Weer op Nederlandse bodem

Na een overnachting in België bij Joost en Cindy zijn we weer terug in Nederland.
Hier staan we nog 1 nachtje op een camping in Voorthuizen bij Patrick en Marieke voor dat we morgen doorrijden naarRead more
Na een overnachting in België bij Joost en Cindy zijn we weer terug in Nederland.
Hier staan we nog 1 nachtje op een camping in Voorthuizen bij Patrick en Marieke voor dat we morgen doorrijden naarRead more
Day 44
Day 2 of Battlefields tour.
Photos - 1 and 2- after attending a short rememberance ceremony at the Menin Gates we had dinner with our guide at a really nice hotel in Ypres, Belgium called theRead more
Day 42 was meant to be utopia for John who found a sports bar to watch the rugby league grand final live. He then went to the Prix de l'arc de Triomphe (Melbourne Cup of Europe). At least the racesRead more
Rifleman Frederick Alley DOD 13Dec17 Age unknown
Killed in Action
3 NZ Rifle Brigade, 3 Battalion
Grave Plot II, C.22
The site of the current cemetery was until the Third Battle of Ypres in noRead more
Celebrated an emotional ANZAC day at the Menin Gates. Visited war memorial sites. Met Ed the old Aussie whose son owns Goodiesons brewery in McLaren vale. Gonna meet us there sometime! Graham has aRead more
Tyne Cot is the largest Commonweath war grave cemetery in the world. There are 950 in France and Belgium. It is on the site of the Battle of Broodseinde, which involved Australian and allied troops inRead more
This cemetery is in the site where Canadian doctor John McRae wrote the poem “InFlanders Fields”.
He was inspired to write it on May 3, 1915, after presiding over the funeral of friend andRead more
We stumbled across this amazing memorial to all the groups of brothers who died in WWI, located in Zonnebeke just outside of Ypres. It was near the site of the Polygon Woods battle in which NZ &Read more
We left Calais and headed northeast to Belgium. Ypres (EE ‘ Preees). Our first stop lead us to the Menen Gate - originally a medieval gate and like many others destroyed multiple times. This gate isRead more
Was weer een ouderwets avondje samen 😘 [Joost]
Traveler Dat was het zeker weten!😘
Traveler welkom in Nederland 😀😘
Traveler Wil weer terug...😪 Hier alleen maar regen en kou...
Traveler begrijp ik heel goed !