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Top 10 Travel Destinations Hesse
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    • Day 4

      Nachtessen mit Maik

      June 1, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Danke Dir Maik, dass Du Dir Zeit für mich genommen hast. War wie in alten Zeiten, ich habs genossen und wir konnten viel lachen. Vielleicht -so Gott will - sehen wir uns in Norddeutschland nochmals.
      Bis dann machs gut 👍👍👍
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    • Day 3


      June 26, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

      Scheduled an extended layover in Frankfurt to ensure there were no connection snafus and decided to take advantage of the extra six hours to explore old town Frankfurt. Not the best time of day for pictures, but you can still see a bit of the old school charm!Read more

    • Day 2


      May 8 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      En dejlig dag. Var på Wasserkuppe, hvor svæveflyvning startede. Desværre en dag med lave skyer. Så dog flere flyslæb pg rundflyvninger med motorfly. Et dejligt naturområde med skiløb vinter, og i dag fik Torben sin debut på sommerkælk.
      Kørte rundt hele dagen bagefter i Rhön-dalen, op og ned, op til 900 moh.
      Flot natur med vandrestier og cykelruter overalt.
      Pizza indtaget på værelset kl. 20.30.
      I morgen kører vi til Alsace.
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    • Day 11

      Dalheim - Bingen am Rhein

      May 10 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Uns erwartete am Morgen ein fantastisches Zmorge mit selber gemachten Brötchen und Erdbeermarmelade und noch mehr! Der Austausch mit Meike blieb intensiv und schliesslich hatten wir auch kein Zelt abzubauen. So zogen wir erst gegen 9h30 los richtung Mainz. Die Strecke war abwechslungsreicher als die letzten Tage und immer wieder bekamen wir das rege Treiben aufm Rhein zu sehen.
      Zu Mittag gönnten wir uns eine Currywurst. Mit dieser im Magen gings flott und bereits vor 16h kamen wir auf dem ausgewählten Campingplatz an. Mit noch warmer Sonne und kühlem Radler geniessen wir nun den Abend.
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    • Day 17

      To Cologne: Alarums and Excursions

      May 16 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Shakespeare’s famous stage direction is an apt introduction to today’s adventures.
      This was our trickiest day. To reach Cologne we must board the TGV ( high speed train) at Strasbourg (France), travel to Mannheim (Germany), unload our bulky luggage, find the correct platform for the second train, board it and get off in time in Cologne before the ICE (German high speed train) shot off to its ultimate destination in Kiel.
      After our scare in Munich, where we found the correct carriage and seats with only minutes to spare, we decided to take no chances. We arrived at Le Gare Strasbourg at 0800. Heaps of time (we thought ) for us to find our first train, due to leave at 0905.
      The minutes ticked by as we paced the gloomy corridors, avoiding hoards of worried looking people on their way to work. Deutche Bahn, the German rail service prides itself on clear explanation, helpful staff and informative signboards so you can find your way around,
      Not the French so-called “Information” office, staffed by a woman whose ancestors surely knitted at the guillotine.
      Neil asked which was the platform for our train.
      Until it arrives I will not know.
      Who can I ask?
      The train manager.
      Where can I find him?
      With the train. You must watch the notices.
      What is the final destination of the Mannheim train?
      (Triumphantly) I don’t know.

      We were getting nervous by this stage as I had worked out that there was less than 20 minutes between when the incoming showed up on the signboard and when it left. But Google saved the day; once we learned the first train was going to Frankfurt we at least knew which name ti look for!
      We were later told by a friendly US couple, married 52 years to our 54, and similarly touring the great gothic cathedrals, that French railway personnel hate Eurail passes ( like ours).

      We have now learned to park our heavy suitcases downstairs on two-level trains.we then made our way upstairs to enjoy the endless variety of life on the TGV- a charming young man from Tunisia ( North Africa), who works between Pariis snd Strasbourg ( his super-cute little boy gave us big smiles) . Four young musicians totally focussed on a table covered in musical scores (Ionesco’s Octet).
      The second leg of our journey went more smoothly. But we were relieved to exit correctly, on the right side of the train, onto the modern and well-lit Hauptbahnhof at Cologne.
      And look up, to see the towering twin spires of Cologne Cathedral, at 157m, the tallest twin-spired chuch in the eorkd; Getmany’s most-visited landmark (6 million visitors a year.)
      After dumping our bags with great relief at the hotel, we walked to the Rhine river to rhe famous Hohenzollern railway bridge. (417m). The original three-span bridge was built by Kaiser William II in 1911. Its piers were blown up by the Nazis in 1945 in a vain attempt to halt the Allied advance into Germany.
      It has now been reconstructed as a railway bridge with a separate pedestrian/ cyclist path. The wire fences are covered in padlocks.
      We walked across, looking fown at the huge barges passing underneath, feeling the path vibrate with each passing train.
      Then back to the hotel, just missing a mid-afternoon thunderstorm and heavy downpour.
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    • Day 216

      Wir sind wieder on Tour

      May 19, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Nachdem die Stellplätze wieder besucht werden dürfen und wir Verwandtenbesuche hinter uns haben, stehen wir an der Edertalsperre. Hier gibt es bei Lecko Mio an der Staumauer das weltbeste Eis. Also bleiben wir doch ein paar Tage. 😉🍧 Abends spielen wir immer etwas und heute hat Klaus seit Wochen sein "Lieblingsspiel" mal wieder verloren.Read more

    • Day 46

      Fünf Fotos-Rhine Cruise Day 4

      May 29, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 10 °C

      We had a restful night moored about a mile from Speyer's old town. Although a group tour was arranged, we decided to repeat our independent journey into town based on the presentation we had heard about the highlights of Speyer. Admittedly, while we had heard of Speyer previously, we knew very little about the town.

      When we left the boat, it was a bit chilly and was threatening to rain. The first thing we noticed on the way to town was a series of children's paintings on a wall outside a restaurant. It captured for me the innocence of children, and my thoughts returned to those who were murdered earlier in this week as well as those who witnessed it. May we have the resolve to do better for them.

      We loved the forested walk to the center of the city. The green space was lush and it it was a quiet morning. It really felt like we had the city to ourselves.

      I took the time to go into the Domkirche St. Maria und St. Stephan (Speyer Cathedral) about 45 minutes before church services while Jim C explored the adjacent courtyard. There were only a handful of people in the cathedral, and I appreciated the stillness.

      In contrast to many of the Italian Cathedrals, this one is beautiful in its stark simplicity. The stained glass windows are shades of grey Purportedly, construction began in 1024 A.D. In reviewing the history there were several reconstructions after fires, reconstructions and battles. The different architectural approaches are quite evident when viewing the exterior of the church. While the crypt was closed, there were several inscriptions on the floor near the altar memorializing a number of emperors, expresses and bishoos who were laid to rest.

      As we left the church grounds, we walked toward the St. George Fountain in the center of the old town. As we used a tool to translate the various inscriptions surrounding the image of St. George, it became more clear that this fountain was created as part of 1930's Nazi propaganda in honor of fallen soldiers in WWI. Upon further research, I learned that subsequently the Speyer Town Council added a plaque noting that this captured the sentiment of the time, a seemingly week rationalization for the portrayal. I don't think it's unlike too many politicians today wanting to gloss over our own country's history of white supremacy.

      Shortly before we reached the old town gate (Altpoertel) a cacophony of bells sounded which seemed intent on waking the entire city. They continued for about fifteen minutes.

      The Altpoertel is the medieval west city gate of Speyer. and is one of the original 68 towers in the old walls and gates. It was originally
      constructed in the 13th century with several reconstructions over the centuries. It was almost destroyed by French troops who relented when monks pleaded to spare the tower for fear that it would fall and destroy the monastery. It survived; the rest of Speyer and the cathedral were destroyed. It stands today as one of the largest city gates in Germany.

      As we left the Altpoertel, we devoted most of our time in Speyer to visit the ShUM Speyer, a museum dedicated to the Jewish heritage in Speyer dating back over 1000 years ago.

      In 1084, a Bishop took in Jewish refugees from Mainz. Jewish and Christian communities coexisted in peace for over four hundred years. The persecutions around the Black Death ended that time of peace. Subsequent attempts to reestablish the Jewish community were disrupted frequently in the 1500's. The destruction of Speyer in 1689 also witnessed the destruction of the synagogue.

      We toured the remaining structure of the synagogue and adjacent women's school. Women were allowed to listen to what was happening in the synagogue through acoustic slits in the wall.

      We toured the Mikvah ("kiving water"), the ritual bath used for cleansing. It was remarkably intact and it still collects rainwater as it did when constructed.

      We toured the museum on the grounds of the old Jewish Cemetery that no longer exists. The medieval buildings on Kleine Pfaffengasse (Old Jewish Lane) were destroyed by the great fire in 1689.

      After the Jewish community in Speyer was destroyed, the cemetery headstones were used as building materials. The markers of those who had passed now became part of walls, bridges and private homes.

      Today abut 50 of the headstones have resurfaced, and they richly describe in Hebrew the lives of those who passed.

      The desecration of the headstones bothered me deeply. I imagined the markers of beloved family members and friends disappearing with the recollection of their existence.

      I was very moved by the museum and grounds. In a world that seems so fractured today, I'm reminded that most of the divisions are contrived narratives designed to ignore our commonalities and to instead make us fear and, at our worst, hate each other. It was a good reminder that we can do better despite different cultures and belief systems.

      As we walked back to the boat in time for our next stop, we saw a family walking together. One of the children called out "Opa" to her apparent grandfather. It was a reminder how much we treasure the opportunity as grandfathers and to witness Olive's love for her Opa. There is nothing better.

      As our boat departed we enjoyed a delightful lunch chat with a couple in their 80's. We talked about world travel, politics and history.

      We pulled into Rudesheim this evening, and after dinner, we took a stroll into the city for a preview. We really enjoyed a walk along the river to the city center, and we stopped for a drink. A former high school classmate recommended that I try Rudesheimer Kaffe which reminds me a bit of an Irish coffee except the coffee is spiked with a local cognac instead. I can attest that tree caffeine is more effective than the sedating effects of the alcohol as I wrap this post at 2:30 a.m. We look forward to our return to town tomorrow morning.

      Guten Nacht!
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    • Day 3

      Ein Tag ohne Highlight

      May 31, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Heute war ein anstrengender Tag ohne wesentliche Höhenmeter, dafür war die Konzentration immer und ewig gefragt. Zuerst der Badischen Weinstrasse entlang, wo ich keine Kilometer fressen konnte, und anschliessend Frankfurt umfahren mit gefühlten 1000 Lichtsignalampel, welche keinen Rythmus zu liessen. Auch die Radwege waren von bedauerlicher Qualität, sodass ich heute Gefühlt Paris - Roubaix gefahren bin. Hans das wolltest Du doch schon immer einmal fahren... Ich bin definitiv draussen.
      Am Schluss kam ich dann auch noch in ein Gewitterregen. Natürlich auf einer Ausfallstrasse einer Autobahn um 16:00 Ein Auto nach dem anderen rauschte an mir vorbei. Aber die Regenjacke hielt dicht. In Bad Nauheim fand ich dann beim 4 Hotel ein freies Zimmer. Ihr dürft 3 Mal raten, was das für ein feines Abendessen war.

      Und wie immer hier auch der Suunto Fitness Link vom Tag. Habe aber vergessen diesen zur richtigen Zeit abzustellen…

      P. S nach dem letzten Foto hats noch ein Video
      P. S. Morgen treffe ich mich mit Maik einer meiner Lieblings Ex-Vetropack Arbeitskollegen zum Abendessen in Fritzlsr und werde daher keine Zeit finden für Euch-Sorry for that
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    • Day 5

      An der Weser

      June 2, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Heute morgen war der Einstieg in die Tour etwas schwierig. Zwei mal verfahren und dann noch nach Navi ein paar Kilometer im Morgenverkehr auf einer zweispurigen Hauptstrasse.
      Als das geschagt war, ging es eigentlich primär in landschaftlich idylischer Gegend "Maik's" Kasseler Berge entgegen (Video1). Ok - es gab ein, zwei Anstiege, aber von Berge würde ich da nicht sprechen. Ich wusste nie, ob ich doch noch über einen der flankierenden Hügelzüge klettern musste. Aber nein, spätestens, als ich an der Weser ankam, wusste ich, dass Maiks Berge nur ein laues Lüftchen war. Anschliessend ging es fast 100km mehr oder weniger der Weser entlang. Traumhafte landschaftliche Gegend. Eine Stunde bin ich mit Dirk geradelt, welcher einen Ausflug in seiner Heimatgegend gemacht hatte. War unterhaltsam und kurzweilig.
      So radelte ich weiter und weiter, bis mein Tagesziel Bodenwerder erreicht war
      (muss was mit dem fliegenden Baron von Münchhausen zu tun haben. Ich kenne leider die Geschichte zu wenig)
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    • Day 1

      En we zijn los

      July 18, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Vanochtend rustig wakker geworden, en de laatste zaken opgeruimd bij ons huis. We merken duidelijk dat we aan vakantie toe zijn, voor de tweede nacht zijn we de sproeier vergeten uit te doen.....het gras mag dus niet klagen😊
      Het rijden ging goed, wel even weer wennen in de bergjes....maar ons huisje op wielen heeft zich prima gehouden. Het was warm zoals op vele plaatsen vandaag...maar we konden goed doorrijden....we staan op een rustige camperplek in de bergen op 800 meter hoogte....we hebben een mooie schaduwplek en bergmeer is op 50 is een grote vuurplek waar vanavond een knapperig vuurtje wordt gemaakt. We blijven hier 2 nachten...en weten dan nog niet waar we heen gaan....wellicht hebben jullie goeie tips....laat het ons dan vooral weten😊
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Hessen, Hesse, 헤센 주, Assia, Hesja, Land Hessen, Гессен

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