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La faccia di chi è arrivato in Cina senza potersi guardare neanche un film perché solo la sua ala aveva gli schermi guasti.
Siamo tornati a forme di intrattenimento preistoriche: tipo dormire.
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La faccia di chi è arrivato in Cina senza potersi guardare neanche un film perché solo la sua ala aveva gli schermi guasti.
Siamo tornati a forme di intrattenimento preistoriche: tipo dormire.
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The Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is a vibrant celebration where people give red envelopes with "lucky money," celebrate with fireworks, and each year is represented by a differentRead more
The city was built from 1406 to 1420 and consists of 980 buildings. Over three times larger than the Louvre in Paris and the Kremlin in Moscow, the Forbidden City is the largest imperial palace in theRead more
The Confucius temple has many old trees, including one cypress tree known as the "Touch-Evil Cypress" (触奸柏) that has been made famous by folklore through the ages. The story goes that, when aRead more
Heute starteten wir unseren Tag mit dem Besuch am Bahnhof. Danach ging es mit der U-Bahn weiter zum Himmelstempel. Rosi und Jürgen kamen dort dann ihren zarten Alters umsonst rein. Dort standen wirRead more
Der heutige Tag lief anders als erwartet….
Geplant war ein Ausflug zur verbotenen Stadt, welche leider von Menschenmassen überlaufen war. Deswegen entschieden wir und spontan zum Zoo in Beijing zuRead more
Heute waren wir als erstes im Chaoyang Park. Dort haben wir mit einem kleinen Wagen den Park erkundet. Danach ging es zufuß weiter zum Solana Markt in den erfolgreich geshoppt wurde. Abgerundet wurdeRead more
Nach dem sehr entspannten Bootsausflug ging es wieder durch die Hutons zu einem kleinen Lokal, in dem man die verschiedensten .., probieren kann.
Danach hieß es leider Abschied nehmen… es war soRead more
We had a leisurely start to the day and set off just after midday to the Temple of Heaven - a complex of religious buildings visited by the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. We started in theRead more
Traveler Avere gli schermi guasti su Air China pare quasi un meme... E invece!
Traveler Altro che meme, ci siamo addormentati 5 minuti e poi quando ci siamo svegliati tutta la nostra fila aveva gli schermi neri ahahahaaha però si sono mobilitati subito per un refund
Traveler non ci credo.
Traveler Giuro, non sapevano spiegarci il refund in inglese e hanno fatto il giro con degli screen per spiegarci la situazione ahahaha