In, Over Un Through The Dolomites

Well I dow believe it, we're on the road before 9. 30 this morning, mind you we got a windy old road to gu along. Them tekin me up, over, un through The Dolomites , not a quick route but a very prettyRead more
Well I dow believe it, we're on the road before 9. 30 this morning, mind you we got a windy old road to gu along. Them tekin me up, over, un through The Dolomites , not a quick route but a very prettyRead more
Caught the vehicle ferry across Lake Constance to Meersburg but couldn’t find anywhere to park to have a look round. Same in Lindau. Everywhere no motorbikes. In end as it was glorious wend to theRead more
Übernachten auf dem Campingplatz Waldbad in Isny im Allgäu.
Wetter: warm, sehr windig, trocken.
Tja, wir sind aufgestanden, haben gefrühstückt, unsere Sachen gepackt, uns von Margrit und HerbertRead more
Übernachten in der Pension Mühlwald. Die Perle schlechthin. Per Zufall gefunden, eher aus Not, denn eigentlich wäre heute wild zelten geplant gewesen, aber in den Allgäuer Voralpen, bei schlechtemRead more
Today we had a very scenic yet long drive to Kempten, it was quite rainy so we decided to plough on. We drove alongside the huge Lake Constance and enjoyed seeing all the German vineyards along theRead more
Unser letzter Morgen in Rothenburg ist dann doch wieder etwas stressig. Vorzeltabbauen, alles einpacken, uns und Lars fertig machen. Am Ende reicht es für unsere Dusche nicht mehr und wir verlassenRead more
Har fundet en fin parkeringsplads med hiking-trails og ingen skilte med forbud, så nu laves der mad og håbes på en god nattesøvn.
Vi har sovet fantastisk! Den første bil er ligeRead more
Scenery and chalets remind me of Switzerland. Its beautiful Bertie, no wonder they enjoyed it. Well you certainly went up, over and through the Dolomites.......well done x [Fi]