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    • Day 207

      Bordeaux Wine Museum, Bordeaux, France

      December 1, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Today we toured a wine museum in Bordeaux that taught us about the history of wine in Bordeaux. Unexpectedly, Bordeaux was initially just a trading port used for Italian wine with the British Isles more than 2000 years ago. The first to plant vines in Bordeaux were the Vivisques, a celtic tribe. Eventually Bordeaux wine would come to out number Italian wine in England.

      Early wine trade consisted of a 4 party process. The wine estate, the broker (who was a middle man), the merchant (who bought barrels, and did aging and bottling), and lastly the consumer. Note that since the merchant did the bottling and eventually the branding the identity of wines was very different than it is today. Wines would have been more likely named JP Morgan Chase than Château Cheval. These merchants fitness a castle named the Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce in 1705.

      The first informal classification of Médoc wines was created by (get this) Thomas Jefferson. While serving as the ambassador to France he visited Bordeaux vineyardd in 1787. He gave a very precise description of the quality of the wines, which he classified into 3 categories. This became the standard used for the first classification of wines, requested by Napoleon for the 1855 Universal Exhibition in Paris. The 1855 Classification consists of 5 classes for 61 châteaux.

      Beginning in the 17th century, Dutch migrants started settling in Bordeaux. They brought with them their knowledge of draining land and they did so in Bordeaux. This greatly increased the farmable land in the appellation allowing for larger yields. The Dutch also bright with them the process used to asepticize the barrels with sulfur. Previously, wine had to be drunk within one year of harvest or it would go bad.

      In the 18th century, the English and Irish also had a migration to Bordeaux. The first bottling factory was created by an Irish man, Mr Mitchell, in Chartrons district. Never underestimate how serious the Irish are about drinking.

      We also learned of a story where one enterprising merchant started trading Bordeaux wine with English soldiers stationed in India. On one less successful trip he brought some unsold barrels home. He realized the wine aged perfectly during the long trip. This eventually created a brand of wine "Retour des Indes" or "returned from India." He started sending them on cheaper trips to Portugal and back with the same label. 😂

      Eventually, some Bordeaux wines started seeing counterfeit labels from other regions. To help combat this, bottling and labeling was moved from merchants, to the wine estates to ensure authenticity and quality at home in the region.

      Edit: I'm adding this months after our visit. I found a good, quick video that shows cork production.…
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    • Day 5

      Bordeaux pour deux (et trois)

      July 2, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We found a Bailey! Wondered around the main town of Bordeaux and saw all the sights of the old city! Alfred was very keen to make the most of the bikes that come with our air bnb so we rode the 6km in and out of Bordeaux twice today! We had a very lazy afternoon having a picnic in the mains gardens in Bordeaux and watching the end of stage 2! We headed back into town to have dinner and drinks at a funky bar with a friend from Bailey's hostel and spent the evening drinking Boudreaux wine (🤠🍷) before riding home again ((:Read more

    • Day 2

      Onboard the AmaDolce

      August 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Few hiccups today, but finally made it to Bordeaux and onboard. Just in time to freshen up before cocktail hour, welcome reception then dinner at the Captain's table.
      Overnight flight was fine but didn't care for the 3 hour delay in the airport. Reached out to Ama's emergency contact to inform them of our delay and confirm our transfer from Bordeaux airport to the cruise dock was adjusted to our arrival time. Sure enough, after getting our luggage, we went out to ground transportation where an Ama rep was waiting for us. Onboard, into our stateroom, unpacked and ready for a tasty beverage!
      Introduction of staff, safety instructions, a drink or 2, then on to dinner. Outstanding meal. Great conversation meeting new people from UK, FL, & Melissa our cruise manager and Captain Jean-Francois from France. Now time to turn in.
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    • Day 7

      Cadillac to Bordeaux

      August 22, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      We started out in Cussac-fort Medoc then cruised Garonne to Cadillac where we did a Sauternes tasting and castle visit. Very hot today and of course these 1800 castles do not have a/c. Winery was interesting and for the most part, wines were good. Back to Bordeaux where we spend the next couple days for tour and tastings. Great meal and wines tonight, excellent. More to come!Read more

    • Day 12

      Rundfahrt, Aussicht, Schlemmen, Kultur

      May 27 in France ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Da wir mit dem City Pass noch einige Attraktionen mitnehmen können, ist der erste Programmpunkt heute eine Bustour mit offenem Verdeck durch die Stadt. Hätten wir natürlich niemals gemacht wenn's nicht eh umsonst gewesen wäre, aber ein paar interessante Infos haben wir dann doch mitgenommen. Anschließend besteigen wir den Turm Pey-Berland, dem Glockenturm der Kathedrale Saint-André. Interessanterweise ist er nicht an den Hauptteil der Kirche angeschlossen, weil beim Bau 1440 befürchtet wurde, dass er aufgrund des lehmigen Untergrunds die Stabilität der Kathedrale in Gefahr bringen würde. Nach 233 Stufen (von denen Valerie gut die Hälfte selber geschafft hat) haben wir den wohl besten Blick über die Stadt und auf die Kathedrale.
      Nach dieser sportlichen Hochleistung schläft Valerie schnell in der Kraxe ein und wir gönnen uns zum Abschluss des Urlaubs noch ein geniales Menü im Modjos. Für schlappe 28€ bekommt man hier mittags ein fantastisches Essen mit Gruß aus der Küche, selbstgemachter Focaccia und Olivenöl, Vorspeise, Hauptgang, Nachspeise und ein Sorbet. Die Bilder sprechen für sich. Kaum sind wir fertig mit Essen wacht Valerie wieder auf und wir legen einen Spielplatzstopp auf der rechten Uferseite der Garonne ein. Danach schauen wir uns noch das Darwin Éco-system an. Dieses alternative Kulturzentrum, das auf ehemaligem Militärgelände entstanden ist, fördert Street-Art, beherbergt Skaterparks, bietet lokales und nachhaltiges Essen & Trinken an und beheimatet Unternehmer, die sich einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit den Ressourcen unseres Planeten wünschen. Ein perfekter Ort für ein Abschlussbier!
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    • Day 38

      Bordeaux day 2

      June 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      This morning we set out on the tram again in the opposite direction towards the newer part of Bordeaux. It was a late start because we slept in and it was absolutely bucketing down with rain. We had a look at the magnificent Cite du Van which is an architecturally very interesting building focusing on the wine industry. Neither of us wanted to start consuming wine in the morning so we ventured out into the pouring rain across the road to the Bacalan market. This was full of gourmet food and we did have a coffee and a cannelle each but neither of us rated them. Our next adventure was to take the tram again and then a bus to get to the Incredible Bassins Bordeaux Des Lumieres. This was an ugly looking building which was the submarine pen built by the Nazis for World War II. Huge very strong and very unattractive but nowadays it is used as a cultural arts Centre and we were definitely impressed with the wonderful Dali and Gaudi Sound and light shows. Better than the ones we have seen in Adelaide much bigger much more creative and so impressive in such an eerie setting with reflections in the water adding to the experience. Wow!!!Read more

    • Day 4

      פסטיבל היין של בורדו Fete de Vine

      June 25, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      השכמה מאוחרת, נסיעה חצי שעה למסעדת Calamato בשביל לאכול לבנה וצדפות. רכבת מ- Montparnasse לבורדו, 350 קמ"ש, 800 ק" בשעתיים וחצי.

      התמקמות בדירה של פרדריק

      ויצאנו לפסטיבל היין של בורדו. לאורך הנהר, טעימות 11 כוסות יין ב- 22 יורו, בביתנים לפי אזורי היין של בורדו (סנט אמיליון, מדוק ועוד). אירוע מקסים, תרבותי. תענוג לראות את הניקיון שמשאירים אצלם עשרות אלפי המבקרים. קינוח במופע רחפנים מהמם.
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    • Day 2

      Cadillac to Bordeaux

      August 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

      Cruised the Garonne River to Cadillac for a wonderful excursion of the castle and Sauternes wine tasting. 1st wine was a nice dry white then came the sweet wine. Not as bad as I thought they might have been, but thanks to the cheese appetizers we had pared, they weren't so bad. Back on board we headed back to Bordeaux to spend the next day immersed in this amazing city.Read more

    • Day 6–8


      September 21, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      arrived tired as hell from a treterous tgv trip, spent a lot of time wandering around the very much beautiful city with lilly always encountering brits and germans everywhere we went

      tried to keep it as low budget as possible, which is impossible a) in france and b) with lilly

      what we werent prepared for is that the the fucking king of england decided to come to bordeaux to say hi so that was a lot of fun

      hostel was quite alright, but when i tried to pick up my laundry on the last day nobody had a clue where it went, so now it's forced ultralight travel ig
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    • Day 28

      Darwin Eco-système

      April 26 in France ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      In vielen Großstädten gibt es eigene, ganz individuelle 'Ökosysteme' für Kreative, Idealisten und Visionäre, geprägt von Lebendigkeit, eigenen Regeln und Raum, der zu Gedankenspielen einlädt- so auch dieser Ort. Das Darwin Eco-sytème befindet sich auf einem alten Kasernengelände und vereint dort urbane Kultur, alternatives Leben, Kunst, Sport und Kommerz. Shops mit nachhaltig produzierten Waren findet man genauso wie eine große Skaterhalle und eine Schokoladenmanufaktur. Auf gemütlichen Sofas trinkt man das eigens gebraute Bier und lässt es sich gut gehen.
      Wenn man nach der kleinen Alltagsflucht am Ufer der Garonne entlang läuft, schaut man links auf ein modernes Stadtviertel und teils interessante Architektur. Das urbane Experiment Darwin fügt sich hier gut ein und bildet einen interessanten Kontrast zur Altstadt auf der anderen Uferseite.
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