University of Amsterdam

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    • Day 9

      Isle of Capri

      March 8 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      We picked a good day for the hydrofoil trip to Capri. Just 40 mins and we were docking. Rushed to buy tickets for the funicular before we were aware that it was closed for reno! Quite a long wait for the mini buses which careen around the island hairpins - and the buses are packed!
      The town of Capri was super busy with tourists so we settled for a pricey coffee (10 euro each) so we could relax and people watch on the sunshine. It was like walking down Bond St - unbelievable shops. Lots of construction/reno happening. Probably prepping for the new season. We did a walk about but very quickly caught the bus to AnaCapri which was much quieter, very few, if any designer shops and more to our liking. Found a delightful square with tiled benches to eat our home made sandwiches - cotto ham, rocket, provolone and roma toms. Perfect!
      Explored the beautiful church, had a cuppa in a cute little cafe and realised all too soon we had to head back to port, as I was ever hopeful of a dip at the little beach near the harbour.
      Sadly far too windy for a dip in the turquoise waters so I settled for a paddle. Bliss. Beachcombing for sea glass and terracotta bits was so rewarding!
      Headed home for last night in Sorrento, stopping en route for shirt shopping for Richard.
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    • Day 21


      October 10, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We stayed 2 nights in Amsterdam after the cruise at an AirBnB house boat! We decided on this months ago and were really glad...a very different, quaint little boat. Fully self contained, and the owner baked fresh bread every day, and stocked the fridge with everything we needed for our stay. Tea, coffee, milk (including soy milk for Christine), cereals, eggs, cheeses, condiments etc were all replenished each day...fantastic!

      The first day in Amsterdam was a bit wet, so after walking in to the city (20 mins) and checking out a few sights, we decided to get on board the 24hr hop on hop off canal boat. This turned out to be great as we got out of the rain for 2.5 hours as we cruised around the beautiful canals. It even had a stop very close to our houseboat so was very handy. We were also able to use it till 5pm the next day, which, being a sunny day allowed for some great photos etc.

      Went to the Anne Frank House which we booked months ago...very interesting. Also decided to check out the Red Light district (including the prostitute windows), and went through the Red Light Museum which was pretty ordinary.
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    • Day 17


      August 21, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      This afternoon I met up with some fellow hostel mates, Jenny and MV, who are from the States and they let me tag along for the afternoon!! Had a blast and they have done way more planning and organizing than I have so super informative and awesome to spend time with! We had some yummy authentic Dutch stroopwaffles (yum) that were made in front of us and still warm (it will be difficult to go back to our Canadian store bought ones!!) We toured around amsterdam and boy was it beautiful! Some fun facts: a lot of the buildings are slanted because they were built on wooden posts that have been deformed/rotted and so the structure is shifting! Also a lot of the houses are really tall and skinny because their rent was based on the square footage the building took up so most of the houses are very tall and skinny. Soooo....they had hooks to pull couches in through upper floor windows!! (This hits close to home because this is identical to what Grandpa would do in his work shop in Hamilton) I am also constantly blown away by the number of bikes! They had a 3 floor "parking garage" strictly for bikes that were packed with more filling in the main area as well! To cap off, we walked by the red light district which we are going to see tonight. Truly a culture I have never witnessed to this extent!! Wild!Read more

    • Day 10


      March 9 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Very wet day as we head to the station. First train to Napoli,then change to fast train for Rome. A total of 2.5 hours including change.
      First train was very wet - water seeping in around door frames and windows that don't shut!
      Second train a big improvement! They said fast - did not appreciate it would be 300km/hour. No, not a typo! Very smooth.
      We were in Rome and checked in to our hotel with afternoon free for sightseeing. Still pretty wet so opted for hop on/off to get our bearings and stay dry. Apologies for rough photos - taken from moving bus! Jaw dropping sights - the size and number.
      We did go to Trevi Fountain - huge crowds - mostly youngsters. Unfortunately I was not feeling great - frozen and sore throat so it was early supper and head back to hotel. Everywhere feels extremely safe, not much hassling from the occasional street vendors and lots of police cars/sirens!
      Our hotel room had BBC world news so watched that loop for a while - enough reality.
      Streets were very noisy at night, possibly due to Italy winning the rugby match in Rome today!
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    • Day 8


      March 7 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      After yesterday's sensory overload, a quieter day was in order! Figured out the washing machine (so glad I brought my tech guy along - he has been invaluable,!). We explored the myriad streets in the old town and it turned into a shopping expedition. All valid purchases for my outfit on 20 March!
      Enjoyed a leisurely lunch at a nearby restaurant (note the interior festooned with hams and smoked goodies) and explored further to find some views across to the Bay of Naples and lemon gardens!
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    • Day 2

      Birthday und so

      July 13, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Heute sind wir einfach nur durch Amsterdam gelaufen ohne ein großes Ziel.
      Wir haben heute morgen in einem kleinen Café (Stef’s Bakery) frühstücken. Hier wurden die belegten Sandwiches/Brötchen frisch zu bereitet und waren echt sehr lecker und sehr zu empfehlen.
      Nach dem Frühstück waren wir auf dem Bloemenmarkt und sind von da aus ein wenig shoppen gewesen. Unter anderem haben wir bei „Captain Candy“ Süßigkeiten gekauft.
      Auch wenn wir keine Eintrittskarten für das Anne-Frank-Haus hatten, waren wir dennoch dort einmal vorbeischauen.
      Abends haben wir dann noch eine Restaurant-Empfehlung unserer Reiseführerin von gestern ausprobiert und waren im „Cannibale Royale“ essen. Es ist von außen ein unscheinbares kleines Restaurant aber sehr zu empfehlen. Aber man sollte dort auf jeden Fall vorher einen Tisch reservieren.
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    • Day 69

      Around Amsterdam

      August 11, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      We rented yellow bikes to ride around Amsterdam, which with street traffic was sometimes pleasant, sometimes crazy for Ashlyn. Went by Dam square, the Red light district, Anne Frank's house, Begijnhof, and ended up at Rijks museum. Afterwards we cruised around Vondelpark for a break.Read more

    • Day 11


      September 18, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Es ist der älteste und bekannteste Wohnhof von ca. 24 Wohnhöfen. Sie wurden von Handelsherren für alleinstehende Frauen und Witwen gespendet.
      Heut leben hier oft Studenten.
      Die meisten Gebäude stammen aus dem 17/18. Jahrhundert. Das älteste Gebäude ist von 1477.Read more

    • Day 2

      Kurzurlaub in Amsterdam und Umgebung

      October 20, 2022 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Dank Airbnb und anderen Plattformen, ist es heutzutage ja recht einfach eine geeignete Unterkunft, auch für größere Gruppen, zu finden. Wir beschlossen etwas 20 Minuten außerhalb von Amsterdam, in dem kleinen Ort Katwoude, gelegen an einem der vielen Kanäle, zu wohnen, damit man neben dem ganzen Trubel der Stadt auch das „echte“ Holland erlebt. Amsterdam ist ja sehr touristisch und leider fehlt in der Innenstadt das Angebot an Grünflächen oder Spielplätzen, wenn man mit Kindern oder Hunden reist. Daher waren wir oft auswärts, beispielsweise in Marken, was das ländliche Flair wunderbar einfängt und geeignet für einen Halbtagesausflug ist. Der obligatorische Grachtenausflug per Schiff durfte aber natürlich nicht fehlen.Read more

    • Day 2

      Amsterdam, Niederlande

      October 9, 2019 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Der Tag begann ohne Regen und einer angenehmen Wärme in der niederländischen Hauptstadt. Heute stand die Innenstadt auf dem Programm und zahlreiche Läden, luden zum Einkaufen ein. Hach wie der Bann der Butiken einen anziehen kann. So ging es von Laden zu Laden, von Café zu Café. Zur heutigen Freude trafen wir eine gute alte Kollegin von mir beim gemeinsamen Kaffee. Intressante Gespräche brachten Farbe in den tristen Nachmittag, denn trotz allem begann es wieder zu regnen.
      Bei einem feinen Znacht in der Nachbarschaft, genossen wir das Ambiente in Mitten der Grachten von Amsterdam.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Universität von Amsterdam, Universitaet von Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Maagdenhuis

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