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    • Day 2


      September 16 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Iz Manarole sva hotla it po poti, ki je bila od leta 2012 zaprta zaradi plazu in se je ravno odprla letos avgusta - Via dell'Amore. Sva zvedla da je enosmerna in da greva lahko samo iz Riomaggiore nazaj proti sva šla na vlak.
      Riomaggiore mini mestece prehodila v 10min, pa jim je za nazaj nekaj crknila spletna stran in se ni dal kupit kart... no ja pa mogoče kdaj drugič, greva na vlak nazaj v Monterosso al Mare na plažo.

      Dodatek: Ko sva čakala na vlak je Mario iz postaje vidu se eno lepo potko - podobno ob morju in sva sla vsaj par 10m izkusit kako bi izgledala pot nazaj 😉
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    • Day 3


      August 27 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Kennen jullie het verhaal van twee meiden die dachten dat ze 34 euro konden besparen door een 200m langere route lopen? En dat die route uiteindelijk 3km langer bleek dan de betaalde touristische route? En dat deze route steil omhoog en ook weer steil omlaag ging via grote rotsblokken die als traptreden zouden moeten dienen? En dat allemaal in de volle zon, op het heetst van de dag?
      Wij nu dus in ieder geval wel😅

      Na een rustige ochtend waarin we wat sportten, pakten we de trein vanuit Deiva Marina richting Riomaggiore. Deze plaats is een van de vijf behorende bij Cince Terre. Prachtige plaatsjes aan zee, gescheiden door rotsen en verbonden middels een treinverbinding.
      Het idee: wandelen van Riomaggiore naar Manarola (max 1 uur) en vanuit daar naar Corniglia (max 2 uur).
      Maar wel eerst een goede bodem leggen met de Italiaanse versie van Fish and Chips: met calamari en krabballetjes! (Jammer genoeg begint dit niet met een P en mag het daarom niet op het podium. Het was wel een 10 waard).

      We startten enthousiast met de route, die al begon met een steile trap omhoog... zou het een voorteken zijn geweest?😂
      Al snel werd het duidelijk dat de route over de top van de berg zou lopen en daarna naar beneden. Alleen werd de top steeds hoger, naarmate wij op de locatie kwamen die wij als "nu is het écht wel de top" beschouwden.
      Met zweet echt overal, bereikten we de top om daarna een gelijke weg af te dalen richting Manarola om onszelf daar te trakteren op een ijsje en door te wandelen naar Corniglia. Eenmaal met het ijsje in onze hand kwamen we er toch achter dat onze benen echt niet meer wilden na deze tocht en hebben we dat laatste idee overboord gegooid😅. Al met al waren de uitzichten wel de moeite waard hoor😉

      De route werd toch nog langer gemaakt doordat Google Maps niet bekend is met alle kleine straatjes met duizenden treden in deze Italiaanse steden. De weg vinden naar het Manarola-station, waarbij we blijkbaar een tunnel ergens moesten nemen, was een enorme uitdaging aangezien het bord "statione" alleen te vinden was 2m voor de daadwerkelijke tunnel😡.

      Bij terugkomst op de camping gingen snel de vermoeide voetjes omhoog en de BBQ aan. We trakteerden onszelf op een MasterChefwaardige-maaltijd (al zeg ik het zelf) en dronken koffie in luxe: het Nespresso-apparaat en melkopschuimer zijn immers mee 😏

      Ps. Er zijn twee nieuwe katten gesignaleerd op de camping🐱
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    • Day 21

      Corniglia to Manerola - Cinque Terrie

      September 9 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Back on the train to the neighbouring town of Manerola for a stroll and cooking class. A beautiful sea side village with towering terraces and granite marina greeted us. Just a short stroll and we just got to sit and take in the little gem of town.

      We made our way to the class for a fresh pesto experience. Drinks, good laugh and serious pesto course saw us soak in more of Manerola and the beautiful coast line. Campari (my favourite new Negroni drink) and Lemoncello Spritz chased up with a local Vermentino. A great experience and chatting with fellow travels made it a great afternoon.
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    • Day 34

      So Grateful

      September 15, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      It has been another day of "I never thought I would get to do this". To hike along UNESCO trails in Cinque Terre in Italy, wander through tiny, steep villages, swim in the Mediterranean Ocean, eat lunch under the shade of olives trees while looking at the ocean. Just when I think it can't get better .....
      And I get to do it all again tomorrow 💕💕
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    • Day 13

      Jour 13 - Les Cinque Terre

      August 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Ce matin nous avons pris le train direction Riomaggiore, un des 5 petits villages des Cinque Terre. Après 2h de train nous avons pu admirer la beauté de ce village à flanc de falaise, typique de la région de Ligurie.
      Nous avons déjeuné puis nous nous sommes promenés dans le village et sur le littoral.
      En début d’après-midi nous avons rejoint Manarola, un second village des Cinque Terre, par la montagne : nous avons dû sacrément grimper pour arriver à destination 🥵 mais la montée en valait la peine, le village était tout aussi magnifique que le premier.
      Malgré le temps nuageux, nous avons passé une super journée. Nous sommes rentrés vers 21h à Gênes et avons dégusté un délicieux burger, pour changer des pizzas 😋

      Demain, nous visitons Portofino, les paysages risquent d’être tout aussi jolis 😉
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    • Day 12

      Cinque Terre - Riomaggiore

      September 24, 2022 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 17 °C

      Sind dann nach einem Mittagessen und Nickerchen dann doch mit dem Rad los, (hatten wohl noch Strom für 18km) als es dann kurz trocken war. Ziemlich steil bergab, viele Treppen, aber Komoot wollte daher. Strasse fahren- viel zu langweilig.
      Tolles kleines Dorf am Meer.
      Damit ich dann überhaupt noch ins Meer komme (Morgen fahren wir hier sehr früh los und heim - zum Tatort zu Hause???) musste ich dann in der Altstadt am Rande des Ministrand (Badebereich von 20m2) von den Klippen springen. (nicht meine Idee, haben das vorher von weit oben bei einem anderen Pärchen beobachtet-keine Polizia, also darf ich das auch)
      Endlich Mittelmeersalz auf der Haut...
      Nach einem kleinen Snack müssen wir nur noch den Berg wieder hoch, kurze Übernachtung und dann leider auf dem kürzesten Weg wieder heim.
      Danke an meine Nine für dieses tolle Urlaubsziel Italia-Toscana 💋❤️💜💗
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    • Day 9

      Train strikes force change of plans

      April 13, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      As I have always said to Lissy and Emily, try to make the best out of every situation in which you find yourself.
      So we arrived in La Spezia on the 13th for two nights, with a plan to spend the 14th touring the famous Cinque Terre (5 cliff top villages close together). However, we arrived to the news that there was going to be a National rail strike on the 14th.
      So rather than killing time on 13th, we shot straight off to the Cinque Terre and visited two of the towns by walking the cliff top trail between them. We were probably deceived by the sign in Manarola which said Riomaggiore was only 1 kilometre away. Little did we know that it involves a 500 metre, near vertical climb up rocky steps, followed by a similar descent the other side! But those views!!
      Finished off with a beer and sandwich in a bar overlooking the sea.
      Fabulous afternoon.
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    • Day 129

      Cinque Terre

      July 24, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      We had a relaxed morning today after our big hike yesterday and chilled on the balcony. It was sprinkling for a bit and a bit windy so it was a good time to enjoy relaxing in the apartment!

      We went for a short walk to buy lunch (some more classic seafood cones - this time pictured!) We also bought some supplies for our last night and then relaxed and went for a swim off the rocks in the town and hung out there for a few hours.

      We returned back to the place for a chilled night of cards and pasta!
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    • Day 15

      Riomaggiore - Cinque Terre

      September 8 in Italy ⋅ 🌩️ 23 °C

      Riomaggiore, one of the five villages of the Cinque Terre in Italy, has a rich and complex history that reflects its geographical and cultural evolution.
      The origins of Riomaggiore are somewhat shrouded in legend. According to local tradition, the village was founded in the 8th century by Greek refugees fleeing persecution from the Byzantine Emperor Leo III. These settlers initially established communities in the surrounding hills before moving down to the coast for greater security and resources, forming the first nucleus of Riomaggiore around the year 1000Read more

    • Day 6

      Cinque Terre

      June 25, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We made our way to the Western Coast of Italy, the Italian Riviera. Cinque terre is a series of 5 villages which date back to the 11th century along the rugged Italian Riviera with distinctive colourful buildings up the steep hills. Breathtaking views, cliffside vineyards, scenic hiking trails and bustling harbours. Each village had at least 1 church, always open and masses available on most days at each village. The food … fantastic fresh seafood and delicious pasta and quite partial to a Limoncello Spritz! The down side is that it is either a steep uphill or downhill climb to get anywhere and these are not normal steps. They’ve been built into the rock over hundreds of years and there is no consistency in height, depth, anything so you can’t get into a pattern. Some of the descents are knee wreckers!

      Our hostess for the 4 days we had planned here was an eccentric Italian lady and her son. She would always call on video which was rather entertaining if we were not fully dressed! We had to squeeze our car into her garage as there is very little parking with her barking instructions to stop, turn, come, stop. When we asked for directions she would give you the first part and then tell you to video call. She would look at the screen and direct you with No, No just listen …

      Tourists move around the villages by train or ferry or hiking trial so every hour or so there is a new wave of arrivals, hundreds at a time squeezing into the small streets.

      We stayed at Riomaggiore, the most Southern of the five. The others are Manarola, Corniglia, Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare. They are all connected by hiking trial, ferry or train. We did a mixture of all three and enjoyed visiting each of the villages. It has been incredibly hot so the often dipping into the Med has been very welcome. We also visited another close seaside town, Portovenere, which is a little bigger, and has an old castle at the top of the hill with gorgeous views over the village and rugged coast line. There are plenty of narrow lane ways with quaint shops and restaurants.
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