  • Dag 25

    The Vet, Santa Monica, and Orange County

    12 november 2018, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Up early and drove about 15 minutes to the vet near Beverly Hills. Schnitzel got a bunch of stuff done including tests for his flights - hopefully we get the results back in time! He was a good boy and didn't complain, and didn't have any throwing up episodes afterwards either.

    From here we decided to head down to Santa Monica since we were in the area. This is a large area of shops, restaurants, and of course the famous pier with rides, buskers and the like. Many of the shops were empty because it was Veterans Day - sort of a public holiday, but also sort of not. Who knows. I think salaried employees might get the day off, or they might not, but hourly wage slave employees don't. I think. I dunno, the system is confusing and of course outrageously slanted against the little guy. Regardless, we had a nice wander around the pier, the beach, and some more tasty Mexican food.

    Mid afternoon we drove out to Orange County, to Anaheim where we'd be staying for the next few days. We were staying in a large suburban house, which we'd booked expecting the family to be there. Except, they were away for a few months. So we had this colossal house to ourselves. Too cold for the pool, but at least we didn't have to worry about sharing living spaces or the kitchen etc.

    Grabbed supplies from the supermarket and settled in to our new home.
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