Point Turton

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  • Day 11

    Point Turton

    February 20 in Australia ⋅ 🌬 22 °C

    Our Campground for tonight is at Point Turton. As we checked in the guy at the reception told us, that now I a good time to go to the Jetty and look out for some sting rays that used to spend the afternoon there. Of coarse we did it straight a way and we were so happy to see some of them cruising around the Jetty. Even a pelican was there too.
    After that we went to the local pub and had fish and chips! Fresh fish locally catched, u love it! And it was delicious!!
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  • Day 195

    Longbottom Beach

    January 15, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Heute sind wir größtenteils gefahren um die große Strecke bis auf diese Halbinsel zu machen. Wir sind jetzt im Bundesstaat South-Australia, das besondere hier ist die Zeitzone. Es ist einfach eine halbe Stunde später als noch in Victoria. Normalerweise sind Zeitzonen ja immer um volle Stunden versetzt.

    An unserer Destination angekommen gab es erstmal Tee. Wir dachten ja immer es ist ein Klischee, dass Briten viel Tee trinken aber nein, das ist es nicht. Wir haben die ganzen letzten 6 Monate nicht so viel Tee getrunken wie in dieser Woche. 😅 Es ist aber auch schön, besonders Abends in der Runde mit einem Tee und Keksen zu sitzen und ein bisschen aufzuwärmen,. Fast so gut wie Glühwein 😉😅

    Bevor es zu unserem Schlafplatz ging, waren wir noch an diesem riesigen weißen Strand. Bei den Google Fotos dachten wir noch, dass es unreal ist aber es ist tatsächlich extrem blau. Schade nur das Ebbe ist und das Wasser so weit weg. Aber wir haben einen schönen ausgiebigen Spaziergang gemacht.
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  • Day 264

    Magazine Bay Cave Point Turton

    March 4 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Very short drive from our caravan park. The cave is set up with matting on the floor - so great spot to sit in and take in the bay view. The beach is covered in large 'pebbles' - rounded stones. Could be a nice spot to snorkel......not on our radar today.
    We now go for a drive around Point Turton - call in and check out the General Store, covers the basics for a fishing town, before going back to our caravan.
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  • Day 264–266

    Point Turton Caravan Park

    March 4 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Book in for 2 nights at $50 per night with power and water. Site 6 behind cabins on the higher level of the park. Get to our site, park staff member directs Rog onto our site. Very nice site and new amenities block just behind us - all great. Once set up, we make our lunch - leftover snitzel into salad sandwiches for Roger, and a couple of open toasties for me topped with Rael's zucchini relish, avocado, ham, tomato and cheese. Roger is keen to go for a paddle board - as this place certainly offers a good spot today. He gets organised for this and off he goes. I follow him down to the Jetty for a walk. Enjoy watching the pelicans and stingrays getting the leftovers from the fisherman - big sign saying not to feed them - but mustn't apply to fisherman? Lol! After walking out on the Jetty I return to our camp, Roger arrives back shortly after - he enjoyed a swim as well. After a relax, Roger decides we should go for a drive to check out nearby point of interest - so we do. Return within the hour. Now just going to enjoy this beautiful afternoon at camp. Roger persuades me to go for a late afternoon swim - glad he did, I float about very contentedly with my pool noodle - enjoying watching kids and big kids having fun around the Jetty (plenty jumping off). Roger snorkels and has another short stand up paddle board. We return to camp and go and have showers. There is a food van on offer at this park tonight - I check it out (yiros, hamburgers, fish& chips) but unsure of the set up and wait time - happily stick with Roger's choice of making up a chicken, vegetable and noodles curry casserole. We sit outside to eat our tea enjoying the water views - afterwards move our chairs closer to the water views and enjoy our bottle of wine. Return to van and get the dishes and tidy up done. Roger reading, and I'm catching this up before bed - may watch another Reacher Season 3 episode.......(I did eps 2 & 3).
    5/03/25 Wednesday. I get up and get into bathers so I can go for a stand up paddle board before breakfast. I do, but it's far too windy for me to venture out into the bay today - so I just do some short laps in the sheltered swimming area beside the jetty. Roger helps me carry the paddle board back to camp (I made it down to the water by myself) as the wind is making it tricky. Roger has prepared to do a cooked breakfast - so we get this made - and enjoy. I get dressed and ready to go for a drive - we've decided to 'day trip' about. Head off about 9.30am and return just after 2pm. It's very windy - so we just choose to relax about camp, reading, catching up budget books, writing up cards re new baby boy Jasper George Tooley - James and Sophie's 1st child. Then I watch another episode S3 Reacher ep. 4. Roger thinks he might go for a swim and gets dressed accordingly - comes back, no he didn't - too windy (making it cool too). Tea tonight is panfried lamb with onions and boiled vegetables. Roger has some yoghurt and fruit (reminds me - we both ate a bunch of green seedless grapes between us today), then we have a milk chai (thermomix) with the last pieces of New Norcia pan chocolatti. Roger showers, I do the dishes and tidy up. Now relaxing until bedtime.
    6/03/25 Thursday. We get up around 7.30am and have our breakfast - both having porridge today, Rog will follow this with some toast. Very windy throughout the night - and that's continuing today, so after my shower I'm happy to dress in trackies and a jumper! We tidy and pack up to be leaving at 9.30am.
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  • Day 20

    Day 20 - Pt.Turton to Port Broughton

    May 20, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Loved Point Turton it was a tidy little Van park and close to the best parts of Yorke Peninsular.

    Anyway,'On the Move' again (no pun intended), went to Moonta and bought another long sleeve shirt...last one was a little snug. Then off to Kadina, which is the biggest town on the Peninsular, parked the Van at the Bowls club and went walking around town. Picked up some filters for the car from Repco, hot chook from Woolies, and decided that it is Port weather, so we bought some to see if it warms us up at night.

    Had to order a part for the air filter in the car, which broke when Wayne was cleaning, but it will take 3 days to get to Kadina. There was a painted Silo here, so of course, another photo.

    The last stop for the day is an RV Park in Port Broughton. It is the best setup camp, and the owner has done heaps of work to make it welcoming. $10 per night but no toilets or showers but has a camp kitchen. You can buy 80 ltrs of water for $4.

    The owner is a painter and has lovely pictures around the park, and he has Palm trees planted to divide the sites. I think it used to have grass between the Palms, but they desperately need rain, so its all dirt. There is only one other van here apart from us, but I assume more will roll in later in the day.
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  • Day 15

    Day 15 - Point Turton

    May 15, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    This place is beautiful, we had a big day driving around the 'bottom of the boot' hopefully you can see from the map what I am talking about. Every place we stopped was a little different in landscape and even the rocks in the ocean changed from sharp jagged rocks to smooth boulders. I will post a few places we stopped at so we remember their names:

    Point Souttar, Corny Point Lighthouse, Berry Bay, Gleesons Landing, Daly Head, Gym Beach, Pondalowie Surf Break, Cape Spencer Lighhouse, West Cape Lighthouse, Innes National Park, Rhino Head, Stenhouse Bay, Marion Bay.

    We had to walk about 2km to the Surf Break...Wayne complained all the way about how far it was, worth the walk and the complaints. After all he had a stab wound to he leg.....

    I filmed with the Go Pro today again and I got up the courage to use the Drone, filmed a huge pod of dolphins swimming up the coast. I will work on getting some footage posted, forgot how...sorry Alex.

    Heaps of Lighthouses, sandy beaches, Emu's, rocky beaches and sandstone cliffs. Really hard to sort out which photo's to post, only allowed to post 10 per day. I will try to get them in order - no promises though.

    Went to the Tavern (which overlooks the Caravan Park) for dinner, nice easy night.

    Forgot the highlight of the day - there is a Alert out for Feral Bees - of course one landed on Wayne in the car and tried to crawl down his chest into his shirt, I flicked it off him - unfortunately it landed in his lap. To say he jumped out of the car like lightning is an understatement. I am devo that I wasn't !
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  • Day 15

    Point Turton

    April 2, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Point Turton, on the York Peninsula, overlooks the beautiful blue waters and white beaches of stunning Hardwicke Bay. The Caravan Park is at the site of the old quarry. A great little park with no bells and whistles just a basic caravan park next to the jetty.

    We were lucky enough to have a four wheel drive to spend our time here exploring between Point Turton and Hardwick Bay. Here you will find hundreds of meters of white sand and pristine blue water at Flaherty Beach and most of the time we had the beach to ourselves.
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  • Day 19

    Day 19 - Extra day at Point Turton

    May 19, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Yucky day again, cold and windy. Did the washing, think we have fixed the Gas bottle problem - time will tell.

    Copied the Go Pro and Drone footage to the Hard drive. Then went and had another practice flight.

    Spent a couple of hours working out where we are headed over the next couple of weeks. We were going over to Eyre Peninsular but the weather isn't great so we will go up to Coober Pedy and check out the underground living instead.

    Sandy will catch up to us during the next week and we will travel together for awhile. Will be nice to have her along for some chats etc.

    Nothing else happened today so making Taco's for dinner and an early night ready to pack up and move. Hopefully the weather will improve.

    There you go - I went out in the rain and took a photo of our camp site so at least there is one piccy today.
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  • Day 18

    Day 18 - Still at Point Turton

    May 18, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

    Taj's 10th Birthday. Missing the boys heaps, big and small. Housework/Maintenance day today for us both. Wayne on the car, fixing the trailer connection (which I may have broken ages ago), tracking down and fixing a squeak under the car and repairing a valve on the water inlet into the Van that has never worked...very productive day.

    Amazing how dusty/sandy the Van gets, so lots to clean, in between calls from the 'Repair Man' get me a screw not that one the smaller one !!!!

    Wayne needed a part for the trailer connection so we did a quick run into Warooka, only about 10 mins from Turton. I found a painted tank - so of course took a photo.

    Its cold, overcast and windy today, so not a good fishing day, but he tried, only caught some seaweed. We were going to check out tomorrow and go the beach camp but decided to extend another day and see what the wind is going to do.

    Still having problems with our gas bottles, can't run more than one hotplate at a time, when we swap over to the other bottle, its fine. Change back to No.1 bottle the next day and its fine....we are very confused. Any ideas are welcome.

    Wayne thought it was funny that he is sitting watching the footy while I wash and dry up.....he has been very good with his cooking outside and drying up, guess the footy is too hard to resist. All good.

    Sorry, not many photos today 😉
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  • Day 17

    Day 17 - Point Turton

    May 17, 2024 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Dragged myself out of bed for the sunrise which happened at 7.10...yes I know its very late. The days are short here - sunset is 5.20pm. Anyway it was stunning, quite cool, I had a hot cuppa, trackies plus a scarf, just taking some awesome photo's when along comes a group of ladies, then another group - total of 11 of these insane ladies who all jumped into the water and started walking around, not swimming briskly which I would have done....crazy.

    Went back to the Van to get Wayne out of bed, we were going exploring again, he was so excited...not ! Stopped at a few beaches travelling north up the Western side of the leg (see map). Flaherty Beach was the first one, which we had been told was beautiful. Driving along behind the houses, I saw more Furgie Tractors than I had seen my whole life. Every house has their own Tractor to launch their boats, just like the old Emu Park days.

    Unfortunately, it was low tide, so the beaches were very shallow, so decided to drive all the way up to Port Hughes, which is outside Yorke Peninsular, then work our way back down.

    Wayne is addicted to the King George Whiting (he assures me he is going fishing tomorrow to catch some) after he has done some maintenance. Quick lunch, and we started coming back via every dirt road known to man kind (guess who's comment that was). We went to Port Vincent, which was windy, but I did take a photo of the toilet block.

    We drove down to a few more of the beaches coming back but there isn't a coastal road, so you have to drive in and out from the highway, yes on dirt roads. Went into Wauraltee Beach, which is gorgeous, we are planning to stay there when we leave here on Sunday. Will be our first beach camp...Yay.

    Got back to Turton and drove past the park to Magazine Bay. A lady on the Jetty had told us it's a must to see. She was right. It's protected from wind, lovely pebbly beach, and a cave you can climb up to and enjoy the view. It even has carpet in the cave -we accidently interrupted a young couple....oops. Will be going back tomorrow for a swim.

    We are off to the Tavern for dinner again tonight, slack I know, but it's too easy.

    Happy Birthday for Taj tomorrow, sorry not going to see him.
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