  • Dag 4

    Isle of Skye Day 4

    24. april 2017, Skottland ⋅ ☀️ 2 °C

    Woke up to a BIG change in the Weather! 6 degrees and snowing!!! Bloody freezing, but we brave the elements for a walk around town ! Even the locals are commenting on the cold so you can imagine how we felt! Only one thing for it, jump in the Merc and head for Talisker Distillery, an hour tour and a warming Dram. Followed this with lunch at the Oyster Farm, beautiful fresh seafood and a snowball fight with Georgia! We decide on a drive around the rugged top end, snow is thick now, the whole place has gone white and the mountains look amazing! An eventful drive with many a wrong way, close call on single lane roads, and dodging of lambing ewes! We visit some 800 year old castle, but were put off going in by the jaded Ol biddy in the gift shop! Trekked further on, took some pics of the Black Huts, visited the Skye Brewery for a pint of Black and froze our arses off taking Pics on the coast! Back to Portree that is now looking like some winter wonderland out of a fairytale, all coloured cottages and snow laden surrounds. The pub offers warming solace in the form of a coal fire, a hot pie, whiskey and a local acoustic duo! A fitting end to a perfect Scottish day!Les mer