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    • Day 158

      The past 24 hours has been pretty wild

      March 15, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      This time yesterday, we were jumping in the taxi at our hotel in Ma'Adi (Cairo), and headed for the airport. There were very few cars on the streets at 6 am, plus the fact that many roads were flooded. The taxi had to go through no less than 5 water pools in the road on the way. Jo was flying back home to the US (JFK), where her folks were picking her up (she made it safe and sound by the way). My return flight from Jordan was cancelled, so the whole trip to see Petra was cancelled. I quickly booked a flight to the next scheduled locations, which was Bahrain. Jo's flight was at 9:30 am (mine was at 1:50 PM). So we rode in together, and I planned to hang out at the airport. Jo goes in fine, I get told to wait outside (in the building, but in the front area) until 8. I tried again at 8, they said come back at 9. I came back at 9, they said come back at 11. I finally get in at 1030, after sitting for 4 hours with almost nothing to do as their was no free WiFi at the airport. The remaining 3 hour wait went quickly after I bought some WiFi on the inside, and drank a couple beers. The flight to Bahrain was uneventful, and less than 3 hours, super easy. Upon arrival, we were directed to a bus that took us to a fenced in compound . . . a makeshift medical screening facility. We go in, get issued masks, and told to fill out a medical form. We then lined up for an evaluation, nose swab, details, etc., and we sign forms that we will be quarantined for 14 days in home. We then watched the staff come back out from the screening area shouting names through their masks, to get people to sign their forms. I was first to get done, and the only American, so was easy for me. All the others spread out in the waiting area, so they staff had to walk all over the room until they found each individual. Once that was complete, they sent our tests to the lab for analysis. While waiting (at about 8:30 PM) the staff finally realizes we are not getting out anytime soon, so they bring in airline food for everyone. The usual chicken or beef options, and the rest of the tray. By 9:30 PM, the air conditioners are working overtime, and the whole facility is getting pretty cold. So seeing everyone shivering, I asked the staff if they can turn down the AC . . . 15 minutes later they bring in a bunch of blankets. We have been in the process for 4 hours at this point, with almost no information on what is going on. Finally, at about 4 am, we get the word that all tested NEGATIVE, and we were ready to complete the immigration process. That takes another hour, and we finally get the word that 14 day quarantine was not required. We are free to enjoy life from outside a locked room (I don't think I could stand going to prison, holy hell). Here I am now, in Bahrain, and ready for the hash tomorrow, and the INTERGULF hash event next weekend. So will be here at least a week . . . but then what? Time will tell.Read more

    • Day 159

      Bahrain H3 Trail #2550

      March 16, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      A rolling stone gathers no moss . . . so this rolling stone keeps on hashing. I had the opportunity to join the Bahrain H3 for their weekly evening hash tonight. This time of year, it is dark for the whole trail, but being mostly a street run there was plenty of lights. It was the annual St. Paddy's day hash, and the pack dressed in their best (yea, right) green attire. Trail was pretty much a street run, but the circle was a rousing good time with plenty of hash songs and cheer. A solid pack of 25+ enjoyed this gaggle of brilliant jokes, songs, and even came with a pot of Irish stew. Ok, maybe it was just boiled potatoes with some beef cubes, but it was surely tasty to the half drunken pack after an hour circle. This was the final local hash before the hoard of visitors (or maybe the one dude that got in) roll in for INTERGULF this weekend. And FUN, FUN I tell you, was had by all. more

    • Day 163

      INTERGULF 2020 Main Event

      March 20, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Just two weeks ago 40 International, and over 60 total hashers were signed up to attend INTERGULF 2020 in Bahrain. Then the bottom fell out last weekend, and COVID-19 curtailed all travel. Only one of those 40 made it into country before the travel restrictions kicked in (yea, that would be me). Due to ever increasing restriction, the Thursday evening pub crawl was cancelled, and only 11 hashers turned up today for the main event trail out in the desert. One hare (Saigon Sally - who set an amazing trail) and two hounds took to the hills for the runners trail, and one hare and seven walkers set out to beat the runners back into the finish. The walkers achieved their goal finishing in under an hour, as the runners popped up over the final dune about 20 minutes later, just as dark was settling over the site. Keeping our social distance, we conducted a circle and even managed to name one hasher . . . SLITHER. I'll save the naming details for another time. Great day of minimum 2 meters between hashers, and fun . . . FUN I tell you, was had by all. more

    • Day 164

      INTERGULF 2020 Recovery Run

      March 21, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      A hearty pack of 4 gathered for the Black Hash Recovery Run today. Keeping our 2 meter distance throughout, our small gang skulked around the back alleyways in search of the perfect trail. Well we didn't find it, but we had a damn good time. Another INTERGULF officially in the books, and I have just enough details to write an article on Bahrain. Did we have a good time? You bet your ass we did!!! more

    • Day 171

      Bahrain Black H3 Trail #1847

      March 28, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      In this new era of social distance hashing, Saigon Sally and I set trail early this morning. Start location was posted, and hashers were allowed to show up and follow trail anytime they wanted during the day. According to the reports and check ins, looks like we had about a half dozen hashers follow trail, last one finishing right at dusk (so roughly 9 hours from start of setting trail, to last one in). Had plenty of desert shiggy, ups and downs, and even a water crossing. No circle, only texting about it on WhatsApp. Good fun just the same, the best we can do it these unusual times. On On. more

    • Day 173

      Bahrain H3 Trail #2551

      March 30, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      More social distancing, but still good fun. Best guess is we had about 15 hashers get out there and do some form of trail. All headed out solo or in small groups, we still found lots of dirt between the buildings. Good fun in these troubled times. more

    • Day 178

      Bahrain Black H3 Trail #1848

      April 4, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Yet another foray into physical fitness and sanity enhancement, all while practicing good social distancing skills. No other hashers in sight throughout, except for Saigon Sally, who I could barely keep up with . . . that dude is FAST. But I guess that means I am well on the road to recovery, able to run again. This was a good city trail, with lots of alleyways and side streets, and an occasional dirt lot. Life is pretty wonderful, despite the current world lockdown. Things will get better y'all, life will eventually return to normal. Stay strong. more

    • Day 180

      Bahrain H3 Trail #2552

      April 6, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Life in Bahrain is not to bad, I am enjoying the warm sunshine on a daily basis. Life in the current COVID-19 lockdown is certainly difficult for everyone, so I am counting my blessings that I am not quarantined. This trail was a fast city run, and probably the fastest I have run since my surgery. 4.2 miles in 45 minutes is sub 11 minute miles, considering crossing streets with traffic, and looking for trail, that is close to sub 10 minutes miles. If I can get back down to sub 9, that's getting back down close to where I was in late 2018 before the murmur. Anyway, just have to keep looking for the silver lining in all this mess. Life is a blessing, let's all make the most of it. more

    • Day 184

      BITCH3 Trail #33

      April 10, 2020 in Bahrain ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

      It was the hottest day since I arrived a month ago [39C / 102F]. Trail started up near the airport, and had a funny story to go with it. Doing these social distancing trails, the hare goes out early and sets the trail. Slither was that hare, and he made it about 3/4 of the way through, and while going through the town, got picked up by the police for putting down flour. After a couple hours of questioning, another hasher went in and helped explain. They eventually let him go, but the trail had an abrupt ending in the middle of the street. We eventually figured it out, and made our way back to the start. more

    • Day 79

      Bahrain, Freunde besuchen

      November 18, 2022 in Bahrain ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Heute gehts nach Bahrain zu Christian, Steffi und Paul. Christian kennen wir aus Leverkusen, vor 5 Jahren ist er beruflich nach Bahrain gegangen. Paul ist knapp 1 Jahr alt.

      Und nun wollen wir natürlich bei Ihnen vorbei fahren, wenn wir schon mal hier unten sind.

      Es geht von Jabail 80 km durch die Wüste nach Damman und dann über mehrere Brücken nach Bahrain.

      Die Grenze liegt auf einer Insel und in 1 Stunde sind wir eingereist. Der erste Eindruck ist „Wow“
      Hier ist alles sehr sauber und gepflegt. Dagegen ist Kuwait und Saudi-Arabien vermüllt.
      Die Beiden wohnen in einem „Experts“ Wohncomplex.
      Die Secureties am Eingang begrüßen uns mit „unglaublich“ nachdem Wir gesagt hatten woher wir kommen.
      Christian und Steffi sind noch einkaufen und so fahren wir in eine Mall, eine Simkarte kaufen. In der 3ten Mall werden wir fündig. Ann bekommt Ihren ersten Mcfleury in Ihrem Leben bei McDonald’s. Und wir sehen unseren ersten Weihnachtsbaum.

      Oft werden wir auf der Straße angehupt und uns wird zugewinkt. Dann rufen Sie: Welcome to Bahrain.

      Dann sind die beiden auch zu Hause und Sie begrüssen uns mit den Worten „wir hätten nie gedacht ,das vor unserer Tür mal ein Auto mit einem Nummernschild aus Opladen steht“.

      Das Haus ist sehr groß mit schönem Garten. Es wurde von einer Amerikanischen Firma gebaut. Wir verbringen einen tollen Abend zusammen.
      Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Kingdom of Bahrain, Bahrain, Bahrein, Baren, ባህሬን, مملكة البحرين, ܒܚܪܝܢ, Bahreyn, Бахрэйн, Бахрейн, Bareyini, বাহারিন, བྷཱ་རེན།, Bahrajn, བཧ་རེན, Bahrain nutome, Μπαχρέιν, Barejno, Bahréin, بحرین, Bahreïn, fd, Bachrein, Bairéin, Bachrain, બેહરીન, Baharan, בחריין, बाहरेन, Բահրեյն, BAH, Barein, バーレーン, ბაჰრეინი, Bahareni, បារ៉ែន, ಬಹರೈನ್, 바레인, बहरैन, بەحرەین, Baharina, Baareeni, Bahrɛnɛ, ບາເລນ, Bahreinas, Bahrene, Bahreina, Бахреин, ബഹ്റൈന്‍, बहारीन, Baħrajn, ဘာရိန်း, Bhahareni, बाह्रेन, ବାହାରିନ୍, Bahrayn, Bahareyini, Bahrâina, බහරේන්, Baxreyn, பஹ்ரைன், బహరేన్, Баҳрайн, ประเทศบาห์เรน, Paleini, بەھرېيىن, Bahruäns, Orílẹ́ède Báránì, 巴林, i-Bahrain

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