  • Giorno 9

    Wanderlust....the weekend

    4 agosto 2018, Inghilterra ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    I am quite excited about today as I am going to Chester with the crew to meet up with Pat,Katie’s mum and Michaels ex wife. We have been friends on Facebook for over five years now and I love her to bits. She is such a caring and lovely lady. I call her a lady because she is. Polite and loving and a good friend. The last time we met was in Sydney at Katie’s wedding which was a whirlwind affair lasting seven days. It is ranked in my five best times ever.
    We met in Chester which is a fabulous city and has the best Tudor buildings that I have ever seen.
    Chester is a city in northwest England, founded as a Roman fortress in the 1st century A.D. It's known for its extensive Roman walls made of local red sandstone. In the old city, the Rows is a shopping district distinguished by 2-level covered arcades and Tudor-style half-timber buildings. A Roman amphitheatre, with ongoing excavations, lies just outside the old city's walls.

    Pat is Katie’s mother and the ex wife of Michael. We met initially when Michael and I first visited England together in 2014. We then renewed our aquaintence in Sydney for Katie’s wedding to Chris Davidson. The wedding was a week long affair and rates as one of my best life experiences. My daughter and her estranged husband Darrell were both there too,so it was great to share the experience with my daughter. For the whole time we were in Sydney we did not waste a minute. It was a glorious wedding with the wedding reception being held at Doyle’s restaurant and cumulating in a trip on a speedboat with all the guests in tow around Sydney harbour. Memories that will stay with me forever.

    Anyway back to our reunion. Lunch was wonderful and the meal was all we hoped,well presented and delicious. After lunch Pat had to catch her train back to Cardiff so we continued sightseeing so I could capture more historical shots of this really stunning city. The city was filled with Saturday shoppers,tourists and entertainers on every corner. Driving home we decided by majority vote that we would have a night in relaxing with toasted cheese sandwiches and rhubarb G&T’s. It was a tired Michael and I who snook off to bed at 10.30pm. Goodnight diary.
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