Wowser Whistler! 🤩

Whistler is a magical disney fairytale land where everyone is soooo nice, super polite and also fab at recycling 🍕 🚮
More Tesla Cyber 🛻 (check the doodling on the trunk 🤣), more invictusRead more
Whistler is a magical disney fairytale land where everyone is soooo nice, super polite and also fab at recycling 🍕 🚮
More Tesla Cyber 🛻 (check the doodling on the trunk 🤣), more invictusRead more
Usually we stay 7 days, but Cindy has a hacking cough so it is time to return home to get her well. To say I have enjoyed my time is an understatement. As Cindy has slept, I have relished my time inRead more
Today was a gorgeous day. Clouds, Sprinkles, and even a little bit of Sun. I woke up and went for a 6 mile saunter around Lost Lake. Funny thing, the lake was not lost. It was right there. The cloudsRead more
I awoke to a glorious day. My phone said "No rain until 10:00 AM", so I thought I would get a quick hike in before it came. I left in Gortex, boots, my floppy hat, and my trusty walking sticks andRead more
When Cindy made reservations for Whistler last fall, she had no idea it would land on the Canadian Thanksgiving. We are in the mist of Turkey Sales at Whistler and masses of people from Vancouver areRead more
So once we reached the top of Whistler, it was time for ride number 3 for the day.
This one is an open chair ski lift - the Peak Express. Nowhere to rest your feet and just a bar to make sure youRead more
This morning we woke to blue skies - yay!
This means we can execute plan A for the day - riding the gondolas up the mountains.
We wander in to Whistler Village and purchase our tickets.
We will beRead more
So tonight we hit the Mongolie Grill for dinner.
You get given a small bowl and then you make your way along a chilled salad bar type of thing and select all your ingredients.
This includes beef,Read more
Da steht es dann das Wasserflugzeug das wir gebucht hatten konnte leider wegen schlechtem Wetter nicht fliegen. Die Enttäuschung war groß aber wir sind als alternative losgefahren zum sightseeingRead more
🚙427km 👣13100
achtung, heute querbeet infos oder bisherige eindrücke, da wir auf der langen fahrt zeit zum schreiben hatten.😉
alles zusammen gepackt, picknick vorbereitet - auf ging dieRead more
Traveler USA 😂
Brrrrr gorgeous 🥶
Fairytale ❄️