Wedge Creek

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  • Day 6–14

    Wowser Whistler! 🤩

    February 10 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ -9 °C

    Whistler is a magical disney fairytale land where everyone is soooo nice, super polite and also fab at recycling 🍕 🚮
    More Tesla Cyber 🛻 (check the doodling on the trunk 🤣), more invictus games all week ⛷️ , sensayah ski outfits 🌟 & apres 🥂Read more

  • Day 6–12

    Last day at Whistler

    October 17, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 41 °F

    Usually we stay 7 days, but Cindy has a hacking cough so it is time to return home to get her well. To say I have enjoyed my time is an understatement. As Cindy has slept, I have relished my time in nature.

    Today I was greeted with low clouds, barely a mountain could be seen. Snow was predicted but while I walked around the Village it was only cold and very wet. So I found what I liked about Whistler.

    I like the clear signage that can be found everywhere.

    I like the huge trees, moss, and colorful leaves.

    I like the totems. I saw the Welcome Totom that I had seen being carved.

    I like all the mushrooms.

    I like watching everyone work to make Whistler look great: the person putting lights up in the tall evergreens, the many people who blow and rake up the leaves, the hundreds of people who keep the hotels and restaurants going.
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  • Day 5

    Wonderful Wednesday in Whistler

    October 16, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 36 °F

    Today was a gorgeous day. Clouds, Sprinkles, and even a little bit of Sun. I woke up and went for a 6 mile saunter around Lost Lake. Funny thing, the lake was not lost. It was right there. The clouds were low, but I saw it! I took some more rugged Nature Trails as I circum- navigated the body of water in the stillness of the morning.

    I spent a couple hours working on a puzzle and then took another walk through the Village. I tried on a couple of rain pants but apparently they don't make them for people who are vertically challenged. They were all 4 inches too long! I'll keep looking because I'm determined to keep walking in the winter rain.

    I also enjoyed giving my Mom a tour of Whistler while I talked to her on Whatsapp. I love the playground, the way they have put log-like benches in the shade for adults to use (when it's hot), and the concrete structure covered with tiles and tubes to pass things through. We also got to watch a young man effortlessly string Christmas lights around a huge evergreen using a Genie telescopic boom lift. That would be so useful for cleaning roofs and gutters!

    Tomorrow is predicted to have sun! There are 4 more lakes to walk around. I don't think I'll get to all of them.

    Until tomorrow,
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  • Day 3

    Canadian Thanksgiving

    October 14, 2024 in Canada ⋅ 🌧 48 °F

    I awoke to a glorious day. My phone said "No rain until 10:00 AM", so I thought I would get a quick hike in before it came. I left in Gortex, boots, my floppy hat, and my trusty walking sticks and within 4 blocks the sky opened up!

    That did not deter me. I was pleased no one was around and headed to the nearest mountain. I sauntered up Singing Pass until a wash out prevented me from continuing, then turned around and went down. After all the trails in Spain, this one was Magical! It had moss, colors, bridges over rushing water, an opportunity to watch crazy people racing down muddy tracks on mountain bikes, and kids going up the ski lift yelling 'Happy Thanksgiving' to me as they waved. I also didn't see a single person until I finished the 15K (9 mile) 1500 elevation walk. Then I saw 2 ladies beginning the walk as I was finishing.

    By the time I returned to the condo, I needed a hot shower and nourishment. After I finished my online substitute training, I pursued Cindy to ride the free buses. They are only free today. It's kind of nerdy but fun to see where the routes take you. I was hoping for a glimpse of a bear, but no such luck.

    This evening we enjoyed Mexican Casserole (which always tastes better the 2nd day) and watched a couple mysteries.

    The biggest surprise of the day was the front desk telling me I won the Thanksgiving drawing!! I wrote the correct answer (yes, Canada used to celebrate Thanksgiving in November) and the manager pulled my name. I don't usually win, but love to fill out anything so I was genuinely surprised. It contained warm fuzzy socks, a small succulent, scented candle, mug with a small spoon and tea, a nice little notebook...all useful items.

    Until tomorrow,
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  • Day 2

    Sunny Sunday in Whistler

    October 13, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

    When Cindy made reservations for Whistler last fall, she had no idea it would land on the Canadian Thanksgiving. We are in the mist of Turkey Sales at Whistler and masses of people from Vancouver are coming to celebrate Thanksgiving.

    This was not how I imagined slowly getting used to people and every day life. I took an early morning walk before the masses descended on Whistler Village. It was a lovely walk and I was amazed how fast I could walk without a pack on. Then, Cindy and I watched a BBC mystery to 'decompress'. Afterwards, she went to the library and market, while I went to the Village.

    I despise clothes shopping and Cindy, more often than not, clicks some buttons and some new clothes appear in my drawers. I'm quite fine with that. But while strolling down the crowded walkways, I had a gravitational pull from a 60% off sign in front of the Eddie Bauer store. There in a box in front of the store was a soft shirt and shorts in my new and improved smaller size! Then, while walking to the fitting room, I found a pair of pants that were 50% off! I love celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada. I needed the staff to assure me that everything fit perfectly and finally headed back to the condo exhausted!

    I did see 2 (nonliving) bears on the way back and returned in time to watch Cindy make Mexican Casserole for dinner. Tomorrow is the "official holiday" so the library will be closed.

    Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
    I'm thankful every day to everyone I know and all I have seen and done.
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  • Day 17

    Last full day of tour - part 3

    August 22, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    So once we reached the top of Whistler, it was time for ride number 3 for the day.

    This one is an open chair ski lift - the Peak Express. Nowhere to rest your feet and just a bar to make sure you don’t fall off.

    And again it is quite high off the ground. I have no idea how high as I was concentrating on the straight up that we were doing! We played “spot what’s been dropped” on the way up.
    There were lots of hiking poles, drink bottles and similar. We might have even seen a phone. But I ask you - who would wear thongs (flip flops) on such a ride? And what did that person do once they reached the peak? Hop around??

    The views were, again, spectacular.
    Although I did need to be careful walking around because there’s no guard rails to stop you from tumbling off the mountain.

    There is also two engineering feats that you can take advantage of.
    The Cloudraker Skybridge which is a steel suspension bridge - that sways!
    And then a cantilevered triangle (solid) walkway out over the edge of the mountain.
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  • Day 17

    Last full day of tour - part 1

    August 22, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    This morning we woke to blue skies - yay!
    This means we can execute plan A for the day - riding the gondolas up the mountains.
    We wander in to Whistler Village and purchase our tickets.

    We will be riding a triangle of gondolas today. One leaves the middle of Whistler Village and takes you up to Whistler Mountain. One leaves from Blackcomb village and takes you up to Blackcomb Mountain. And the third is called the Peak2Peak. This one takes you from the top of Blackcomb to the top of Whistler over a massive valley!

    So first trip is up to Blackcomb Mountain.
    We wander down to the start point and join the long line of people waiting their turn.
    I think to myself that there’s a long line, I forgot my water bottle but there’s a drink fridge over there so I’ve plenty of time to grab one. Note that there are drink fridges (coke machines) pretty much everywhere - every touristy attraction, hotels, etc. I’ve never seen so many! And they all take cards or tap your phone. Very few actually accept cash.
    I get back to the line and can’t actually find my friends - that line moved FAST. They were about four carriages from getting on. Phew.
    Once we are on the gondola, the views are outstanding. The gondola doors open and we prepare to disembark. Lucky one of us caught the sign - we’re only half-way up so far.
    It takes approximately 20 minutes to reach the top.
    There’s nothing further I can say - you need to see the photos. And they don’t do it justice either.
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  • Day 16

    Bonus short - Mongolie Grill & Whistler

    August 21, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    So tonight we hit the Mongolie Grill for dinner.
    You get given a small bowl and then you make your way along a chilled salad bar type of thing and select all your ingredients.
    This includes beef, chicken, pork, seafood and everything else you might want to pop into a stir fry.
    You then choose a sauce (or multiple sauces).
    They then take your bowl and weigh it. At this restaurant you are charged by the weight of your ingredients!
    They then cook the stir fry you have concocted on a big round hot plate. They are cooking multiple bowls of food at one time. I think I counted about 7 or 8 at once.
    Then you receive your cooked, individual stir fry.
    It was quite the experience and there were many Aussies at this restaurant - both customers and employees!

    After dinner we wandered through the village before returning to our accommodation with full bellies.
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  • Day 8

    Flug gecanceld und sightseeing

    July 29, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

    Da steht es dann das Wasserflugzeug das wir gebucht hatten konnte leider wegen schlechtem Wetter nicht fliegen. Die Enttäuschung war groß aber wir sind als alternative losgefahren zum sightseeing was hier absolut keine Strafe ist😁Read more

  • Day 8

    tag 8 / vernon - whistler

    June 2, 2024 in Canada ⋅ 🌫 4 °C

    🚙427km 👣13100

    achtung, heute querbeet infos oder bisherige eindrücke, da wir auf der langen fahrt zeit zum schreiben hatten.😉

    alles zusammen gepackt, picknick vorbereitet - auf ging die reise weiter nach whistler. uns erwartete heute viel zeit im auto, darum musste auch jasper noch gefüttert werden. dies gestaltete sich heute nicht ganz einfach.🤣 zuerst die falsche karte, dann die falsche tanksäule. ohne kaffe geht halt nichts. schlussendlich bekam jasper dann natürlich doch noch einen vollen tank. zufrieden kutschierte er uns das letzte mal zum ratio café. leute, wenn ihr in vernon vorbei kommt, plant hier unbedingt einen stopp ein! leckerer café, pornöse stiky buns (egal welche, haben uns durch getestet😋) und meeegaa freundliches personal. und nein, wir haben keinen rabatt für die werbung bekommen, müssten da wirklich mal unseren job überdenken.🤔 reisen und café testen, dabei geld verdienen - das wärs.😁 ab und zu noch etwas helfen und jenen die kein brot backen können noch etwas beibringen.👌 wäre eine überlegung wert, oder?
    wenn wir gerade bei cafés sind. hier in canada kriegt man keinen löffel zum kaffee. anscheinend sind die baristas hier nicht richtig ausgebildet, denn kaffee muss wegen seinen 3 schichten gerührt werden! falls du dies bis jetzt nicht gemacht hast, probiers aus, dein kaffee wird anders schmecken.😉
    noch eine erkenntnis aus der gastronomie: wenn du im restaurant das essen serviert bekommst, wird immer gefragt ob du pfeffer haben möchtest. die mühle wird nicht einfach hingestellt, sondern das servicepersonal bedient alle die pfeffer möchten.🤣 alex als hobby köchin, findet es wahnsinnig, wieviele leute davon gebrauch machen ohne das essen überhaupt probiert zu haben.🙈 die füllen ihre pfeffermühlen bestimmt täglich.🤣
    übringes als chiropraktiker hat man in 🇨🇦 viele job möglichkeiten. praktisch in jedem ort der etwas grösser ist, hat es mindestens eine praxis.🤣
    ach ja, was es auch viel zuviel hat im strassenverkehr sind STOP signale. zu 90% muss man stoppen, die anderen 10% sind "kein vortritt" signale - wenn man glück hat.🙈 autofahren ist hier aber ganz entspannt, sehr rücksichtsvoll.

    bei der langen fahrt durften wir die abwechslungsreiche landschaft geniessen und durchquerten wiederholt indigenes territorium. auch hatte es wieder viele farmen. hier hat man glaub nur so grosse grundstücke, damit platz für all den schrott vorhanden ist.🙈🤣 himmel da stehen überall unbrauchbare autos, traktoren und sonstiges rum. einige könnten schon fast ein museum eröffnen.🤷‍♀️ melde dich bei uns wenn du noch mehr tipps brauchst um geld zu verdienen.😜😜
    den ersten halt legten wir am kamloops lake view point ein. ein schöner ort mit fantastischem ausblick, perfekt geeignet um die beine etwas zu bewegen.😍 martina's adler augen sichteten sogar noch kakteen.
    kurz nach cache creek wurde der kaffee becher in einem farm market aufgefüllt. neben gemüse gabs auch vieles weiteres wie leckereien aus der hausbäckerei. anscheinend sind sie für ihren "pie 🥧" bekannt, die es leider nur in einer grösse gab (zu gross für uns). nicht nur hier, sondern fast überall wird das frische brot in plastiksäcke eingepackt. 😱😮‍💨😪 die canadier mögen anscheinend kein knuspriges brot.🤷‍♀️ vorsichtsmaßnahme damit nicht zuviel gegessen wird?!🤔
    unser selbstgemachtes picknick genossen wir mit sicht auf den fraser river. die landschaft hier ist einfach beeindruckend.😍
    da wir bis jetzt noch kein bär sichteten, liess iris ihrer fantasie freien lauf. stellt euch folgendes vor: ein bär rutscht auf einem mülltonnendeckel die bergrinne herunter und hat ein riesen gaudi dabei.🤣 ooder: du öffnest die toiletten tür und der bär sitzt mit einer zeitung in den pfoten auf dem klo.🤣 neein, keine angst bei uns gibts nur kaffee und wasser, da ist nichts hochprozentiges im spiel.😜
    apropos toiletten. die öffentlichen toiletten hier sind immer plumsklo's, bis jetzt war es aber immer ziemlich ok. toiletten gibts aber in canada eigentlich sowieso nicht. hier wird es washroom genannt. wash your ass oder was?🙈🤣 hat ja nur ganz gewöhnlich ein lavabo und eine wc schüssel drin.🤷‍♀️
    auf der weiterfahrt hofften wir auf eine grizzly sichtung, jedoch war wohl sogar diesen das wetter zu regnerisch.
    in whistler angekommen, checkten wir in unser hotel ein. schönes zimmer mit viiel platz.🙏 danach gabs eine sightseeing tour durch whistler, ohne regenjacke ging aber nichts. hübsches touristen städchen, dank dem wetter heute aber ohne grosse menschenmassen.😁 das eine oder andere wurde dann auch noch eingekauft, shiit wir kommen mit neuer garderobe und geschirr nachhause. 🙈🤣
    während die einen die zeit mit sport verbrachten, gingen die anderen abendessen. danach sassen wir gemütlich vorm elektrischen kamin, um die pläne für morgen zu schmieden.

    denk daran, weitere fotos findest du immer in den einzelnen footprints;)
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