  • Stonehenge

    16. oktober 2019, England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Stonehenge has been on my bucketlist for more than 50 years when I learnt about it in Primary School. It dates back 2000 to 5000 years ago when it was a cremation and buriel site and possibly a site of animal sacrifice and rituals
    It has been sugested Stonehenge may have been constructed with the sun in mind. One avenue conects the monument with the nearby River Aven and aligns with the sun on the winter solstice.
    What motivated the people to move stones weighing up to 25 ton for many miles?
    Some of the smaller bluestone rocks were from 200 miles away. This is only a small part of an extensive area of circular rocks, mounds and ditches in the area.
    Nobody really knows why it was built but its pretty impressive that they are still standing today.
    We also visited the Avebury stones and enjoyed a walk around the gardens at the Manor.
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