  • Day 18

    Windsor Castle - day 4

    December 15, 2015 in England ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    One of my most dreamed about places - Windsor Castle. I had to hop on an underground to catch an overground. Was about an hour long uneventful journey. Upon arrival, I made my way through the touristy strip mall trying to find my way to the Castle. To save time, I stopped at an info booth and the gentleman there jokingly said if I had come to scale the outer wall of Windsor, there would be none of that today due to the nasty, wet weather. Makes the walls too slick, he said, with a straight face. Oh, it made me laugh so hard! I assured him I had left my wall scaling gear back at my hotel so no worries. Then he said I was just in time, if I hurry, cuz the Castle was closing early today for an event. I knew I would cry if I missed getting in so I hurried on to the gate he pointed out to me. Luckily, I made it in time and was part of the last group of ppl they let in. Whew! That would have been just terrible if I couldn't do what I set out to do.

    The State Apartments was pretty neat, opulent, and fascinating. I wasn't allowed to take pics, unfortunately. The place I will carry in my heart forever, though, was St. George's Chapel, where King Henry VIII and other such grand royalty is buried. The place just exuded history and old-ness. I could feel it and it moved me greatly. There was a band and choir practicing for the night's event, as well as play from the great organ, so I was able to hear beautiful music and song, the acoustics of the space in full use. I was doubly lucky, and especially blessed to be there in that sacred place.
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