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  • Day 74

    Bazas & Captieux

    June 26, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Herzliche Grüße aus einem Pinienwald bei Captieux im Naturpark Gascogne, wo ich im Augenblick noch lagere!
    Von La Réole aus zog ich vorgestern in glühender Hitze zunächst weiter bis in die Nähe von Auros. Dort schlug ich mein Zelt in einem Wald unweit einer alten Mühle auf und fand auch noch ein weiteres, diesmal besser erhaltenes Exemplar des Tintenfisch-Gitterlings.
    Am nächsten Morgen ging es weiter nach Bazas und zur dortigen Kathedrale. Auf dem Weg dorthin kam ich am idyllischen Waldsee von Brouqueyran vorbei. Anschließend wanderte ich auf einem schönen, schattigen Geh- und Radweg -dem 'Voie Verte'- bis nach Captieux. Von hier aus sind es nur noch etwas weniger als 200 km bis nach Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port am Fuße der Pyrenäen.
    Am Mittwoch werde ich hoffentlich in der größeren Stadt Mont-de-Marsan einlaufen und dort alles für den nächsten Abschnitt meiner Reise vorbereiten. Spätestens dann melde ich mich wieder...
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  • Day 104

    96. Etappe: Captieux

    October 14, 2018 in France ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Votbildlich hielt ich mich heute an die empfohlene Route. Dadurch konnte ich leider nicht so viel Natur genießen, denn sie führte mich ausschließlich über feste, teils viel befahrene Straßen - aber somit sicher vor Jäger und Wild. Morgen kann ich wieder dem eigentlichen Camino folgen.
    Da die Etappe nur 21 km lang war und es nicht so viel zu gucken gab, war ich schnell am Ziel. Gerade noch rechtzeitig um trockenen Fußes in mein Refuge einzukehren. Heute habe ich ein großes Bett mit Bettwäsche und sogar Handtücher 🎉
    Werde jetzt noch ein wenig entspannen, denn morgen werden es über 30 km. Es geht nach Roquefort! Aber der berühmte Käse kommt wohl aus nem anderen Roquefort 😅.
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  • Day 68

    At Captieux, another poncho day

    October 5, 2021 in France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    An easy 18.5 km walk today, and the rain was so light and intermittent that we didn’t get wet inside - dry shoes and feet and clothes. And now the sun is shining and there is promise of no rain for the next few days.

    This will not be a long report because there is not a lot to say….our walk was flat and along an ex railway line for about 15kms! This was easy walking, and very pretty but it did get a bit mesmerising and even monotonous! But we were lucky that today was the rainy one, as yesterday by the lake would not have been as beautiful today, and ascending muddy paths would not have been fun. We have started the three day trek through the largest pine forest in Europe. It is in the Landes department which we officially enter tomorrow, and is the centre of a big timber industry, though parts are left natural…but we see plantations of very ordered trees in lines, as well as young ones growing up. We imagined we’d just be going through lines of pines on both sides for ever.

    The ex train line is a great path, and is a cycle path - easy to walk on, no blackberry branches to fight, and it goes on for ever and ever. I think the next 2 days we continue on it which is a bit daunting - but at least not physically challenging. And we don’t have barking dogs! We have discovered that so many dogs bark frantically when you pass their territory (not just Norman and Nico!!) and luckily they are behind fences or tied up, as some sound really fierce…(and some just do the token bark as you pass).

    But twice we have had dogs follow us which was a worry. The first one came along and was enjoying the walk and couldn’t be persuaded to go back till there was another bigger dog standing in the middle of the road…another loose one …we got past happily, but our companion decided it was time to turn back. Then the other day another friendly dog bounded out and joined us, and also did not understand our French, and came for what seemed ages even crossing a busy road…finally I yelled really fiercely at him and he looked crestfallen and stopped…I really yelled loudly - Amr said he would be frightened! - just hope he found his way back.

    Anyway, no dogs today, and we stopped at the little town and had a chocolate/beer before finding our shelter for the night - another very nice BandB where we are having dinner - and at 7 thankfully…waiting till 8 gets hard when you’ve been walking and probably had lunch round midday. Last night’s dinner in the château was nice - lovely room - and two other couples there…but when they chattered I got lost pretty quickly unless I knew the topic or where the conversation was going…good basic dinner (except that the lettuce in the salad was gritty…), but that is usual in the guest houses (not the gritty lettuce!) - just good plain home cooking.

    Tomorrow another 21 kms through the pines!
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  • Day 4

    Very Damp

    July 1, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

    Well it is wet. Very wet. I have to say this has put thoughts of le camping out of my mind for this evening with a warm brick tent to replace it. So far my favorite bit of France is this croissant

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