On Friday the 13th of March, 2020, the Conseil d'Etat of Vaud imposed a sort of quarantine in a bid to slow the spread of covid-19 - schools, theatres, teams, ski hills - pretty much everything but work, supermarkets and hospitals were shut down... Les mer
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  • Dag 1

    Bonne quarantaine!

    14. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    "Bonne quarantaine!" piped Mommy's choir director one evening, in response to her closing "Bonne quinzaine!" at the end of a particularly lowkey rehearsal, in which both the next week's rehearsal, as well as a pair of concerts that had been under preparation for months were cancelled. All due to covid-19, a novel coronavirus unleashed on the world in late 2019 that was wreaking havoc in Europe at the time.

    It was absolutely the right call, as were the words timely; they immediately begged the question: Just how much of a coincidence is it that the word 'quarantaine' - French for 40 days - is exactly the same as that used to refer to a quarantine? It turns out that 'quarantine' comes from the Italian 'quaranta giorni' or 40-day isolation period for ships wishing to dock. Only after 40 days could survivors (at the time of the Black Plague) be cleared to go ashore.

    Indeed the choir director's words proved to be rather prophetic when not two days later the cantonal authorities laid down a number of social restrictions, a sort of encouraged self-quarantine, to help slow the propagation of covid-19 through the population. For the next 40 plus eight days, schools, sports, arts, music, societies, teams and clubs, especially inter-generational ones, would be banned in the canton of Vaud.

    Thus begins SQS, our Swiss Quarantine Story.
    Les mer

  • Dag 2

    47 bottles of beer on the wall...!

    15. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    Well we have taught the kids a new song - they are now experts in counting down from 99 to 0! Hopefully it does not come down to that.

    On a more serious note though - the things that are stockpiled in times of panic can be baffling: Toilet paper was nowhere to be found anywhere in our little town yesterday - and apparently this has been the case for some days running. Flour, grains, canned foods, eggs and hand sanitizer are a bit more understandably also out of stock. It is a good thing that Mommy usually has plenty of the basics on hand: In addition to 47 bottles of beer, our home inventory already comprised 50 rolls of toilet paper, 80L of milk, 20 bags of breakfast cereal, 160 granola bars, over 1.5kg of instant coffee, 30+ cans of tinned fish, 30+ cans of tinned veg and some 50+ chocolate bars.Les mer

  • Dag 3

    Etat d'Urgence J-1

    16. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ⛅ 7 °C

    Per the unexpectedly uncoordinated approach taken by the Swiss authorities, the Conseil d'Etat of Vaud announced an Etat de Necessité at 2pm today - closing non-essential shops and services until 30 April, but allowing private gatherings of up to 10 people to continue - then the Conseil Fédéral announced an Etat d'Urgence and Situation Exceptionnelle at 5pm - taking over powers from the cantons to ensure a unified Swiss response to the pandemic.

    The net seems to be that non-essential shops remain closed until 19 April (unfortunately, the federal ruling supercedes the cantonal one, even though the latter is more stringent, not to mention appropriate under the circumstances) and all events public or private are banned. It remains unclear if a family gathering is considered a private event, but it seems unreasonable to ban at least direct family congregation.

    In preparation for this largely anticipated action, we spent the day readying Mommy's hazmat shopping suit, optimizing our food inventory - surely with everyone else buying up flour like there's no tomorrow, we could use another 2kg - and enjoying one more/ last promenade by the lake. Lockdown will surely follow shortly, as it has already been declared across most of the EU.
    Les mer

  • Dag 4

    Much ado about gluten

    17. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

    Kicked off the day determined to find something to do with all the flour that we suddenly have in stock. At least we managed to get some of the last baking powder in town to go with it - the clever Swiss, however, beat us hands down to all forms of yeast - doh!

    So scones it was - Davy voted savoury and we decided to try cheese - no bacon though for vegetarian compatibility. Fortunately it was a well-received experiment, in both the production as well as the consumption. Poppy has already placed an advance order for a sweet raisin-y variety next time!
    Les mer

  • Dag 5

    Activités Créatives et Manuelles

    18. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Wow! ACM is an official course block in Swiss schools and so of course we have to continue it at home - yeah! This week we started looking at four of the platonic solids: tetrahedra, cubes, octahedra and icosahedra, as well as their stellated counterparts. We are using irregular tetrahedra for the stellation based on 90-degree isoceles sonobe origami units.

    So far we have built a tetrahedron star - which reduces to a cube in our special case using 90-degree base units - a octahedron star and finally, today, put the finishing touches on our first icosahedron star! Davy now wants to build another one to show his class too - using more manly colours, of course.
    Les mer

  • Dag 6

    Capoeira camp

    19. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    While we anyhow do some capoeira or acrobatie every day, today we decided to jazz it up a bit and check out Prof. Andry's youtube channel for the Capoeira school. Lots of great motivational exercises and stretches - plus fun games for the minis. Really nice way to keep in touch with the gang until things can be reopened.

    Davy has been working on his bridge (ponte) et Meg on her handstand (bananeira). Mommy and Poppy are just trying not to break any bones! A fun way to pass an hour or so together and get some much-needed lockdown exercise to boot.
    Les mer

  • Dag 7

    Mexican and movies night

    20. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    Yah! We have made it through Week 1 of the lockdown! Treated the kids to mexican and movies (with popcorn even!) to celebrate. Davy opted for Strip the City - managed to convince Meg to join in too.

    A truly well-deserved break for everyone. While we are generally cool with hanging out just the four of us, we are also very grateful to have plenty of physical space to let off steam when needed and enjoy a bit of privacy. Hope that we didn't use up all the fun activities in this first week, as there are plenty more to come.
    Les mer

  • Dag 8

    Gearing up for spring

    21. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

    Gotta admit that there are far worse places to be quarantined than Switzerland in the springtime. Given the mild winter that we've had this year, the grass has been growing for weeks already, the fruit trees are budding and the rose garden has started to produce a few early blooms. And of course there are weeds and wildflowers everywhere. First, Davy took a crack at lawnmowing - which went well right up until our grisly neighbour reminded him about the Swiss tradition of quiet hours around lunchtime - grrr.

    Fortunately we had a nice activity for the kids after lunch, to help take their minds off the surly surrounding folk - the Migros has been handing out seeds to their loyal customers and today is planting day! Meg got to plant five flowers in her pot (one of which might have been an empty packet) and Davy got five herbs. Since Davy's pot was a bit larger, we decided to throw a gratuitous sunflower in the middle. We shall shortly discover a) how well the free Migros seeds work and b) how big sunflowers can grow.
    Les mer

  • Dag 9

    The babies are the worst!

    22. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

    Didn't you know? Especially the zombie babies that move really fast and thrash at your ankles! We finally let Davy take a nice long break and play a bit of serious survival Minecraft with Poppy - maybe next week we'll figure out how to connect to Ben's server over in Vancouver. The kids had earned their square-eyed time after an overcast Sunday spent tidying and cleaning the house, practicing piano reasonably well and even doing a bit of school work ahead of next week.Les mer

  • Dag 10

    Let's juggle!

    23. mars 2020, Sveits ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

    Just as we began to wonder what Coquino the circus school was planning for the lockdown period, into Mommy's inbox arrived an email announcing... a series of distance learning videos on juggling! The first clip was presented by Fredo himself and beautifully shot in a sunny field somewhere in Switzerland. In order to help everyone get started with practicing this new skill, the school was also offering its students three juggling balls each - to be collected in isolation from the Coquino "remorque" parked in its usual spot outside the school's practice gym.

    In addition to picking up balls for the kids, we ended up getting a set for Davy's friend Alec as well - our neighbour and fellow Coquino kid who was unfortunately in hardcore quarantine due to flu-like symptoms. To our pleasant surprise, the sets of balls came with "Les Balles" leaflets from Mister Babache, filled with lots of fun juggling exercises and tips. Davy chose a set of red and yellow balls with Coquino printed on them, Meg some cute, plain red ones, and both could not have been more excited to try out their latest goodies - post-disinfecting of course.
    Les mer