  • Giorno 373

    Day 374: To Milazzo via Cefalu

    23 febbraio 2018, Italia ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    Time to leave Palermo, a city which neither of us will miss! As I said a few days ago, it feels very much like a developing world city: dirty, crowded and noisy, and sort of on the edge of lawlessness. So we checked out around 10am and headed eastwards along the coast.

    First stop was the town of Cefalu, where a cathedral was part of the world heritage site from yesterday - more Norman buildings with Arab influences. After some difficulty finding a parking place, we eventually found the cathedral. It looked great from the outside - two large bell towers looming over the square, but inside was only one small mosaic and comparatively not super interesting. I'd already decided it wouldn't feature in the video, so no huge loss thankfully!

    The town itself seemed fairly nice, a little seaside place which would be quite bustling in summertime but was obviously quiet at the moment. Found an open place and had some arancini for lunch as was becoming our tradition! Walked up and down the waterfront then returned to the car and drove further eastwards to Milazzo, near the north-eastern tip of Sicily. Not actually that far from where we first landed on the ferry a week ago.

    Found our apartment with no troubles, parked up and went inside. Reasonable size, though again very cold and only an air conditioner in the bedroom. Internet quite slow again but at least it's consistent rather than dropping out! Settled in for the afternoon though we tripped a fuse trying to run the kettle, washing machine and air conditioner at the same time! Although the host lived in the next apartment and fixed it fairly quickly, it meant that (unbeknownst to us) the hot water system had turned off as well, which we found out about later.

    Stayed in for the rest of the day and worked before cooking pasta in the evening.
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