Whitehorse Rapids

    • 日20

      Zurück in Whitehorse

      2022年8月25日, カナダ ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Zurück in Whitehorse geben wir das Wohnmobil ab. Die Rückgabe ist wieder völlig unkompliziert .
      Die Fraserway bringt uns noch zum Skky Hotel mit Blick auf den Flughafen. Da es aber erst Mittag ist, beschließen wir noch einen Ausflug zu unternehmen. In Whitehorse gibt es die längste Fischleiter Nordamerikas. Um die Kraft des Yukon zu nutzen wurde hier ein Stausee angelegt. Das angeschlossene Wasserkraftwerk versorgt die Region mit Strom. Allerdings ist der Yukon auch ein Brutgewässer für Lachse die den Fluss hinaufziehen um zu laichen. Um den Lachsen den Weg mit dem Damm nicht zu versperren, wurde gleichzeitig diese Fischleiter errichtet, die einen Weg am Damm vorbei bietet.
      Wir schauen Insider Anlage an, allerdings hätte ich geglaubt das mehr Fische hier vorbei kommen. Heute war es bis jetzt einer. Offensichtlich sind die Lachse mit vielen Hindernissen konfrontiert, so dass nur wenige hier angekommen. Man versucht mit Nachzucht die Population wieder anzuheben ob das Erfolg hat wird erst in einigen Jahren zu sehen sein.
      Wir laufen zurück in die Stadt und
      treffen uns zu einem letzten gemeinsamen Abendessen. Morgen in aller Frühe geht es wieder nach Hause.

    • 日21

      Day #2 in Whitehorse

      2019年7月6日, カナダ ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Had another fun day in Whitehorse, this is the largest city in the Yukon, and the capital of this territory. It's odd, Canada has provinces (mostly) and the several areas that are known as territories, not quite sure what makes them different, but some of the canadians we have spoken to say they're really isn't any difference anymore. The name just stays as is...
      We started yesterday with a visit to the "world's longest wooden" fish ladder. And it is long. For hydro power there is a dam on this part of the Yukon, just shy of a major spawning area for the same, hence the ladder. Very interesting, no salmon yet, but we're are hoping to see some on or return trip thru this city.

      Then we headed to the Beringia Interpretive Center museum. This one is all about the land mass that connected Asia to Alaska/Yukon during the Ice Age and the animals that existed during that time. Once the glacier receded, the sea levels rose and the two continents are separated by the Bering Sea. Then a tour and an video presentation.

      Next stop was a quick grocery run at Walmart, and a stop at the First Nation Heritage Center. Was pretty well deserted, poked our noses around and moved on.

      Back to visitor center, walked main street shops, the little Log Church downtown, and then spent time in the visitor centre accessing their Wi-fi. Creek service still okay, but weak here, so to catch up on Quicken it is easier to get somewhere with decent service. You can "buy" it at the campgrounds sometimes, but it is usually a pretty poor solutions. $5 for 30 minutes. Shoot it takes me 15 minutes to boot my laptop and get on Wi-fi network!

      So instead of cooking dinner we headed to a Yukon brewery, Winterlong, for a beer tasting and pot pie dinner. Very tasty! Back to camp and showers!

      Interesting decision point, trying to figure out whether we stay on the Alaska highway (west option) or the klondike highway (east option) through Dawson City. A Canadian couple next to us are heading that way, and they know some one connected to the MP (police) who said that the highway maybe closed by today....so not quite sure what direction we will be taking yet, and we are already having our morning coffee!

    • 日47

      Whitehorse Encore!

      2018年7月3日, カナダ ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We are back in Whitehorse to buy a few essential things (like towels), see some of the sights we missed the first time around, explore some of the outlying areas and to meet up with some friends. I don’t have pictures because today’s excitement is a shower (hence the towels), but so as not to leave you with absolutely nothing, here is a picture of the Sticky Bun we picked up today (it will feed us for a while) and last night’s campfire (we are camping after all even if the sun isn’t going down at the end of the day).もっと詳しく

    • 日132

      Fishladder, Whitehorse, YT

      2022年8月19日, カナダ ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      Plus gros escalier à poisson en bois du monde. Cela permet aux saumons de remonter au delà du barrage pour pouvoir se reproduire. C’est un voyage de 3200km sans se nourrir qu’ils entreprennent. Malheureusement, cette année seulement 62 saumons ont été vu remonter la Yukon River, quand cela était plutôt autour de 1000 il y a quelques années. Pourtant chaque année plusieurs dizaines de milliers descendent la rivière pour rejoindre la mer (il y a une écloserie qui tente de faire augmenter la population de saumon en amont du barrage). De quoi questionner la pêche de masse et ses impacts.


      Biggest wood fish-ladder in the world. It permits the salmon to go above the dam and spawn. It’s a 3200km trip from the sea, without eating. Sadly, this year, only 62 salmons have been observed in the ladder when before it was more in the thousand area a few years ago. There is several tens of thousands fry that go down the river to the sea each year (there is an hatchery upstream trying to increase salmon population). That’s a good moment to ask ourself the impacts of massive fishing.


    Whitehorse Rapids


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