Basque Country

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Basque Country
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    • Day 23

      Stellplatz Bilbao

      May 24 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      "Ruhiger Ort mit toller Aussicht auf Bilbao. Bus 58 fährt in die Stadt. Dann 20 Minuten zu Fuß oder 4 Straßenbahnstationen zum Guggenheim Museum. Die Rezeption ist von 08:00 bis 21:30 Uhr geöffnet.
      Sie können maximal 48 Stunden bleiben." Quelle park4night

      Wir könnten uns glücklich schätzen, eigentlich ist der Camping-Stellplatz belegt, so die rauhe, aber herzliche Begrüßung. Nach uns wurden etliche Mobile abgewiesen.

      Platz Nummer 43 passt, viel Platz für 17 Euro ohne Strom. Fantastische Aussicht auf Bilbao, aber am Arm der Welt. 😏 Bis ins Tal zur Altstadt "Las Siete Calles" sind es etwa 4,5 Kilometer per Pedes. Busse streiken heute und fahren nur sporadisch.
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    • Day 23

      Altstadt "Las Siete Calles"

      May 24 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Da die Busse bestreikt wurden, hat uns ein Taxi an den Rand der Altstadt gebracht, mit 15 Euro erschwinglich.

      "Spazieren Sie durch die Altstadt und die breiten, eleganten Straßen des EnsancheViertels. Zwischen den Spaziergängen haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die typischen Pintxos, kleine gastronomische Kunstwerke, zu probieren."

      Genauso haben wir es gemacht...
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    • Day 15–18

      Elciego 🍷🍇

      May 24 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Drei mal die Route umgeplant, habe ich einen Stellplatz Richtung Meer ausgemacht…
      Eine Anfahrt quer durch die Weinberge scherzte der Simon noch - „Schau, da steht Muriel!“
      Und wie es der Zufall so will?!
      Übernachten wir heute direkt hinter dem Bodegas Muriel 🍷🍇
      Ja lieber Opa, da wirst du jetzt schmunzeln ☺️

      Wir haben uns so riesig darüber gefreut, dass wir hier sicher mehrere Nächte verbringen werden 👏🏻
      Morgen gibt’s also eine richtige Weinverkostung 🛢️🍷
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    • Day 6–7

      Jetzt aber zum Konzert

      June 4 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Wieder ausgeschlafen und von den Vögeln geweckt. Frühstücken und entsorgen geht dann auch fix und dann geht es los. Heute mal die Option ohne Maut gestrichen, denn wir wollen rechtzeitig beim Stadion in San Sebastian sein. Klappt auch, nur auf den Platz kommen wir nicht. Also erstmal auf die angrenzende Straße und dort einen Laternenplatz suchen. Klappt auch, ist aber iwie nicht schön. Also rufen wir beim ersten Campingplatz an: leider alles voll. Dann versuchen wir es über Wecamp, wir können direkt einen Platz reservieren und fahren dorthin. Alles wird gut, denn man kommt bequem mit dem Bus in die Stadt und morgen soll es auch eine Verbindung vom Stadion hierher geben. Perfekt…
      Wir verbringen den Nachmittag und Abend in der Stadt, krabbeln einmal auf den Festungsberg und genießen dann die heimischen Pintxos (Tapas). Dann geht es zurück und der Abend klingt aus.

      Angekommen: 57.099km
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    • Day 47–48

      Day 47 - Errenteria to San Sebastián

      June 7 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After a reasonable night we got up to a buffet breakfast to give us strength to navigate the way out of town and back to the trail.
      This went a whole lot better than the way in 😂
      Today was overcast with the odd sunny interval. We walked through to Pasaia following the coast past a huge cargo tanker, boat building factories and a breakers yard that held an enormous mountain of old boat chains.
      Pasaia was a quaint little place full of passages that you could imagine pirates and smugglers scuttling down. We had to get a little ferry across the estuary to then walk around to Donastia and Saint Sebastian.
      Leaving the other side was a matter of climbing 1.3 km of stairs - no mean feat carrying our rucksacks!
      The path then was along the coast and reminded us of many an Isle of Man walk, with rocky headlands, the sea crashing below, seagulls swooping about and much up and downhills.
      We eventually spotted the city ahead - which was quite imposing.
      After a steep descent we came to a long beach full of surfers, volleyball players and sun worshipers, despite the lack of sun!
      We sat on a bench and pondered the scene, very tempted to go running down the beach to dip our feet in, but too much with rucksacks and our gear - plus the Plodicus was starving!
      San Sebastián is a big, thriving Mecca for tourists, especially food lovers , from around the globe. It has big wide streets and piazzas full of bars and eateries.
      Great architecture and a wide and varied history. Another assault on the senses as you wander in after a days walking.
      Staying in a groovy modern room, right in the heart of the action. Hoping for a good sleep 💤 The map only covers part of the journey!! At least 16km walked today 👣👣👣
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    • Day 48–49

      Day 48 - San Sebastián to Orio

      June 8 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      We awoke in San Sebastián and went in search of breakfast. We witnessed a massive clean up operation sorting the city centre out after last night’s invasion, there were street cleaning machines spraying everywhere, dustcarts collecting all the rubbish - and an eerie lack of tourists, which was wonderful. Unfortunately nowhere was open until we left the warren of piazzas and headed for the main road. Avoiding the flower watering sprinklers we found an open bakery 🙌
      After breakfast we hit the road again. Today was overcast, muggy and with very little wind. We walked the first 3 km along the various large bays of the city. Then the inevitable uphill steep climb to the cliff tops. The way was through small lanes, woods and old Roman roads made of large uneven rocks. We met a steady stream of other pilgrims that the Plodicus picked his way past.
      Views were minimal due to overcast, misty, missley weather. Towards the end of the walk we came across an Armageddon cafe that catered for pilgrims for a donation, but left leaflets on the tables foretelling of the end of the world!!
      We headed into Orio over the bumpy Roman path, attempting not to break an ankle then had to negotiate a large motorway before getting here.
      We then had to order lunch at a busy bar and ended up with a large baguette rather than the salad we thought we had ordered!!
      The rain got harder and the gloom moved in. We went off to find our happy apartment, only to find out we are sharing it with the couple who own it!
      Eider, the owner was very interesting on Basque history and information. We need to learn some basque phrases as it is a completely different language to Spanish.
      We went off to sort out some food and due to large baguette couldn’t decide what we wanted.
      Simon insisted on 2 double Brandy’s to cope with the dilemma.
      In fact he threatened to throw himself in the harbour if he didn’t get them!!
      Tea ended up being a pecan plait and some cherries!!
      However we do have some eggs for breakfast as we can use cooking facilities.
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    • Day 71


      June 7 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      7.6. bis 9.6. Bilbao
      Wir beeilen uns nach Bilbao zu kommen und tatsächlich bekommen wir um 14:30 den letzten der 72 Plätze (Area de Autocaravanas de Kobetamendi, 17€, mit Strom 21€.

      Die Aussicht auf die Stadt ist phantastisch. Das Solitär des modernen Bilbao ist das Guggenheim-Museum von Frank Gehry. Viele berühmte Architekten haben nach der Zeit des Niedergangs hier den Grundstein für das moderne, pulsierende Bilbao gelegt. Es entstanden großartige Brücken und Gebäude, die heute das Gesicht der Stadt prägen.

      Mit dem eBike können wir uns gut hinunter in die Stadt wagen. Auf dem Weg in die hübsche Altstadt viel Grün und immer wieder Kunst. Häufig kommen wir an attraktiven Spielplätzen für Größere und Kleinere vorbei, die überall auch sehr gut frequentiert sind.

      Wir fahren den Rio Nervión entlang bis zu einer großen Konzertmuschel. Davor etliche besetzte Stühle und auf der Bühne ein Konzert für Bläser und Schlagzeug. Einfach so für die Allgemeinheit. Auf einem Platz gleich nebenan, eine Art Buchmesse. Daneben die Kathedrale und dann die lebendige Altstadt mit Cafés und Bars ohne Ende. Wir „schwimmen“ mit in der Menge und landen auf der Plaza Nueva, gesellschaftlicher Mittelpunkt der Altstadt. Umgeben von Kneipen erleben wir in der Mitte des Platzes fußballspielende Mädchen und Jungen. Wir ergattern einen Tisch und gönnen uns ein paar Pintxos (Tapas) und Wein bzw. O-Saft.

      Das Guggenheim Museum ist wieder ein Erlebnis. Allein die Architektur ist einen Besuch wert und dazu die Ausstellung modernen Kunst. Besonders beeindruckend: der riesige Wandbehang aus Flaschenverschlüssen, Kupferdraht und Banderolen von El Anatsui.
      Seine Devise: „nimm , was du vorfindest“.
      Als wir nach 4 Stunden das Haus verlassen, ein Liegend-Demonstration für Palästinenser. Etwas abseits zwei Polizisten, ansonsten alles friedlich, keine Pöbeleien, keine Agressionen. Beeindruckend. Tolle Stadt.
      Abends setzt wieder Regen ein mit einer Feuerwerkspause. Dann gehts die ganze Nacht feucht weiter. Und wir machen uns auf.
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    • Day 50–51

      Day 50 - Getaria to Deba

      June 10 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We left Getaria on a cup of coffee and a banana as we had decided to breakfast in Zumaia, the home town of Eider our host in Orio. Zumaia was just over an hour on our walk today. Leaving Getaria we hit a number of uphill climbs as we went over the headland. The weather was brighter with a blue sky, occasional sunny intervals and fluffy white clouds.
      After Zumaia we had decided to leave the official Camino route to do the coastal walk which was a little longer and contained more challenging ascents and descents.
      The views were magical and spectacular.
      On one particular challenging ascent we came across the school party of over 100 teenagers coming down as we attempted to go up. We had some amusing interactions with the young people.
      We continued along the route through forest tracks, up mountain tracks, down Roman razor roads, fenced in styles (interesting manoeuvres in rucksacks).
      Eventually arriving at the top of Deba town. Simon announced there were many sets of stairs to descend much to Mary’s horror - then we spotted the magic lifts that kindly dropped you down into town.
      We stopped at a bar for a couple of drinks to plan next steps. Our accommodation for the evening had a shared kitchen so we planned a supermarket trip for Simon’s potato supper.
      After this we followed the sat nav to find the path to our accommodation. The path was steep but after 50 metres or so Trevor kept telling us to return to the route. This was the start of our nightmare scene.
      We decided to try the tourist information office for help - ha ha!!
      We asked them about the location of our accommodation and they said oh dear that is a different place. We asked for help to get a taxi there - all they did was give us a list of numbers that were no use, next suggestion was a bus - next one leaving in 1 minute, after that not one for 2 hours!! Then maybe you walk - but no help with where the magic path was. They were not helpful at all 🙄
      We attempted the bus unsuccessfully, then negotiated the map they had given us to find the road. We headed for this and had to set the sat nav as though we were a car. The road was an insane gradient going up, just to finish us off with our shopping as well as our rucksacks. A taxi came by with a green light on Mary hailed it and said where we needed to go, the driver indicated he had heard of us at the tourist office we hopefully agreed, however he said he didn’t understand and drove off 😡
      We continued our torturous journey, the Plodicus said we should have slept at the train station (which we had passed 3 times and need to go back to tomorrow)
      As I walked behind I could see he was developing a slanted shoulder- due to carrying the shopping-
      After another half hour of lung busting uphill a winged chariot arrived, stopped and a lady said ‘where are you going’ Mary said the name of our accommodation and she said ‘that is my home!’ ‘ would you like a lift?’
      She saved the day Simon reckons she had gold wings and a halo 😇
      She listened to what had happened and said she would show us the quick path way back.
      We arrived to a very beautiful setting overlooking the town and the bay. It is a shame there is no signpost in the town to the magic path!!!
      We attempted to come to terms with what had happened, cooked our potato supper and sat outside looking at the beautiful vista, calming down. According to Mary’s apple information we have climbed the equivalent of 255 flights of stairs today!! And that is why we are in heaven now 😂
      So it’s time to get some rest as we train it to Bilbao tomorrow- after descending the magic path of course!!
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    • Day 1


      June 10 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      I'm in Irun, the first town on the Camino del Norte, a Basque border town separated from a French town by to the Rio Bidasoa. This pleasant town was rebuilt after bombing in the Civil War.

      I'm intending to walk the Norte route and turn left at Oviedo to continue on the Camino Primitivo to Santiago de Compostela. But plans can change.

      My flight arrived in San Sebastian about 1pm so I had plenty of time to walk from the airport to the town and hang out in a cafe before the albergue opened at 4. Then I had a rest on my bunk and partially recovered from my 2am start.

      It's a modern, purpose built albergue with 60 bunks, built on a hexagonal plan around a hexagonal stairwell. We are bees.

      The albergue has a well appointed hexagonal kitchen where I cooked pasta for my dinner. I ate with an Italian couple and a French man, conversing in a mix of French and English. It looks like I'm going to need a concise response to the "How is it in the UK after Brexit?' questions!
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    • Day 3


      June 12 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      An easier day walking wise but what rain! 25km.
      So it turns out San Sebastian is a city of two halves, and I spent much of this morning finding and negotiating the Western side with its smart, beautiful people, many sleek runners, an even more fabulous beach and many more restaurants. Altogether too posh to have good Camino waymarking, sadly.
      Then it rained, from 9am until I arrived in Zarautz! Sometimes the rain bounced off the ground or the other rain, and it turned the paths into streams. But I walked and chatted with a Dutch nurse who has walked from home, a Finnish psychiatrist and an Austrian physio, and had a welcome coffee in a bar with an open fire,run by a Twelve Tribes religious community. An enjoyable day.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa, Baskenland, Basque Country, País Basc, País Vasco, Euskadi, Pays Basque, Paesi Baschi, パイス・バスコ, 바스크 지방, Baskarland, Baskerland, Страна Басков, Baskien

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