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  • Day 101

    Going north

    May 8 in Chile ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    The morning in Santiago was sunny, and for once there was no smog, as it had rained the night before. All the mountains around the city were covered in fresh snow, and with the air so clear it looked really pretty.
    We booked a dentists appointment (again!) as my retainer had come loose, and Nick thought he might need a filling. We went back to the same dentist where I had my chipped tooth fixed. The dentist was super nice and told me he sees me more than his regular patients!
    We got everything sorted quickly, and luckily, Nick's tooth was totally fine.
    We then hopped on a 6 hour bus north to go to La Serena, a city in the north. The bus journey was mostly alongside the coast, and the sunset painted the sky with amazing colours. We enjoyed the views, as the landscape became drier and drier, with lots of cacti popping up. We also caught up on our neglected penguin blog - so many pictures so sieve through!
    We finished our day with one of the worst meals of the holiday, handpicked by Nick and he will be blamed for it in perpetuity.
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