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  • Day 4

    Unterwegs wie die Nomaden

    July 11, 2020 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    Gar nicht so einfach, wenn man in D ist und dort kein Zuhause mehr hat 😳
    Und so tingeln wir quer durch Deutschland nach Ratzeburg und Hamburg und feiern zusammen Charlottes und Matthäus Hochzeit 👩‍❤️‍👨💍✨🎊.

    Von dort weiter nach Amsterdam 🚌 und mit den 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️ zwei Wochen durch Holland und die Niederlanden. Zurück in abwechselnd München und Otterfing ins Open-Air-Kino🌜Biergarten 🍻🥨 Olympiapark 🏃🏼‍♂️ Reiten 🏇 und Baggersee in Wessling 🏖 Kino für uns alleine 😂 Freunde treffen ....

    Schließlich landen wir am geliebten Schliersee ⛰🏖 und verbringen dort die letzten zwei Wochen in D mit der Eriba-Kugel und Zelt 🏕 in erster Reihe am Wasser...
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  • Day 6

    Last day

    July 19, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    A lovely sunny last day here in Munich for us!
    We visited the city centre for the last time, stopping at the Residenz garden for our picnic lunch 🥙 then we made our way to Westpark which had many beautiful gardens including a very pretty Chinese garden.

    In the evening Christian picked us up and we were invited to their place for dinner. They put on a delicious BBQ for us and we had a wonderful time chatting together ⭐️

    Big thanks to Hans and Franz for letting us look after their apartment for the week so we could enjoy this beautiful city! I’m sure we will be back sometime soon 💛
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  • Day 5

    Caribes Hoy!

    May 20, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

    Double-header Atomics vs Caribes.

    Scott and I have our bags packed and with us for our planned flight to Bologna this evening.

    Atomics won the 1st game in an extra inning nail-biter. Scott is on the mound for the 2nd game per the foreign players rule.

    Second game Scott played with fire most of the game but had a shutout into the 5th, then the game went into a 3-3 tie when his catcher made an errant return throw to the mound and it careened off toward first. Scott chased it down but then made a wild throw to home, allowing both runners to score. Game ended with Caribe’s getting a 2-out walk off hit in the bottom of the 7th. Tough loss.

    But on to Bologna…
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  • Day 26


    October 14, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌬 18 °C

    This morning we drove from Davor’s sister’s home to Munich, our 6th and final stop of our vacation!
    Munich holds a special place in our hearts because 2 weeks after we got married, we moved here so Davor could finish his master’s degree at the Technical University. We lived here for 1 1/2 years.
    As you drive into town you see the 1972 Olympic grounds. I still think it’s an interesting structure (pic 1). Then we drove by our first apartment. The building still looked good after 44 years! We were on the 9th floor of this high rise. (Pics 2&3) Our first Christmas we had a “Charlie Brown” Christmas tree! It got so dry that we didn’t want to carry it down the hallway and into the elevator to take it to the garbage. Needles would have been everywhere! Our solution… late at night, we made sure no one was walking by, and we threw it from the balcony to the ground. Then we hurried down to pick it up!
    We’ve been getting tired of the German food so today we found a wonderful Italian restaurant. It was yummy (pic 4)!!
    Then we drove by Schloss Nymphenburg. We used to ride our bikes behind the Schloss in the gardens and there was a shepherd there with his sheep. (Pic 5)
    For dinner we visited a dear friend, Dagmar. She worked with the YFU program and helped to pick
    Davor to come to the US as an exchange student!
    (Pic 6) As they say… the rest is history!

    Highlight of the day: Being in Muenchen!!!!
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  • Day 6

    Day 5 Nurnberg

    September 4, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Up early again for us and out the door around 8am. We then took a tram and train to the nearby town of Furth. We wanted to go the info centre but we were too early, so after Trish had had a cappuccino we caught a local bus and ended up at my old favourite Decathlon. Trish bought a small pack, my little fold away one which she had borrowed was not that comfortable while walking around. We bought a bamboo cutlery set so we can stop using the wooden forks, and both bought a top.

    Then we popped over the road and went to a really large supermarket as opposed to the small local we have been frequenting (yes, multiple visits over the last 4 days lol). I made up a salad from the salad bar and Trish had a ready made one. I got some sunblock and bagel chips. Our plan was to catch a bus back to where we had come from but got a bit confused about which way it was. Trish wanted to sit in the shade so we were behind the stop perched on a raised garden bed and so we missed a bus going past. Then when the next bus was due I looked over the road and noticed the other bus stop… with a bench seat… in the shade. So crossed the road, got on the right bus and ended up in a nice grassy area near the info centre where we ate our lunch.

    Gotta talk about the smoking here. Just ridiculous the amount of people smoking. It is hard to sit anywhere without smoke wafting over. So in this grassy area there were 4 benches occupied, and people on 3 of them were smoking when we sat down.

    The people at the info centre were really helpful and we went away with a new map. Caught a train for 1 stop and were then in the old city which was just lovely. Took lots of pics of statues which were quite whimsical. We stopped and had a gelato, and then left due to the smoker next door. Then ended up by some fountains and I got some watermelon which I ate sitting on the grass in a park. Then saw another fountain which kids were playing in. We finally ended up in the green area that we had been aiming for and that was really lovely. Fountains, walkways, kid playgrounds, large green spaces. We sat for quite a while just chatting in front of the water area. A little squirrel joined us for a while and then a couple with a border collie sat on a bench nearby. When we left I said something like “hi matey” to the bc, who then proceeded to lunge and growl at me and I was very pleased he was onlead!

    So then more of a walk back to the train station, and a train then tram back to our hotel. We have had a rather busy 3 days here and are leaving in the morning so have decided we are staying in for the evening. We got back here around 5pm so it was a pretty long day.

    Public transport has been amazing and Trisha is a superstar. We often don’t bother looking at a map to work out what we need to catch. Total has been 8 trains, 8 trams and 3 buses. So a total of 19 public transport trips!

    19,000 steps and 26 degrees today.
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  • Day 11

    Hop on hop off bus day

    July 10, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

    After allowing the girls to sleep in, we got moving and took a hop on-hop off bus that drove by Nymphenburg Palace and we hopped off at Olympic Park to walk around where the Olympics were held in 1972.Read more

  • Day 5

    Munchen hbf to Treuchtlingen

    December 12, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 34 °F

    9:27-11:20. Goodbye Munich. First train ride towards Rothenburg ob der tabor. I’m working on reading the EURail Ap and figuring out which train to take. I gave myself 30 minutes and needed almost all of it.Read more

  • Day 24

    23.11. München

    November 23, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 1 °C

    Alles hat einmal ein Ende - und so auch unsere Reise. Den letzten Tag haben wir in einem gemütlichen Café in München gemeinsam ausklingen lassen.
    Das nächste Beisammensein ist bereits geplant. Und wer weiß, vielleicht gibt's eines Tages eine Fortsetzung.

    Eure Reisegruppe Tacitos 🌮
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  • Day 2

    U svijetu BMW-a

    October 19, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Ako nemaš dojam koliko je grad velik postane ti jasno čim zapadneš u kolonu na cesti. Tako da se put baš odužio i dodao nam više od pola sata čekanja pred ciljem. Nakon brzinskog ručka vratili smo se u BMW kvart - posjet muzeju i BMW Weltu. Nitko od nas nije neki automobilistički fan, al je Lovro zato sjeo na skoro sve motore i s ništa vjetra u kosi pao u mode vožnje u najvećim brzinama. Ne samo on, i svi ostali odrasli u kojima se probudi dijete pa na izložbenom primjerku daju gas i krenu brrrrm brrrrrm brrrrrrrrrrrrrrm 😄😅Read more

  • Day 11

    22 Agosto - Monaco di Baviera

    August 22, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Penultimo giorno a Monaco, e la stanchezza si fa sentire dopo un viaggio intenso, lunghe camminate e giornate di sole caldo che ci hanno accompagnato. Per fortuna, abbiamo scelto di trascorrere la mattinata in un luogo perfetto per rilassarsi: l'Olympiapark. Questo vasto parco, costruito per le Olimpiadi del 1972, è una meraviglia di architettura e paesaggio, dove il design moderno si integra perfettamente con la natura. Abbiamo trovato un posto all’ombra vicino al lago, circondati da prati verdi e famiglie che facevano pic-nic. L’atmosfera era serena, e c’è davvero una pace che ti fa dimenticare per un attimo il ritmo della città.
    Nel pomeriggio, abbiamo continuato la nostra esplorazione di Monaco, passeggiando per le vie storiche e godendoci il fascino della città. Tornando verso la Residenz, abbiamo ammirato la sua imponente facciata e i dettagli architettonici che non avevamo potuto apprezzare ieri. Il palazzo è uno spettacolo anche dall’esterno: i dettagli delle colonne, le decorazioni e l’imponenza degli edifici sono una testimonianza della potenza e del lusso della Baviera di un tempo.
    Abbiamo concluso la giornata con una cena veloce in un ristorante locale, scegliendo piatti tipici e leggeri per riprenderci dalla giornata. Poi, lentamente, siamo tornati in hotel per un meritato riposo, con la promessa di tornare un giorno a Monaco per continuare a scoprire questa città affascinante e ricca di storia.
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