Unterwegs wie die Nomaden

Gar nicht so einfach, wenn man in D ist und dort kein Zuhause mehr hat 😳
Und so tingeln wir quer durch Deutschland nach Ratzeburg und Hamburg und feiern zusammen Charlottes und Matthäus HochzeitRead more
Gar nicht so einfach, wenn man in D ist und dort kein Zuhause mehr hat 😳
Und so tingeln wir quer durch Deutschland nach Ratzeburg und Hamburg und feiern zusammen Charlottes und Matthäus HochzeitRead more
Double-header Atomics vs Caribes.
Scott and I have our bags packed and with us for our planned flight to Bologna this evening.
Atomics won the 1st game in an extra inning nail-biter. Scott is onRead more
Up early again for us and out the door around 8am. We then took a tram and train to the nearby town of Furth. We wanted to go the info centre but we were too early, so after Trish had had a cappuccinoRead more
After allowing the girls to sleep in, we got moving and took a hop on-hop off bus that drove by Nymphenburg Palace and we hopped off at Olympic Park to walk around where the Olympics were held inRead more
9:27-11:20. Goodbye Munich. First train ride towards Rothenburg ob der tabor. I’m working on reading the EURail Ap and figuring out which train to take. I gave myself 30 minutes and needed almostRead more
Alles hat einmal ein Ende - und so auch unsere Reise. Den letzten Tag haben wir in einem gemütlichen Café in München gemeinsam ausklingen lassen.
Das nächste Beisammensein ist bereits geplant. UndRead more
Ako nemaš dojam koliko je grad velik postane ti jasno čim zapadneš u kolonu na cesti. Tako da se put baš odužio i dodao nam više od pola sata čekanja pred ciljem. Nakon brzinskog ručka vratiliRead more
Penultimo giorno a Monaco, e la stanchezza si fa sentire dopo un viaggio intenso, lunghe camminate e giornate di sole caldo che ci hanno accompagnato. Per fortuna, abbiamo scelto di trascorrere laRead more