Pengembaraan 15hari oleh Sarah Baca lagi
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  • Hari 2

    Tokyo Airport

    11 Mei, Jepun ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Noah and I left Toronto a bit weary from a busy week of wrapping things up at work before we left for our two weeks of vacation but nevertheless excited for this adventure. Our flight to Tokyo went by pretty fast all things considered and the three meals we ate on the flight helped trick our bodies into thinking more time had past when we landed at 3pm in the afternoon on Saturday, more than 24hrs later than we left. Our connecting flight to Bangkok was delayed so Noah and I were able to pay an absurd amount to try the sushi in the airport. Looking forward to arriving in Bangkok and lying horizontal on a bed after an exhausting day of travel.

    Highlights so far:

    - Noah's first airplane meal
    - seeing the top of Mount Fuji from the plane
    - seeing the ice shields of Northern Canada from the plane
    - realizing the Sound of Music movie on the plane TV was the singalong karaoke version
    - sushi in the airport
    - using a bidet in the Tokyo Airport

    Lowlights so far:

    - realizing that we missed an epic showing of the northern lights in Ontario the night we left :(
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 3

    Day 1: Bangkok

    12 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ☀️ 37 °C

    Today was our first full day in Thailand! We arrived late last night Bangkok time and went straight to bed when we got to the hotel. We had a decent sleep but were definitely jetlagged as we woke up at 5:00am local time and had troubles falling back asleep. We decided to make the most of our one day in Bangkok and get an early start.

    We started out the day with a dip in the rooftop pool! It was an amazing refreshing way to start the day and the first of many swims on this trip. After that we went for breakfast in the restaurant at our hotel and then after lathering some sunscreen started exploring.

    Our original plan to go to the grand palace in the morning was thwarted when a local stopped us from crossing a busy intersection and promptly planned our whole day for us. One minute we were exchanging pleasantries and the next he whisked us away on a tuk tuk (local transportation, basically a motorcycle with a back part attached with a covered seat). It was so lucky we met him because he spoke to the driver and got us an awesome deal and told him where we wanted to go.

    We visited a few temples before going on a river boat ride in a Longtail boat. Halfway along the journey we got to a floating market where Noah and I had a delicious lunch made on the riverside. From there we took the boat to the grand palace. It was really neat to see parts of Bangkok from the water!

    The grand palace was absolutely fantastic - an amazing showing of Thai architecture and an absolute feast for the eyes. We did a free guided tour and it was neat to hear the history of the complex. We got really lucky because it was overcast all day and wasn't until we left the grand palace that it started to thunderstorm and downpour. From there we took a tuk tuk back to the hotel where we had a power nap while the storm blew over.

    Rested and recharged from our nap we woke overselves up with another dip in the pool before going out for dinner. We had some delicious streetfood and Thai beer. After dinner Noah and I went in search of a bar that might be playing the semi final of the championship featuring west brom. We were lucky as the first place we went to was not only playing the game but was playing it on a jumbotron and had buy 2 get one free cocktails. Though the Albion tied it was still fun to watch the game and we even met another WBA fan in the bar from England, who would've thought!?

    After a very full and busy day in Bangkok we are looking forward to a good night sleep and for what tomorrow's adventures have in store.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 4

    Traveling to Railay

    13 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Lying in bed writing the post from yesterday because we were so tired we fell asleep in the middle of making our post.

    Yesterday was another busy, hot, and fun day! We woke up and went for another swim in the pool to start our day. We then went and had breakfast. I had pad Thai and a mango smoothie and Noah had fried rice and an orange smoothie.

    After breakfast we walked to the river and saw an old battlement fort that had been restored and was set in a pretty park. We then went to a temple that was right beside our hotel before going back to the hotel to cool off before heading to the airport (have I mentioned it's stinking hot here!?). At the airport we met up with my friend Jordan and found a pig dumpling which was very fitting!

    Our flight to Krabi was delayed slightly due to a heavy rain storm and tropical winds that blew in right when we were supposed to take off. The start of the flight had some of the worst turbulence I have experienced but the rest of the flight was smooth sailing and it felt so short compared to our 13 hour and 6.5 hours flights from a few days before.

    Landing in Krabi is when I actually feel like I landed in Thailand. The scenery from the airport was already stunning with tropical rolling mountains. We took quite a few different transportation vehicles to get to our place: from a car to a plane to a van to a large tuk tuk to a boat to a motorcycle with a side attachment - we eventually made it to our home for the next three days in Railay.

    The boat ride was definitely a highlight from yesterday. Railay itself is a stunning little island with beautiful mountains and lots of monkeys! Our accommodation is a traditional jungle house that is rustic and feels magical to stay in. Our bathroom is open air so it felt neat to shower under the stars last night and see monkeys while using the toilet this morning.

    After arriving in Railay we went for a walk to get some food and then picked up some cheap beers from the convenience store to drink on the beach. We then went for a nighttime swim which we thought might be refreshing bit turned out to be bath water. We stayed in the water for about an hour before heading back to our place for the night.

    It was another awesome day and we look forward to exploring the island more today!!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 5


    14 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    Yesterday was a serene, relaxing day. We just went with the flow and soaked up the sun on this beautiful island. We woke up and had breakfast of Thai omelet on rice with a smoothie and then went to the beach. We spent a few hours on the beach in the shade reading, talking, and relaxing. We went for swims, though unfortunately not to cool off as the water is too warm to be refreshing. There was a nice breeze on the beach which made it less stifling than bangkok. Once we lost the shade we decided to get lunch which we ate back at our house. We spent the rest of the afternoon on our porch playing games as a tropical storm rolled in.

    We walked back down to the beach to see if there was a sunset and we were treated to a pretty sky. While we were having a sunset swim we saw more lightning in the distance so we went back to our place to shower and get ready for dinner. We had a yummy dinner and then picked up some cheap beers and aloe Vera (RIP my shoulders) and went back to the porch for more games before calling it a night.

    Overall an amazing and relaxing day in this beautiful place!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 6

    Second day in Railay

    15 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Yesterday ended up being quite the adventurous and exhausting day for us! We started our day with some egg on avocado toast and a smoothie for breakfast. Once we had finished up eating, we headed out to check out the beach on the other side of the island. The monkeys on the island were out in full swing (pun intended) in the morning! They were all traveling the same path, so it was almost like an endless stream of them!

    On our way to the other beach, we ended up taking a wrong turn as the island maps are not the most clear. But that wrong turn ended up being a cool silver-lining as we discovered a cool boardwalk loop within the cave of the mountain. It was crazy to see the formations that are within the massive mountain that cover the landscape.

    After getting back on the right path, we arrived at the other beach. A notable feature of this beach was the 2 shrines dedicated to Pranang, who has symbolic association to the phallus/lingam. It's said if any carved phallus is set out into the sea from Railay, it will always wash up at the Pranang shrines. That takes drift-wood to a whole other level!

    After taking a swim at this beach and admiring the rockface we decided to go on a hike close by that featured a viewpoint of the island as well as access to a lagoon. Calling this a hike though is not very accurate, this was more of a mountain climb. Using ropes tied along the way, we climbed up and made it the viewpoint easily enough. In conversations with people returning from the hike, we learned the path to the lagoon was much more involved than the viewpoint path. It featured three 90 degree rockclimbs down to reach the pool at the bottom. This was a very exhausting task, but with the help and encouragement of one another, we made it to the bottom just fine (if "fine" also includes being covered in clay and drenched in sweat).

    Setting our eyes on the lagoon made the whole trek worth it! The view of it was beautiful and the scale of the walls were amazing. It took us no time to plunge into the lagoon to cool off from the all the work we put in! The pictures truly do not do it justice!

    Once we hopped out and dried off as much as we could, we made our way back up what we had just descended down. Thankfully, the way up was easier than the way down and we just took our time and made it back to the start of the trail. To say we were exhausted after all that would be an understatement! It felt phenomenal to grab a drink and hop in the shower after all was said and done!

    The excitement was not done yet though! While grabbing our drink, a torrential downpour passed by! Thankfully we were in a covered area, but it was crazy to watch the storm roll though!

    We finished off the day with some delicious Pad Thai for dinner and a few games of Bananagrams in the evening. It took us no time to fall asleep after hitting the pillow as another day of our trip came to a close!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 7

    Railay Beach to Phuket Island

    16 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    We've had some busy days so we're a bit late on the post for yesterday.

    Yesterday started off pretty much the same as the previous few, where we grabbed breakfast and a smoothie. Noah got the Thai omelette and Sarah got Burnt Butter Toast. Burnt butter toast is a sweet breakfast food where a thick slice of bread is covered in caramelized sugar. Sarah ordered hers with "strawberries" as the menu stated but was surprised to see what arrived at the table (as seen in the first picture).

    After breakfast, we had to check out of our room at 11:00am. Thankfully, the resort manager let us leave our bags in the office room until we had to catch our ferry at 3:30pm so we didn't have to worry about that. We spent that time hanging out on the beach relaxing. While on the beach, we discovered some baby crab homes where they have dug sand out of their hole which was very interesting to see. Once 2:30pm rolled around, the resort carted us off to the pier where we grabbed some Pad Thai for lunch before checking-in for the boat.

    The whole experience of the ferry was quite the interesting one. It started off with us being surprised when we were told to board the Longtail boats, as this was supposed to be a 2 hour trip across the Andaman Sea. After departing from the pier and being away from the shore, the engine of the Longtail boat was shut off. It wasn't until after Sarah broke the awkward silence of the boat into laughter by just saying "So...." that we learned we board the ferry via the Longtail boat. That reassured us as we were not fans of taking a Longtail boat across the sea. After a few minutes, the ferry emerged behind one of the several mountains ascending from the water and we boarded just fine.

    The beginning of the cruise was good and smooth, but when we went outside to the back deck, we noticed some storm clouds following behind us. It was cool to watch the dark clouds and lightning bolts roll in. But once it got close enough, the boat staff ushered everyone back inside. It was crazy how dark the sky got (as seen from the boat window comparison pictures). The water got pretty choppy, but we didn't have too much longer of the cruise and made it to the Phuket Town Pier without any issues.

    From the pier we got a shuttle to drive us across the island to the city of Patong where our next resort would be. We were happy to arrive at our new home for the next couple days as we were all quite exhausted. We then took a trip to the resort restaurant where we all enjoyed our meals and headed to be shortly after!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 8

    Phang Nga Bay

    17 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

    Yesterday was quite the long day as we went on an excursion! The day started as any other, with some breakfast. We walked down to the breakfast buffet and piled up on the food selection. Once we had finished breakfast, we waited at the resort lobby for the excursion van to pick us up.

    From there, we drove off of Phuket Island and to a Longtail boat dock that would sail onto Phang Nga Bay. The first part of the excursion was kayaking along the rock face of mountains and paddling through the tunnels that are submerged during high-tide. We went in expecting to be the ones paddling, but that was not the case as they had guides do that for us. After sitting on the kayak for a few minutes in the beating sun, we were all glad we didn't have to paddle as we were sweating enough by just sitting there. It was cool to get up close and see all the cracks and crevices these mountains contained!

    Once finishing off with the kayaks, we then headed towards the main attraction of the excursion, James Bond Island. The actual name of the island is Khao Ta Poo, but ever since being featured in "The Man with the Golden Gun" it has been coined as The James Bond Island. Its signature shape was created by years of erosion and waves, and we all thought it shared similarities to our own Flowerpot Island. After taking some pictures, we both jumped in the water to swim around the island. We wish we could've stayed there longer, but unfortunately only so much time was dedicated to this location on the excursion.

    The next stop on the excursion was the Floating Muslim Village on the bay. Here we received our lunch and were given about 30mins to explore. The main things we wanted to see were the Mosque and the Floating Football Pitch. We weren't able to get the best view of the Mosque but by walking a bit further we discovered the pitch! It was pretty cool and interesting to see, but I can only imagine there'd be as much swimming as soccer when games are played on it (but that actually sounds right up my alley - Noah). We rallied back to the Longtail boat and set sail once again. This was the final stop of the boating portion though, so we returned back to the docks.

    After getting off the boat, we loaded back into the van and went to the last destination of this excursion, Suwan Khuha Cave, or the Monkey Cave. This was a Buddha Shrine within a cave and featured a large Laying Buddha which was cool to see. The only issue was that this cave seemed to trap all the heat inside it and became extremely muggy. Even though we were out of the sun, the cave ended up feeling hotter than outside! We were happy seeing everything within the cave and getting out so we could breathe some fresh air!

    After that, we were done the excursion and the van brought us back to the resort. Upon arrival, we immediately changed into our swimwear and hopped into the pool for some relief from the cave. We discovered a swim-up bar where we enjoyed a couple drinks before hopping out and grabbing some dinner. Once we finished dinner, we got ready for bed and hit the hay!
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 9

    Last Day in Phuket

    18 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 32 °C

    Yesterday was a day that we were all looking forward to on this trip. It was the day we were going on an excursion to the Phuket Elephant Sanctuary! We had to leave at 8:15am, so we got up early, hit the breakfast buffet, and went to the lobby to catch our van. The drive to the sanctuary wasn't too long and once we got to their office and checked-in, we hopped in the back of a truck and drove down to the sanctuary.

    The sanctuary homes mature elephants that have visual and/or physical disablities due to them being used at logging camps or in shows. Once the logging camps and shows have no use for the elephants, they abandon them, and that is where the sanctuary comes into play. The sanctuary takes in the abandoned elephants and gives them a home that is free of neglect and abuse, and provides them with a large area to roam during the day.

    At the sanctuary we were given some rubber boots to change into for when we walk through the area. The sanctuary provided snacks for us while we waited for all the scheduled visitors to arrive for the day, which was nice! The first step of the sanctuary was being able to feed 2 of the elephants there with baskets of fruit and veggies. It was a cool experience as the elephants just grab the food from your hands with their trunks. After that, we went out into the large area where the elephants roam and got to see them up close and learn about their backstories and how they arrived at the sanctuary. After walking around and seeing the elephants for an hour or two, we walked back to where we started for our provided lunch, and then took the van back to the resort after that. It was a really awesome experience and something we all enjoyed and thought was a highlight of the trip so far. If you ever find yourself in Thailand, we highly recommend going to one of these sanctuaries, but make sure that it is an ethical one and not one that mistreats the animals.

    Once we arrived back at the resort, it was time to go for a swim and relax by the pool! It was such a nice afternoon cooling off after sweating our butts off at the sanctuary! Once again, we attended the swim-up bar where we enjoyed some cheap happy hour cocktails.

    Once the evening rolled around, we took a free shuttle into the city to grab a meal in Patong. The shuttle dropped us off at a mall where we were surprised to see a little slice of back home, a Tim Horton's! We kept adventuring and walked down the main strip of Patong, which was... an experience... since it was mainly tons of people shoving flyers in your face trying to get you to visit whatever restaurant or activity they were advertising.

    We got out of there and found a nice restaurant on a less busy street to eat dinner. Sarah was very happy to finally try the pineapple fried rice that she has been eyeing up at every place it's offered. It's presentation is very cool as it's served within the pineapple itself. After dinner, we grabbed some ice cream and took a walk on the beach until we got to a much less busy part of the city where it was less chaotic (and cheaper to get a cab back).

    When we got back to the resort, it was pretty much just packing and heading to bed as we had a 5:00 wakeup for our flight to Chiang Mai the next morning.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 10

    Phuket to Chiang Mai

    19 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

    Yesterday was an early morning! We woke up at 5am to catch our taxi to the airport for our 8am flight. We said goodbye to Jordan, or at least as much as we could without waking her up as he had a later flight. We grabbed our breakfast sandwiches that we cheekily made from the day before's breakfast buffet, grabbed our bags, and hopped in the cab to the airport.

    The airport experience was easy enough. Domestic flights within Thailand have been very easy for us so far. The only hitch we experienced was having to throw out our half finished 125mL bottle of Aloe Vera since the carry-on limit is 100mL. We waited to board, and once we did, something very unusual happened! We ended up taking off around 15 mins early! We both tried to sleep most of the 2 hour flight because of the early morning but didn't end up getting too much. Before we knew it, we were landing in Chiang Mai!

    Once landing and getting off the plane, we went down to the car rentals to pick up the vehicle we had booked. We definitely were skeptical about driving in Thailand, but it made more sense to rent a car for a day than pay magnitudes more for an excursion where we'd be rushing at every stop. Once we got the car, we pulled the route on Google Maps on got on our way. A nice little tip is that for Google Maps, as long as you have internet to start your route, it should track and be used just fine when there is no connection. So that's what we were going to rely on for our travels.

    We got to the Doi Suthep Temple without any problems and getting used to driving on the other side wasn't difficult. The only thing that needed getting used to was the blinker being on the other side. There were multiple times where the intent was to flick the blinker on, and all of a sudden, the windshield wipers are going! Anyway, to get to the temple we needed to climb up a set of 300-ish stairs (there was also an underground cable car, but why would we want to take that!?). We just took our time going up the stairs and got to the top no problem! We then bought our admission tickets and made our way in. We also bought some flowers, as you are supposed to give them as an offering at the temple. It was very cool seeing the design of the buildings and seeing the view from up there. Once we were done viewing the temple, we made our way back down the massive staircase, but thankfully going down is much easier than going up.

    At the bottom, we grabbed a bite to eat at one of the many eateries. But then an issue was posed, getting WiFi to get the Google Maps to our accommodations for the night. We searched on our phones for any WiFi networks, but the issue with that is even if someplace had WiFi, we wouldn't know what English lettered Network Name coincided with what Thai lettered store. There was one store however, that had an English name as well as a WiFi network, now we just needed the password. Through the window of the store, we could see a piece of paper taped to a cabinet that said, "WiFi: 1111122222" (we have noticed WiFi passwords are not Thailand's strong-suit). We typed it in, and were connected no problem. We probably could have just asked for the password, but where's the fun in that!? We started our route and hopped in our car and drove off.

    We made it to our accommodation by 3:30pm and relaxed for a bit while we waited for them to finished some maintenance on the pool. Once that was done, we immediately went for a swim. Before we knew it, it was starting to get dark and be time for dinner. We hopped out of the pool, took a shower, and got changed. By the time we did all that and went to go back outside, it appeared a storm had passed over us. So after quite a while of waiting, we finally had to sprint through the rain to the on-site restaurant before it closed for the night. The meal was pretty good, and once we were done, we made our way back to our cabin and called it a night.
    Baca lagi

  • Hari 11

    Fog-et About It! (Doi Inthanon - Pt. 1)

    20 Mei, Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    So, as you may have noticed, there is a "Pt. 1" in the title. Yesterday was quite the doozy of a day and we have lots to show, but due to the 20 image limit of FindPenguins, this day will probably be split into 3 parts.

    The day started with our complementary breakfast. Not included in the picture was a yogurt cup, a banana, and a sizeable portion of fried-rice. We didn't end up getting to the rice during breakfast so we attempted to communicate if we could have a to-go container. We did seem to make a breakthrough in the language barrier as we received a little box that we scooped the rice into. We then headed back to the cabin to sunscreen up, and then checked-out and started our drive to the Doi Inthanon National Park.

    The place we stayed at was just outside the park boundaries, so getting in was no issue at all. The park has many trails and waterfalls throughout it, but the first stop we wanted to make was to see the main attraction of the park, the Pagodas near the peak. So we planned to see that first, then go to the peak, and then on the way down, stop at whatever trails or waterfalls we liked. That rental car of ours definitely got a workout that day, as we had a 40-odd km drive uphill to get to the Pagodas (and a bit more to get to the peak). We arrived at the Pagoda parking lot and hopped out of the car and into the back of one of the free shuttles from the lot to the Pagodas.

    When we first arrived at the Pagodas, it was looking pretty clear, but as we marched up the staircases, a cloud of fog seemed to roll right in. This is where having the rental car came in handy, instead of having only a certain amount of time at the Pagodas, we were able to be patient and really look around as we waited for the fog to clear up. After climbing up and down the staircases to the Pagodas and looking inside them, the fog finally seemed to clear. It was still a bit hazy in the distance, but the view was still astonishing! We basically retraced our steps since we saw everything once in the fog and then again once it had cleared. Once we were all finished at the Pagodas, we took the shuttle back to the parking lot and puttered up the rest of the mountain to the parking lot at the peak.

    We walked up the path, which was pretty short, and reached the highest point in Thailand. There was a shrine, as well as a little box that had coins in it. We overheard someone else mention you put a small offering there as it's meant to be good luck. So we pulled out a Canadian nickel and flicked it in the box. From there, we went back down to the parking lot, sat down, and enjoyed the leftover bananas and rice from breakfast (along with some snacks we had from the Elephant Sanctuary).

    Now it was time to work our way back down the mountain and go on some trails!
    Baca lagi