Berlin Schöneberg

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    • Day 37


      May 8 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      In de ochtend weggereden en einde van de middag aangekomen bij m’n laatste verblijf! Even rustig op de kamer gezeten, ergens gegeten en wederom Champions League kijken! Morgen Berlijn verkennen, en dan nog een nachtje hier verblijven! 🫡Read more

    • Day 19

      Jewish Museum

      June 14, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Today I went to the Jewish Museum, a stunning architectural and cultural monument to Jewish history globally and in Germany. The building is made from zinc, with small line slits of windows, which project the lines connecting main Berlin’s Jewish neighborhoods. The main concept of the place is voids - empty spaces, symbolizing what is lost forever, and the magnitude of that loss. It was a very powerful experience. I especially liked that the curators of the exhibit texts and the audio guide would not shy away from the role that general German population played in the Holocaust - all the atrocities were made in broad daylight, and largely assisted by the local population. The exhibits were explaining the origins of antisemitism most openly that I have ever seen in a museum.Read more

    • Day 43

      Bring on Berlin

      June 16, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      All of the later trains leaving Warsaw Gdanska station to Berlin were fully booked, so we had to catch the super early 6:12am train. Another early morning start! That don't impress me much. They say the early bird gets the worm, but I think we should leave the worm alone. Leave them in peace, I say.

      We had to catch a Bolt car from our hotel at the crack of dawn in case there were issues and we needed to arrange other transport. The Bolt driver sped through Warsaw traffic like a madman, and would’ve run down anything in his way. He got us there with more than 20 minutes to spare. None of the shops opened until 6am, so Jason ran to get provisions like he was on Supermarket Sweeps, collecting as many treats for the journey, and getting back to the platform in time for the train departure.

      We boarded our train, along with a class full of Polish students heading to Berlin, presumably for a summer school excursion. We settled into our Polish post-World War II train seats, prepared for our six hour journey through Poland and eastern Germany. Again, we were assigned seats in different rows. I think someone needs to fix their algorithm. They probably also need to fix their ticketing system; every few hours when there was a change of ticket inspector, we had to show our tickets, not once or twice but thrice. Doesn't seem too efficient!

      As the train crossed the Polish-German border, German immigration inspectors boarded. We were prepared to show our passports, but it seemed they were targeting only certain people. We were left alone while anyone who may have looked like they came from a low-income, Eastern European country were asked to show passports.

      We arrived in Berlin too early for check-in so we left our bags at the hotel and high tailed it to get our first fix of currywurst. It had been almost six years since we'd been to Berlin and we were craving the mildly spiced sausage. Over the next four days, we would repeatedly indulge in the Berliner tradition. It was like nothing had changed.

      Berlin is known for its vibrant nightlife and that was exactly what we were here to experience again. That evening, we headed to a nightclub with the reputation for being one of the most exclusive and most difficult clubs to get in. But we had no trouble getting through the bouncer. As Roxette sang, "she's got the look .... And she goes: na na na na na na na na." Although we did have to stand in line for about 20-30 minutes while homeless men pushing a shopping trolley played bad retro music and sold beer. As we entered the club, they took our phones and placed stickers over the cameras so we couldn't take pictures and video. I'm surprised we didn't need to sign a non-disclosure confidentiality agreement.

      We didn't leave the club until about 1:30am and then needed to catch the U-bahn to our hotel, along with other party-goers. One woman was so wasted she could hardly stand up and looked like she was doing a little Schuhplattler jig just to stand up. All she needed was some lederhosen.

      The next day, tired and maybe with a slight hangover, we toured around Berlin. We had purchased 24-hour public transport tickets so we decided to jump on any bus to see where it would take us. It was a pick-your-own adventure until we ran out of time. We ended up at the Brandenburg Gate and the Reichstag before walking about 35 minutes through the Tiergarten to our Schöneberg hotel on Litzenburger strasse. We followed this up with another night out and a trip to Görlitzer park. Rinse and repeat. Remember what happens in Berlin, stays in Berlin.

      During our travels revisiting some of our favourite Berlin sites, I became obsessed with the train announcements. Jason has his door fetish, mine is train announcements. It's strange how many of my memories of places and languages involve public transport announcements. I had figured out one half of the announcement, and had a fair idea what the second part translated to in English but I needed the help of Google Translate. Einsteigen bitte (Please get in), Zurückbleiben bitte (Please stay behind). Now I can’t get this catchphrase out of my head. It may have to be my new ringtone.

      On our third day, we needed to do some laundry and found a laundromat nearby. We walked in and were confronted with a laundromat of people. It was filled with competitors from the Special Olympic Games, including a contingent from the Australian team. It seems we can't escape Aussies wherever we go. In incognito mode as German residents, we quickly loaded up the washing machine and headed to explore the surrounding area unrecognised.

      Our final day was spent ticking off the things that we hadn't done, and also eating some more currywurst and searching for any treats that we could get our teeth into ... of course. It won't be long until we are back home, and back on our diet of dust and air to regain our pre-holiday physiques so we need to make the most of it.

      Next destination: Munich.
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    • Day 62

      Berlin: East, West and All Over

      September 29, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Bratwurst, currywurst, schnitzel, these are a few of our favourite things .... and German beer. Perhaps we should have started with: our names are Jason and Ricky, we are alcoholics and have been sober two days (maybe not two consecutive days). But all jokes aside, Berlin is known for more than just sausage and beer. It’s famous for its festivals, diverse architecture, contemporary arts and (in)famous for its nightlife: Berlin the party city. Oh, and of course it’s known for lederhosen, which was evident from all the leather shops in Schönenberg. No cow would last long in Berlin.

      But before we could join the party in Berlin, we had to get out of the chaos that is Lisbon airport. Check-in could be likened to a Disneyland ride with its long, snaking lines but without the option to get a fast-pass, and the ride was flying budget airline TAP Portugal. With a hive of activity everywhere, we were alert but not alarmed until we found a lonely bag sitting in the security line. Everyone kept looking at the bag, thinking that if we looked hard enough it might disappear and if we cleared it by a foot it might not explode. Turns out it belonged to someone who was just lazy and couldn’t be bothered carrying it. Crisis averted.

      Travelling from the warm Mediterranean climate of Lisbon, the body had to acclimatise to the cool and rainy weather of Berlin. Unfortunately, we only had one and a half days of sunshine in the party city but that didn’t stop us. It provided a great excuse to party hard – plus it was Ricky’s birthday so double the excuse to miss our alcoholics anonymous meetings. One day, we were house-bound as hurricane winds and rain swept through northern and eastern Germany, devastating many areas and killing seven people. We watched as the nearby trees violently swayed, narrowly missing cars and buildings.

      Before the storm broke out, we were able to brave the cold to visit some of the ironic monuments and places in Berlin. It started with a trip to visit Angela Merkel in the Reichstag (Parliament House) and the Brandenburg Gate, which didn’t seem as impressive in real life compared to the postcard, although it is a national symbol of German unity. Speaking of which, not only did the weather dampen our plans but so did German Unity day and Sundays, when there were no shops open. Oh well, time for another drink and wander around the city.

      Even in the rain, the Berlin Wall is enigmatic and it is easy to see how it has shaped the ethos of the city. It conjures up images of desperate people trying to flee the East to gain freedom in the West, and the many people who never made it. The Berlin Wall Memorial and Checkpoint Charlie gave some insight into life during those turbulent years before reunification. The atrocities committed by the Nazis is covered at the Topography of Terrors and the Monument to the Murdered Jews of Europe but it could have delved deeper into the hideous acts of genocide to remind people and remind them never to repeat history. This may have been saved for the concentration camps, which we avoided.

      On a lighter note (although still influenced by the divide between East and West Berlin) was the street art of Eastside Gallery and Friedrichshain straßenkunst. While East Berlin may have been officially cut-off from the West for four decades, nowadays it’s full of activity and creativity. The party doesn’t seem to end in Berlin. In fact, it seems most people don’t go out until 2am, which was the perfect environment to celebrate Ricky’s birthday, celebrations that seemed to last the whole week.

      Schönenberg, where we stayed, was littered with all kinds of bars, clubs and other entertainment establishments, which made it easy to do the old pub crawl. The highlight had to have been a club in East Berlin, in between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain, which is notorious for refusing people entry, including Paris Hilton. Admittedly there are different parts to the club and we managed to get ourselves into one of the sections that didn’t seem so selective or maybe we were just lucky. It certainly wasn’t anything that we had experienced before.

      Another experience not had before was the luxury of the Waldorf Astoria, as a special treat for Ricky’s birthday. From heated-floor tiles in the bathroom to the TV built into the bathroom mirror, we had gone from rags to riches. Unfortunately Cinderella had to return back to rags after a night of luxury. Her pumpkin coach turned into a metro train/bus and her palace into a guesthouse - at least this time it wasn’t flowers in the attic.

      Before living it up with the elite rich, we were stationed in the broom closet of a gay guesthouse in Schönenberg, with a bed that was positioned in the attic. For two men 6 foot+, it proved a challenge to get into bed without causing a concussion. While in bed it was difficult to block out the sound of sirens, as police, ambulance and fire engines sped past, playing an almost melodic tune that was slightly off-key and with a key-change midway. But we were in Berlin and nothing, not even the weather, could detract from the experience. Ich liebe Berlin.

      Next stop: Venice
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    • Day 36

      Sunny Berlin

      October 11, 2015 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      It was a beautiful day for our last chance at Berlin. But the weather while gorgeous had a distinct bite to it - especially for a couple of Aussies from North of the border. We had a couple of museums up our sleeves so we managed to mix some time in the brilliant (if chilly) sunshine with some time soaking up some culture.

      The Purgamon Museum on Museum Island was our first stop. We didn't time it very well and had nearly an hours wait, It was quite brilliant inside however, Even considering the Purgamon Alter, which is one of the most famous exhibits is closed for refurbishment and won't be available for the next 5 years, Some of the enormous exhibits they did have included the Ishtar Gate of Babylon (6th century BC)- enormous and colourful as well as the Market gate from the town of Militus a Turkish town of antiquity and many more treasures from the middle east.

      We also made it to the Deutsches Historisches Museum a very interesting collection arranged chronologically to trace and elaborate on the History of Germany from the year 500 to 1994 after reunification,

      Some great photos, but that wind was chilly!!
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    • Day 14

      Fahrt nach Fehmarn über Prag

      April 28, 2018 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Heute sind wir um 4.30 Uhr Richtung Fehmarn losgefahren Jetzt ist es 12:37 Uhr und wir sind auf der Stadtautobahn in Berlin. Nach einigen Pausen sind wir um 17.30 Uhr im Appartement-Hotel Katharinenhof 12 auf der Ostseeinsel Fehmarn angekommen.
      Eine sehr angenehme Anlage mit sehr schöne und ruhigen Ferienwohnungen.
      Abends machen wir uns nach der langen Autofahrt zu Fuß auf den Weg zum Waldpavillon wo wir gemütlich und sehr leckeren Fisch essen, dazu Grauburgunder. Dann gehts an ins Quartier den die Müdigkeit macht sich bemerkbar.
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    • Day 19


      October 6, 2018 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      Ein bisschen wehmütig wird einem schon, wenn der Gefährte so alleine dort unten steht und der ganz alltägliche Wahnsinn um ihn herum geschieht.
      Es war eine tolle Erfahrung jeden Tag woanders schlafen zu können um am nächsten Morgen von der Umgebung überrascht zu werden.
      Es wird uns fehlen, zumindest bis zum nächsten Mal.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Berlin Schöneberg, Berlin Schoeneberg, Schöneberg

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