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  • Day 15

    Back into South Australia

    November 12, 2022 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Decided yesterday to head back across the Nullabor to the Eyre Peninsula and spend some time exploring there as the weather was coming in quite bad in Esperance.
    Left Esperance at 8am and arrived at Madura Oasis Caravan Park about 5pm ( same place we'd stopped on the way over). Big day of driving. No real sight seeing. Set our watches onto South Australian time so we hit the road really early WA time but 8am SA time. Headed east back across the border, we stopped at Eucla and made our lunch with our salad so as not to get stopped at the border, but when we arrived the sign says no stopping required, just drive straight into SA.
    Stopped at Great Australian Bight Marine Park to check out the Bunda Cliffs, wow!!.
    Didn't have a solid plan in place for tonight but decided to stop at Nundroo roadhouse caravan Park as the winds had picked up alot and it was 4:30pm.
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