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    • Dag 1

      1. Day Izmir

      7. august 2022, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Izmir is a city of millions and at least 4.2 million people live in the city on the Aegean Sea.

      The city is known for its Mediterranean flair and liberal attitude towards life.

      Izmir was called Smyrna in ancient times and is not far from Ephesus (Turkish: Efes), Pamukkale and Pergamon (Turkish: Bergema). Izmir was built by the Greeks, taken over by the Romans, rebuilt by Alexander the Great until it fell under Ottoman rule in the 15th century.

      On our tour through Turkey, we really wanted to stop here to get to know the country and its people.

      To the details. At Izmir airport we took the train to Halil station, then the metro M1 in the direction of Fahrettin Altay to Hatay station, which is close to our accommodation.

      After resting for a few hours, we decided to go to the Alsancak restaurant and bar district and actually just eat something. We came across a restaurant called Inadina Mehane, which is known for good food, raki and live music. It was a lively evening with people partying and drinking like there was no tomorrow.
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    • Dag 43


      13. september 2022, Tyrkiet ⋅ 🌬 27 °C

      Die drittgrösste Stadt der Türkei ist den meisten ein Begriff, die schon an der Mittelmeerküste der Türkei Urlaub gemacht haben. Sie ist ein beliebtes Ziel für Reisende und Kreuzfahrtschiffe. Allzu touristisch, wie wir es befürchtet haben, ist es trotzdem nicht.

      Smyrna, wie die Stadt in der Antike genannt wurde, gilt als eine der ältesten Siedlungen des Mittelmeerraums. Mit ihrem grossen Hafen stiess die Stadt in ihrer langen Geschichte zu einem bedeutenden Handelsplatz auf.
      Griechen und Römer eroberten unter anderem die Stadt, die mehrmals ganz oder teilweise zerstört wurde (neben Eroberungen auch durch Erdbeben). In der Spätantike wurde Smyrna zu einem wichtigen Zentrum der christlichen Welt und wird heute noch von Pilgern besucht. Im Byzantischen Reich (ab 395 n. Chr.) war sie neben dem Handel auch ein strategisch wichtiger Flottenstützpunkt; ein Punkt, den auch die später übernehmenden Osmanen sehr schätzten.

      Das moderne Izmir ist eine Millionenstadt, die sich um den Golf von Izmir schmiegt. Entsprechend sind hier nach langer Pause wieder Einkaufszentren und Hochhäuser zu sehen. Wir wandern von unserem Hotel aus die Fussgängermeile hinab bis zum Kemeraltı Bazaar, einem sehr charmanten Stadtteil, auch wenn teilweise sehr auf Touristen ausgerichtet. Der in der Nähe stehende Saat Kulesi (Uhrturm) ist ein Wahrzeichen der Stadt und wird von uns ebenfalls fotografisch festgehalten. An die Zeit der Römer erinnert die Agora, sozusagen das Stadtzentrum der Antike, deren Ruinen am Rande des Basar zu begutachten ist. Auch sie lassen wir uns nicht entgehen.
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    • Dag 7

      İzmir Culture & Arts Factory

      9. september 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      This is how the "Factory" we visited today is described on the website ... "The İzmir Culture and Arts Factory is a new meeting place for residents and visitors of all ages and a new generation culture and art center that will shape the cultural and artistic landscape of the city."

      Meeting up with the family, we started our day with a leisurely walk to the "Factory." Those of us who have achieved the "magic age," were given free admission tickets ... the rest purchased their "MüzeKart," which might as well have been free since admission to the "Factory" alone is TL 200 (~$7.45) and the Türkiye-wide annual museum card (for Turkish nationals only) costs TL 60 (~$2.25).

      We started off with breakfast at the Simit Sarayı ... a café on the grounds. A selection of pastries and Turkish tea got us off to a good start and gave us the energy to wander several of the buildings to enjoy the exhibits.

      The "Factory," which opened in April 2023, is housed in the buildings that were re-purposed from what was once the Tekel Cigarette Factory. The 140-year-old facility is an important part of the city's industrial heritage and I was happy to see the grounds put to good use.

      Exhibits in the museum run the gamut from archaeological finds and ethnographical pieces to paintings and sculptures. There are several libraries housed in the buildings that we did not get to today, including the Turkic World Music Special Library. Cultural and art workshops are also held on a regular basis. And there is an open-air movie theater as well.

      With so much to see, methinks multiple visits may be required to do the place justice.
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    • Dag 7

      Celebrating İzmir's Liberation

      9. september 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ 🌙 75 °F

      The liberation happened 101 years ago ... and brought to an end the Turkish War of Independence. But the events of 9 September 1922 are an important part of the city's history and the day is still celebrated joyfully every year.

      With a new strain of the Coronavirus rearing its ugly head around the world, we opted to watch the aerial performances by "Solo Türk" (the single aircraft F16 demonstration) and the “Türk Yıldızları” (Turkish Stars) team demonstration from mom's terrace instead of joining the crowds on the waterfront as we did in 2017.
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    • Dag 1

      Lycian Way

      13. maj, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      It's good to be back🇹🇷...but already got hot for hiking in May...so the whole walk today completed by 2 pm...when the 2 hour death zone commences for hikers...just too much heat builds up...🥴....a most acceptable hotel for 4 nights in Oludeniz...is my base...Læs mere

    • Dag 31

      Annual Reunion

      3. oktober 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ 🌙 73 °F

      One of the annual get togethers Mui and I look forward to is dinner with his cousin Esin, and her husband, Cenap.

      We seem to always end up at Sakız, a restaurant on the waterfront near the Pasaport ferry landing, and always have a good time. Tonight was no exception.

      A few mezes (Turkish tapas) to share + a bottle of white wine for the ladies and a bottle of rakı for the gentlemen + lots of conversation and laughter = a festive reunion.
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    • Dag 3

      Got Where We Were Going

      5. september 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☁️ 73 °F

      Two days of travel from the USA to Türkiye via Canada ended this evening when we arrived at the apartment we use as our home base in İzmir.

      We took off from IST in the rain … and wind. Not sure that either was the reason for the 30-minute delay, however. It seemed like garden variety rain to me … but who knows what the radar may have been showing.

      The droplets that obscured our vision as we rolled down the tarmac could not withstand the take-off speed of the aircraft. Thus we got a clear view of the coast as the plane climbed up to altitude. Through cloud banks we went … to be greeted by puffy clouds and blue skies once the aircraft leveled off.

      A 45-minute flight … and we still got a full blown meal. I abstained, but Mui accepted the tray … laden with all kinds of goodies, including a salad topped with beef brochettes and grilled tuna as the main course. Oh, and a tres leches cake for dessert. Of course, the cockpit announced that we were beginning the descent into ADB almost at the same moment that the tray was set in front of Mui. No leisurely meal this one.

      A beautiful sunset accompanied our landing at ADB … the tarmac damp from recent rains, but the sky otherwise clear and dry.

      Another 30 minutes to walk to baggage claim and grab our bags. And then we were in a cab, rolling towards Alsancak … the neighborhood where the apartment is located … and where my family lives.

      After dropping off the bags and refreshing ourselves, we walked the 10 minutes it takes to get to the condo building where my mom and my sister & brother-in-law live. A happy reunion ensued … with the bonus of having my brother there as well.

      Now to get a good night’s rest. I think we deserve it after a trip that was nearly 5,500 air miles long.
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    • Dag 20

      Türkiye: 2 Weeks in Summary

      17. oktober 2022, Tyrkiet ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      Here I am with the summary footprint I promised for our two weeks in Turkey.

      Honestly, I didn’t do much of anything. From the get go, this trip was intended simply as “family time” … to add on to the brief visit we made to Turkey in the spring. Our goal was to enjoy time with our families and leave the exploring to another time.

      With my family all living in İzmir, it was easy for me to spend time with them. Mui had to go further afield for his family time … to Eskişehir … a province in Central Turkey. The dates for his trip were specifically selected so that he could join school buddies for a dinner reunion that he found out had been planned in Ankara … a short train ride from Eskişehir. The bonus of that little segue … his nephew, who lives in Samsun, a province in the Black Sea Region, drove down for a day while Mui was in Ankara. Thus, with a quick 4-day jaunt, Mui managed to kill several birds with one stone … so to speak.

      As is always the case when we’re in Turkey, there was a lot of food involved in our family get togethers. Breakfast … brunch … lunch … afternoon tea … dinner. Sometimes at home. Sometimes at a favorite eatery. Sometimes in the city. Sometimes in nearby districts. We even managed to squeeze in a dinner that has become a tradition with Mui’s cousin and her husband.

      I know, I know. This summary does not do justice to the delightful time we spent with family and friends during this whirlwind trip. But … at least I got a snippet posted. Hopefully, the included photos will make up for the dearth of words and you can see from our smiles what a great time we had.
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    • Dag 5

      Free Transportation

      7. september 2023, Tyrkiet ⋅ 🌙 79 °F

      Par for the course, since arriving in İzmir Tuesday evening we have been spending most of our time with family ... at my mom's condo. When we are not there, we are settling into our home base a few blocks away and running errands all over the city.

      One of those errands took us downtown this morning to pick up an "İzmirim Card." This is a contactless smart card that can be used to pay fares for all means of public transport in the city, including buses, trams, metro, and ferries.

      I've had one of these cards for years. What made the one we picked up today special is that because I have reached that "magic age," I no longer have to pay to ride public transportation in İzmir. No need to top off the card or worry about whether there's enough money for a ride anymore. Just tap and go. 😁
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    • Dag 6

      Day 93/94: Food Poisoning from Hell

      13. april, Tyrkiet ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We try to stay honest with everyone when it comes to travel because it’s not always “beautiful” and “amazing”.

      Since Tunisia, we had been planning to visit a Hamam, which is a traditional public bathhouse in the Muslim world (similar to Korean/Japanese spas which are fully naked). We decided Turkey was the best location and wanted to pay for a nicer experience (sauna, steam room, wash, scrub, massage). As we ran to our hamam we grabbed some sandwiches. The experience was nice even though Mary got roasted for having shoulder, back, and leg issues.

      However, while walking back it went downhill very quickly. It started with fever and then the sweats appeared. Within an hour both of us were puking. Kieran tried to order food but neither of us could eat. The whole night was aches, pains, voms, and groans. It could have been the sandwiches or the tap water Kieran said was safe.

      Worse part is we had a 5 hour train the next day at 7am. The alarm sounded at 6am and we both got our shit together (mentally, physically, and digestively) and made that train. It was a miserable ride but we made it to Pamukkale and proceeded to sleep 5 hours. Woke up for a nice dinner (Kieran couldn’t finish) and went back home to recover for the next day. Pictures of our most miserable days this far.
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