Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Cayman Islands
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    • Day 4

      Three firsts today!

      December 30, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Dominik’s now scuba certified and oliver made the five of us dinner - two firsts today. Everyone but me asleep by 8pm from fresh air, scuba diving and beers watching the sunset / another first for me to be the last one awake in our party. Pleased everyone is getting some rest before the big New Year’s Eve fireworks and parties on the beach tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 9

      Bye bye beach for another year

      January 4, 2020 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Saying goodbye leisurely as we managed to get our apartment until 2pm vs an 11am checkout which made the last day much more special. A lovely walk along the beach, swimming in the sea and finishing up the fridge... we had a really lovely last night at the Lobster Pot after the gang came back from an afternoon diving / so everyone a bit wiped and slept well last night.Read more

    • Day 19

      GC: Cemetery Beach

      December 30, 2022 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      Disembarking the tender at the North Pier in Georgetown, we headed out of the small terminal to find the public bus station, a few blocks away … easy walking. We could have taken a shared taxi — $7pp — to our destination … Cemetery Beach. But why do that when the public bus (more like a jitney/van) fare is less expensive — $2.50pp — and you can enjoy a local experience.

      The beach sits in front of a cemetery … hence the name. It is described as a quiet beach, with decent snorkeling. Of course, now that the word has gotten out, the beach isn’t all that quiet. Meaning that there are a number of people sharing the sand and surf with us today. Everyone is well spaced out, however, so all good. The best part? There are no vendors hawking their wares and no blaring music. A chaise/umbrella guy has set up shop at the public access point, but we have our own beach chairs with us … and casuarina and sea grape trees offer plenty of shade.

      After taking a quick dip, I settled myself in the shade to relax … read … do a bit of writing. Mui lost no time getting in the water and swimming out to the reef. He’s back now and reports that while most of the coral is dead, there is evidence of new growth. He did see a number of colorful fishies. He’s happy.

      A nice day on the beach … character clouds decorating the blue sky … sunshine … a light breeze keeping us comfy … lizards scampering about nearby … hens and a rooster scratching around the trees looking for nibbles.

      Life is good.

      Insignia is in port until 7:00p … last tender at 6:30p. We’re going to take advantage of this schedule to grab a late lunch in town before returning to the ship.
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    • Day 8

      Cayman Islands - Georgetown

      November 23, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute haben wir ein Abenteuer vor uns. Wir fahren erst mit dem Rettungsboot an Land, denn auch vor Georgetown liegen wir auf Reede und müssen tendern. Dann weiter per Bus und wieder aufs Boot. Es geht zu einer Sandbank - Stingray City.

      In dieser „Stadt im Wasser” können wir mit zahmen Rochen im hüfthohen Wasser spielen. Die Idee dazu entstand 1987, als Fischer bemerkten, dass die Rochen für den einen oder anderen Bissen an die Oberfläche kamen und sich füttern ließen. Dieses Erlebnis war auf jeden Fall einmalig und aufregend.
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    • Day 9

      4. Landtag: Grand Cayman

      December 7, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Willkommen im Steuerparadies Grand Cayman💰 🏝 Circa 200.000 Firmen sollen auf den insgesamt 3 zum Vereinigten Königreich gehörenden Caymaninseln registriert sein. Allein in der Hauptstadt George Town auf Grand Cayman, der größten der 3 Inseln, soll es ein Haus mit über 18.000 registrierten Firmen geben😱 Zudem sind die meisten international tätigen Banken, auch die größten deutschen, hier mit Filialen präsent.

      Unser heutiger Ausflug startete mit einer Bustour 🚌 zu den Sehenswürdigkeiten von Grand Cayman. Da die Insel nur etwa 35km lang, 15km breit und insgesamt knapp 200qkm groß ist, ist das bereits in recht kurzer Zeit zu schaffen. So ging es vorbei am ältesten Haus der Insel (wie viele Gebäude dort bereits weihnachtlich dekoriert😂) zum Seven Mile Beach, einem der bekanntesten und (angeblich) schönsten Strände der Karibik - er ist dafür wohl schon mehrmals ausgezeichnet worden.
      Weiter ging es zur „Hölle“, einer Formation aus schwarz gefärbten Sandsteinformationen, die aussehen, wie die Höllenlandschaft, einer Rum-Destillerie, die ebenso für ihren Rumkuchen bekannt ist, und einer Schildkrötenfarm, in der Schildkröten aufgezogen und dann ausgewildert werden.
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    • Day 9

      Stingray City - Schwimmen mit Rochen

      December 7, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nach der Schildkrötenfarm fuhren wir mit dem Bus 🚌 zu einem Bootssteg und stiegen in ein Speedboot um. Mit diesem ging es nun nach Stingray City - einer Reihe flacher Sandbänke, an denen zahlreiche Stachelrochen leben. Dort angekommen (das ist DIE Touristenattraktion, weshalb schon einige Boote vor Ort waren), fingen die Guides einige Stachelrochen ein, die man dann halten (Fotos und so 📸), vorne auf die Nase küssen oder auf den Rücken gelegt bekommen konnte. Zur eigenen Sicherheit bewegten wir uns nur in kleinen Tippelschritten im Wasser vorwärts, um nicht aus Versehen auf einen der zahllosen Rochen zu treten, die ohne Scheu zwischen den Touristen durch schwammen. Die Haut der Tiere ist etwas glitschig, aber ansonsten unerwartet weich.
      Hoffentlich sind die Bilder mit unserer Unterwasserkamera gelungen✊🏻

      Nach der spannenden Erfahrung ging es mit Boot 🚤 und dem Bus 🚌 zurück zum Hafen. Da noch etwas Zeit bis zum Auslaufen war, gönnten wir uns einen Schokocrêpes und Weihnachtsstimmung bei etwa 26 Grad inklusive (siehe Video) 😂
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    • Day 14

      Cayman Islands

      December 30, 2019 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      So, not a real stop in that we didn't disembark, but one we are going to claim! The journey from Costa Maya to Jamaica was supposed to be made at a fairly leisurely speed, around 500 nautical miles in 36 hours. However we found ourselves instead travelling at full speed towards the Cayman Islands as there was a medical emergency on board who needed to be evacuated from the ship. So we stopped just short of the island and a tender collected the medical team whilst we loitered off the coast of Grand Cayman for an hour.

      The extra speed meant a little way back into our journey, the captain announced we were just going to drift for a while as we were somewhat ahead of where we needed to be. This turned the already baking heat outside to an unbearable temperature with no sea breeze. However we were indoors, and whilst we were drifting we were graced with the sight of dolphins, lots of them leaping in the waters around the ship.

      As we headed onwards to Jamaica for one final time, we packed up our cabin and enjoyed some final drinks.
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    • Day 65


      December 10, 2023 in Cayman Islands ⋅ 🌬 81 °F

      I like sloths. As a species their family life and chill vibe appeals to me. The fact that they don’t bathe for weeks at a time would create issues for me, but I could adapt.
      Sloths are slow, they sleep a lot and generally hang on trees and eat leaves in slow ways so,
      How much confidence do you have in a mail service that has a sloth as their marketing mascot?
      I didn’t put mail in to try it out.
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    • Day 183

      Grand Cayman

      December 10, 2023 in Cayman Islands ⋅ 🌬 28 °C

      Cayman Turtle Center
      The turtles lay their eggs on the sand in the picture. The center incubate the eggs and then place the eggs in the sand around the island right before they hatch.

      Cayman Island is very well developedRead more

    • Day 65

      Snorkel - Grand Cayman

      December 10, 2023 in Cayman Islands ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

      The British West Indies, Grand Cauman. First it’s British and driving is on the “other side” second the cars are both left and right hand drive which must be a true driving adventure. Our adventure was snorkeling. First stop was a reef created by sinking the SS Kitiwake. We floated over the sunken boat for 25 minutes with free range to go over it. There was a group of divers below who were swimming around it… their bubbles were fun to swim through. The second stop was a reef just off shore. So many interesting fish. I used the GoPro and shot video. I will upload it soon.
      My friend Bob would have laughed at my basic photography skills and I miss him at times like this.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Cayman Islands, Kaimaninseln, Kaaimanseilande, Kemanfo Islands, ካይማን ደሴቶች, Islas Caimán, Cægman Īegland, جزر الكايمن, جزر كايمان, Islles Caimán, Kayman Adaları, Кайман утрауҙары, Кайманавы астравы, Кайманови острови, Bama Gun, কেম্যান দ্বীপপুঞ্জ, ཁེ་མེན་གླིང་ཕྲན།, কায়ম্যান দ্বীপমালা, Inizi Cayman, Kajmanska Ostrva, Illes Caiman, Cayman Gùng-dō̤, Кайманийн гӀайренаш, دوورگەکانی کەیمەن, Kajmanské ostrovy, Ynysoedd Cayman, Caymanøerne, Kajmany, ކޭމަން ޖަޒީރާ, Kayman ƒudomekpowo nutome, Νήσοι Κέιμαν, Kejmanoj, Kaimanisaared, Kaiman Uharteak, جزایر کِیمن, Duuɗe Kaymaa, Caymansaaret, Caymanoyggjarnar, Îles Caïmans, Iles Cayimans, Kaiman Eilunen, Oileáin na gCadhman, Illas Caimán, કેયમેન આઇલૅંડ્સ, Tsibiran Kaiman, Kajmanski Otoci, איי קיימן, केमैन द्वीपसमूह, Kajmán-szigetek, Կայմանյան կղզիներ, Insulas de Caiman, Kepulauan Kayman, Insuli Kaiman, Caymaneyjar, Isole Cayman, ケイマン諸島, Kapuloan Cayman, კაიმანის კუნძულები, Visiwa vya Kayman, Кайман аралдары, ಕೇಮನ್ ದ್ವೀಪಗಳು, 케이맨제도, Ynysow Kayman, Insulae Caimanenses, Kaimaninselen, Bizinga ebya Kayimaani, Kaojmaanseilen, Isoe Cayman, Bisanga bya Kayíma, Kaimanų salos, Lutanda lua Kayima, Kaimanu salas, Nosy Kayman, Кајмански Острови, കേയ്മാന്‍ ദ്വീപുകള്‍, केमन बेटे, Кайман ошмаотывлӓ, Gżejjer Kajmani, ကေမန် ကျွန်းစု, Cayman Kûn-tó, Caymanøyene, केयमान टापु, Caymaneilanden, Caymanøyane, Kayman Isles, Islas Caiman, କେମ୍ୟାନ୍ ଦ୍ବୀପପୁଞ୍ଜ, Кайманы сакъадæхтæ, ਕੇਮਨ ਟਾਪੂ, Ìsole Caiman, کیمین جزیرے, Ilhas Caiman, Inslas Cayman, Ibirwa bya Keyimani, Insulele Cayman, Каймановы Острова, Ibirwa bya Kayimani, Cayman-sullot, Âzûâ Ngundë, Kaimäni, Kajmanski otoki, Zvitsuwa zveCayman, Ishujt Cayman, Кајманска Острва, Kapuloan Kayman, Caymanöarna, கேமென் தீவுகள், కేమాన్ దీవులు, หมู่เกาะเคย์แมน, Kapuluang Kayman, ʻOtumotu Keimeni, Cayman Adaları, كايمان تاقىم ئاراللىرى, Кайманові острови, کیمین آئلینڈز, Kayman orollari, Quần Đảo Cayman, Kapuropud-an Cayman, Orílẹ́ède Etíokun Kámánì, 開曼羣島, 开曼群岛, i-Cayman Islands

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