Nursing in Bangui - CAR

September - December 2016
A 90-day adventure by Lisa's adventures Read more
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  • Day 66

    The health education book

    December 1, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    This is my book, it's the basic story, the real one is in French and has questions for the nurse to ask the mothers. The book is about traditional medicine. Here they crush herbs and plants into a paste. They administer it orally, rectal, bathing the child with it or putting it in the skin. Sometimes they inject it which often results in an abscess. Usually the side affects are intoxication, enlarged liver and spleen and sepsis.

    Pg 1: this is Marie and her son God bless, he is two years old. God bless is sick so Marie's neighbours advise her to visit the traditional doctor.

    Pg 2: Marie takes their advice, the traditional doctor gives him something to drink and cuts his arms and puts a paste on them. It really hurts him.

    Pg 3: the next day God bless has a lot of pain in his abdomen, it's very swollen and his arms are also red and sore. Marie is really worried so she takes him to the hospital

    Pg 4: at the hospital the doctor does some tests and finds that God bless has malaria. He need to stay in hospital for a few days to treat his swollen abdomen caused by the traditional medicine

    Pg 5: Marie's younger child is now sick. Her neighbours give her the same advice: to visit the traditional doctor. Marie does not listen

    Pg 6: Marie takes her baby straight to the hospital. She sees the doctor who does some tests. Because Marie came to the hospital quickly Marie can do the treatment at home. It was also free.
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  • Day 90

    Back to work

    December 25, 2016 in Central African Republic ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    We finally went back to work at the complex pediatrique at the end of November.

    I started in the urgence medical: medical emergency department. It was going ok until we had two very I'll patients at the same time, one resus after the other. The doctor was writing notes and the nurse was trying to put in an iv line when I noticed he had stopped breathing. I grabbed the mask and bag to start resus. But the mask was too big, I couldn't find the baby one ( later I found someone had disconnected the rubber from the plastic- Abd that's why I couldn't see it ) so we called icu and the nurse helped. Thank God she came, she us a very good nurse, although she is a bitch. They didn't have any suction catheters in their draw ( the nurse) so I grabbed my box which was fine. But I was really condemned for it. The national nurses give me their list of stock needs and I replace them twice a day. It was my third day and I overestimated their abilities. Anyways, basically local staff mostly stuck in emergencies and in the end the room was full (it's a small room, so maybe 4) of international staff with the national staff at the edges. It was a shame because we are supposed to be teaching them what to do. One died but one is still in intensive care. I had a big cry to the head nurse about it. I've never worked in the emergency department or with kids. I've never ventilated someone before either, so I'm really not a great fit for the area. Especially as the doctors don't take charge! I saw the nurse taking blood on a red code while the doctor was seeing another patient, it's ridiculous. Still trying to cannulate when the oxygen is 85%. The department is defiantly the hardest, the staff area really hard to manage, always late, really stubborn and no skills.

    In general it was also a hard first week back as I'm still new here ( to the work) so I'd ask a question about a drug or what we do for a certain illness and the reply is often common Lisa you should know this! Ffs I've worked in tropical medicine for 2 weeks- and most of the drugs are in Italian or have other brand names. The office said take it easy on yourself for the first month/ 2 months. It takes time to get used to it etc. Very nice. They should say that to all the other staff, rather than have a bit because I almost ran out of stock on my second time ever ordering.

    So after a week I went back to my old ward soins continue. I really like being back, my nurses are nice and I can really teach them stuff. They still miss obs and some drugs but are getting there.

    Now we have two new staff they are really nice and one old one came back- another English/ non-Italian speaker! She is really nice and is in urgence medical. Two mean nurse have left. So the team is improving.

    Yesterday was Xmas eve. They had some sort of ceremony in front if the hospital then the presidents wife came in to meet the kids and give them presents. Nice gesture, I got to shake her hand. Bit intimidating with all the soldiers with massive guns around though.

    My mum sent me a package. I told the logistician that if it was going to cost too much money to pay taxes and bribery that they can keep it. He was negotiation/ waiting for how much. Then he have it to me and said I didn't have to pay anything! Then today the invoice arrived for 287 Euro. Wtf . I was very clear that if it's ridiculous they can keep it. Total contents is only worth 100AUD. Merry Christmas Lisa. Fu Emergency.
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