  • День 224

    Day 225: Lake Bohinj & Slap Savica

    27 сентября 2017 г., Словения ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Slightly more relaxed day today. Got up a bit late since neither of us had slept all that well - the room got quite warm with the heating, so overheating under the doona happens quite quickly. Had breakfast in the room, then hopped in the car heading for our first destination: Lake Bohinj.

    This is another lake about 20 minutes drive west of Lake Bled. Quite a bit larger, but much more rural and remote. Since it was already after 11, we grabbed a couple of bureks on the way out of Bled and tucked in for an early lunch when we arrived at Bohinj. Very pretty scenery, since the lake was super still and we got lots of great reflections of the trees on the water.

    Everything seemed set up for hordes of people that just weren't there, so I assume it's quite a busy place during summer. I think you can do a lot more watersport here, like swimming, fishing and kayaking, more than in Lake Bled at any rate. I think it's probably also where Slovenians go on their camping holidays, avoiding the (mostly international) crowds at Lake Bled.

    Wandered around a little bit, checking out a few different vantage points and taking some photos. Surprised a young German guy at the deserted campground who was emerging from the lake in his birthday suit! Not sure who was more startled at the accidental nudity; probably us since Germans are stereotypically comfortable in the buff.

    Decided to press on for our secondary destination, Savica Waterfall. It was a bit further along the road we'd already driving down, at the far end of the lake. Another 10 minutes drive to the carpark where we actually had to pay for parking! Though thankfully the walk up to the waterfall was free, and Schnitzel was allowed as well!

    Surprisingly tough walk, around 30 minutes mostly uphill, and several hundred stairs. Good views from the top though, and the waterfall was very powerful though not as tall as the one we'd seen the other day. Nice spot.

    Back down we went and back to the car, where we drove back to our apartment in Bled. Rather than have another super busy day we decided to chill out for the rest of the afternoon, so Shandos had a snooze and I worked on some video and a bit of forward planning.

    In the evening we drove back around to Shandos's parents' hotel, where we had dinner again. More tasty food, good company and long chats!
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