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  • Day 4

    Traveling to Railay

    May 13 in Thailand ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    Lying in bed writing the post from yesterday because we were so tired we fell asleep in the middle of making our post.

    Yesterday was another busy, hot, and fun day! We woke up and went for another swim in the pool to start our day. We then went and had breakfast. I had pad Thai and a mango smoothie and Noah had fried rice and an orange smoothie.

    After breakfast we walked to the river and saw an old battlement fort that had been restored and was set in a pretty park. We then went to a temple that was right beside our hotel before going back to the hotel to cool off before heading to the airport (have I mentioned it's stinking hot here!?). At the airport we met up with my friend Jordan and found a pig dumpling which was very fitting!

    Our flight to Krabi was delayed slightly due to a heavy rain storm and tropical winds that blew in right when we were supposed to take off. The start of the flight had some of the worst turbulence I have experienced but the rest of the flight was smooth sailing and it felt so short compared to our 13 hour and 6.5 hours flights from a few days before.

    Landing in Krabi is when I actually feel like I landed in Thailand. The scenery from the airport was already stunning with tropical rolling mountains. We took quite a few different transportation vehicles to get to our place: from a car to a plane to a van to a large tuk tuk to a boat to a motorcycle with a side attachment - we eventually made it to our home for the next three days in Railay.

    The boat ride was definitely a highlight from yesterday. Railay itself is a stunning little island with beautiful mountains and lots of monkeys! Our accommodation is a traditional jungle house that is rustic and feels magical to stay in. Our bathroom is open air so it felt neat to shower under the stars last night and see monkeys while using the toilet this morning.

    After arriving in Railay we went for a walk to get some food and then picked up some cheap beers from the convenience store to drink on the beach. We then went for a nighttime swim which we thought might be refreshing bit turned out to be bath water. We stayed in the water for about an hour before heading back to our place for the night.

    It was another awesome day and we look forward to exploring the island more today!!
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