vorort von Panama-Stadt an der Pazifikküste.  Dies erspart damit die Fahrt um das Kap Horn oder durch die Magellanstraße an der Südspitze Südamerikas . (15000km Ersparnis/ 3Wochen) Arbeiten verschiedener Aktiengesellschaften und schließlich der Vereinigten Staaten begannen 1881 bzw. 1894. Der am 15. August 1914 schließlich eröffnete Kanal ist eine der wichtigsten Wasserstraßen der Welt. Etwa 13.700 Schiffe (Mitte der Jahre 2017 bis 2019 ; 2011 bis 2013: 14.300Schiffe ) durchfahren ihn pro Jahr.
      Die Abmessungen der Schleusen und Fahrrinnen des ursprünglichen Kanals genügten bis Mitte 2016 nur für Schiffe bis zur Panamax-Größe, also beispielsweise Containerschiffe mit 4.600 Standardcontainern (TEU), die nach den Maßstäben dieser Zeit lediglich mittelgroße Schiffe darstellten. Seitdem die 2007 begonnene Erweiterung am 26. Juni 2016 eröffnet wurde, können ihn Schiffe mit 14.000 TEU passieren (Neopanamax-Klasse). Bei diesen Giganten bleiben rechts und links noch je 60cm zur Schleusenwand. Länge je Kammer 360m Breite 50m
      Die durch den Panamakanal transportierte Warenmenge entspricht etwa fünf Prozent des weltweiten Seefrachtverkehrs. Der Kanal erwirtschaftete 2013 fast acht Prozent des panamaischen Bruttoinlandsprodukts.
      Als Anhaltspunkt für die anfallenden Gebühren: die Basisgebühren von 72 US-Dollar pro Standardcontainer und von 134 US-Dollar pro Passagier-Bett.

      Mit dem Bus ging es dann wieder zurück, leider erwichten wir diesmal keinen Sitzplatz🙄😭
      Zurück in Panama ging es zum Fischmarkt, endlich mal was essen 🤣
      Jetzt haben wir 3 Sachen eingepackt und den Wecker auf 4:30h gestellt.
      Morgen geht es um 5:30h zu den San Blas Inseln, ein hoffentlich krönender Abschluss unserer Reise.
      Hier gibt es kein Internet und nicht wirklich Strom... somit nicht wundern wenn erstmal nichts geschrieben wird 😉
      Gute Nacht
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    • Päivä 177

      Panama Canal

      4. joulukuuta 2023, Panama ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      The cruise ship I am on is to big for the original locks, so we have to use the newer larger locks.
      Every time I see one of these container ships I think to myself "I wonder if there are any knobby balls on that ship?"Lue lisää

    • Päivä 4

      Lake Gatun & Agua Clara Locks

      7. joulukuuta 2023, Panama ⋅ ☁️ 88 °F

      Panama Canal Journey - Atlantic Exit
      Crossed the Gatun Lake, which was the world's largest man-made lake in 1914 when the Canal opened. In almost 110 years of operation the Canal has only been shut down 4 times. Approaching the Atlantic side, we begin the process of lowering the vessel the 85 feet back down to sea level. 3 locks, 4 gates. Approximately 30 minutes per gate to fill and open and move forward. Then under the Atlantic Bridge and on to the breakwater. We entered the Canal on the Pacific side at 5:15am and reached the Atlantic side around 4:30pm. What a truly AMAZING EXPERIENCE!
      This one was for you, Ron ❤️
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    • Päivä 11

      Panama - Die alten und neuen Schleusen

      11. maaliskuuta, Panama ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Mir sind hüt in Panama acho und hend en Usflug gmacht zu de neue und alte Schlüse vom Panamakanal. Es isch sehr idrücklich gsi wie so es grosses Frachtschiff i die Schlüsä chunt und wie schnell das Wasser abpumpet wird zum i di nöchsti Schlüse fahre. Mir hend vo dere riesigä Brugg na chöne es Foti mache vom neue (Links) und alte Kanal (rechts).Lue lisää

    • Päivä 17

      The Panama Canal

      21. elokuuta 2018, Panama ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      This was one of our most unique transits of the Panama Canal. We were up early, viewed the new canal and an empty lock being repaired.
      Our 9 hour 50 mile crossing was enhanced by the best local narrator we have had which could be heard throughout the ship.
      Cruising through the canal is always a highlight. We enjoy the amazing sights and relive its history.
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    Gatún, Gatun


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