Hong Kong
Hau Hok Wan

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  • Day 7

    Tung O Ancient Trail 🚶🏼‍♀️🚶🏻

    February 20 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Tijd om de drukte van de stad weer even te ontvluchten. We pakken de trein 🚈 naar Tung Chung op het eiland Lantau. Als we uitstappen zijn we al bijna een uur onderweg maar we zien hier nog steeds wolkenkrabbers en dubbeldekkerbussen.

    Het is ook het startpunt van de Tung O Ancient Trail. Volgens de berichten op internet een lange maar vlakke wandeling naar het oude vissersdorpje Tai O. Dat kunnen wij! 🚶🏻🚶🏼‍♀️ Aan het begin lopen we nog heel even tussen de wooncomplexen maar al gauw worden ze ingeruild voor dichte begroeing. 🌳

    We lopen over een goed pad door een glooiend landschap. De heuvels zijn groen en af en toe zien we een simpel huis. Je kunt hier alleen komen over hetzelfde wandelpad waar wij op lopen. Af en toe is er zelfs sprake van een klein dorpje, maar hier is niks te merken van de pracht en praal van de duurste stad ter wereld. 🏙️

    Nog niet zo heel lang geleden was het hier een rustig bestaan. Maar de tijden zijn hier wel enigszins veranderd. Er is hier vlak voor de kust een eiland opgespoten voor de huidige luchthaven. ✈️Bovendien kijk je hier altijd tegen de brug naar Macau 🇲🇴 aan. De dorpjes leefden vooral van de visserij en we vragen ons af hoe dat nu zit.

    Inmiddels voelen we de hike al wel in de benen. Zolang je niet met haken aan een bergwand hangt, vinden ze een hike hier blijkbaar "vlak". Maar voor ons, simpele Hollanders, ligt dat toch wel anders. We klimmen en dalen alsof het een lieve lust is en de paden zijn soms bijzonder steil. 🏞️

    Na bijna 15 kilometer bereiken we Tai O. Een vissersdorpje waar sommige huizen op palen zijn gebouwd. Er wordt nog steeds deels geleefd van de visserij maar toerisme speelt hier ook een rol. Het dorpje is levendig en we kijken onze ogen uit. Tijdens de wandeling kwamen we nog amper mensen tegen maar Tai O is nog enigszins verbonden met wegen waardoor er iets meer volk op de been is.

    Gelukkig betekent dat ook dat we de terugweg met de lokale bus 🚍 kunnen doen. Het blijkt een flinke touringcar, maar hij zit propvol dus we mogen staan. We balanceren een klein uurtje in het gangpad terwijl de bus zich door haarspeldbochten wurmt. We pakken bijna heel Lantau mee voordat we weer in Tung Chung aankomen om de trein terug naar de stad te pakken. We voelen bijna onze benen niet meer. 😵

    In de stad pakken we een biertje 🍺 met uitzicht op de Dingdings. We strompelen nog naar Ichiran waar we genieten van een welverdiende kom met ramen. 🍜 Daarna is het hoog tijd om de beentjes te strekken. Hersteltijd. 😴
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  • Day 43

    Ngong Ping & Tai O Village

    February 13 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    At 34 meters tall, the Tian Tan Buddha is the largest seated Buddha statue in the world. It weighs 250 tons and is made of 202 pieces of bronze. Unlike most other great Buddha statues, the Tian Tan Buddha faces north toward Beijing.Read more

  • Day 8

    Last day

    March 8 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Well - it wasn't drizzling and wasn't sub 10o. A good start. Off to the peak and found the tram with little help from signage. The weather was clear enough to make the trip worthwhile - stunning as always. Headed back with a bit of a wander and HK coffee before packing and heading to the airport. Of course the sun came out just as I was leaving and it was almost warm! Security etc was pretty good but I managed to visit all the Cathay Pacific lounges (at all far points of the terminals) before I found the Pier First. Once inside it was worth the effort. This is an amazing lounge - a step up on even the Qantas Firsts. I was given a personal tour then a restaurant event with free pour Taittinger - Millesime 2016 no less! I also had the Prestige Rose (still not a fan) and the Laurent Perrier. I found one of the areas that didn't have a/c blasting and settled in. Had some cheese and choc ganache from the snack room and happy as. I am in a different terminal now (caught a train) and a) have no idea where I am and b) no idea where the gate my flight is leaving from - a 1st world problem! So long as I leave in time (will be hard to do!) I should be right.Read more

  • Day 66

    Farvel til Hong Kong

    March 3 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Vi har sagt farvel til Lou, Simon, Irma (Lou og Simons hjælper), Alexander og Oskar. Det har været en kæmpe oplevelse at besøge Hong Kong, og Lou, Simon og Irma har stået på hovedet for at fylde os med gode (mad)oplevelser. Oliver fik en ny bedste ven i Hong Kong, som han allerede savner🥲 Vi må snart komme tilbage igen.

    Nu starter næste kapitel - som vi alle glæder os meget til, men måske én glæder sig lidt mere end os andre🙋🏼‍♀️😜
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  • Day 55

    Flug von Hanoi nach Cairns

    October 26, 2024 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    Gestern stand nach über einem Monat mal wieder ein langer Flugtag an – und was für einer! Unser Ziel: von Hanoi über Hongkong und Sydney bis nach Cairns in Australien zu fliegen. Bevor wir jedoch zum Flughafen fuhren machten wir es uns mit zwei Kartenspielen erneut im Café „Hidden Gem“ gemütlich, um ein letztes vietnamesischen Mittagessen und die frischen Säfte sowie Kaffees genießen zu können. Pünktlich um 19 Uhr starteten wir unseren ersten Flug nach Hongkong. Mit den Zwischenstopps und Aufenthalten an den Flughäfen fühlte sich die Reise an wie eine kleine Weltumrundung. Nach 24 Stunden mit maximal 4h Schlaf und rund 10.300 Flugkilometern später haben wir es heute schließlich geschafft und sind völlig erschöpft um 17 Uhr in Cairns, einer entspannten am Ozean liegenden Kleinstadt im Bundesstaat Queensland im Nordosten Australiens, angekommen. Nun beträgt die Zeitverschiebung nach Deutschland schon 9 Stunden. Unser Hotel liegt ein Stück außerhalb des Stadtzentrums in einer ruhigen Wohngegend gelegen, genau das, was wir nach den letzten 5 Wochen im lauten Kambodscha und Vietnam brauchen. Zum Abschluss des Tages ließen wir uns noch eine Pizza schmecken und fallen nun völlig erschöpft ins Bett.Read more

  • Day 4

    Lantau Island

    September 19, 2024 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Hallöchen an unsere liebsten !
    Heute war wieder ein richtig schöner Tag, wir sind nach Lantau Island zum Tien Tan Buddha gefahren. Um auf den Berg zu kommen sind wir mit einer Seilbahn gefahren, die 25 min lang war. Nach einer halben Stunde Zug fahren, haben wir das erste Ziel Tung Chung erreicht, das ist der Ort, aus dem die Seilbahn startet. Nach unserem provisorischen Frühstück, welches aus einer Banane bestand haben wir eine Bäckerei gefunden, wo wir endlich ein leckeres Frühstück bekommen haben😍. Die Aussicht von der Seilbahn war unbeschreiblich, genauso wie die Landschaft in dem Ort Ngong Ping, in dem auch der Buddha steht. Es war sehr schön, eine andere Seite HongKongs zu sehen, welche nicht aus so vielen Wolkenkratzern besteht sondern auch aus vielen grünen Bäumen, Bergen und freilaufenden Büffeln ! Unser Abendbrot war ebenfalls sehr gut !
    Alles in allem ein wunderschöner Tag 🥰
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  • Day 2

    Welcome to Hong Kong

    May 24, 2024 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

    Wie erwartet isch ds dr agnähmst Flug gsi woni bishär je ha gha. Ig ha zersch mau müesse usefinge wie die verschidene Funktione vo däm Sitz göh und ha ghofft dass mir niemer derbi zueluegt. Glücklicherwis isch dr Sitz näb mir freiblibe de hani no meh Bewegigsfreiheit gha. Chum bini abghockt gsi isch de oh scho dr Champagner serviert worde, ig ha die alkoholfreii Variante gno, Champgner fingi überbewärtet. 😉

    Ig hät rückblickend nid scho ir Lounge öpis söue ässe wöu natürlech hets när im Flüger när nomau äs 3-Gang-Menü gäh und ig ha oh no dörfe uswähle wasi am Morge wot zmörgele. Da ig ä Nachtflug ha gha und quasi es Bett hani när chli chönne pfuse. Ig ha zwar chli unruhig gschlafe aber woni wieder bi erwacht isch scho z Zmorge serviert worde. Dr Landeaflug in Hong Kong isch zimlech spektakulär gsi, siehe Fotos! 🤩

    Iz hani hie ca. 4h Ufenthaut und när gits nomau ä 11h Nachtflug uf Auckland, vilech chani nomau chli nappe de bini wenigstens nid komplett verwirrt weni ahchume.

    Bye for now 👋🏼
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  • Day 82

    Hong Kong Disneyland

    April 25, 2024 in Hong Kong ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    We'd played with the idea of visiting Disneyland in Florida some years ago but decided against it for cost reasons. However, as we were already nearby, we decided to spend the day at the Hong Kong version to see what it was like. We arrived early for the 10 a.m. opening, and as we walked up the drive to the entrance, we both felt the excitement building.

    After getting through, we started with a train ride around the park to figure out the layout. We then decided to go clockwise and began with the Space Mountain ride. James had assured me this first ride was gentle and not too intense; however, we quickly realized how wrong he was. It was a very fast, very twisty indoor dark thrill ride, which I was not prepared for. I finished feeling a bit shaky in my legs and needed to sit quietly for a few minutes. James loved it. I then felt a bit traumatized by that first ride and was cautious about the rest of the rides.

    We did a few more mellow rides, including an Ant-Man and The Wasp ride in the Marvel area and then a boat trip in a lagoon that included a waterfall that was on fire. We then went to the mining village, where we got on another thrilling ride, which was incredible, long, and really loopy and mad. It ended up being our favorite ride, and we had a second go on it before finishing our time in Disneyland.

    We did some more rides and saw a Lion King show, which was a bit cheesy but fun, before heading to Toy Story Land, which was one of James's favorites. We went on the Toy Soldiers ride, which was a drop-type ride that I hated and screamed the whole way through (see video), and the toy car ride, which I point-blank refused to go on, as I hate swinging rides after a bad experience on one in the past. James enjoyed it thoroughly.

    The new Frozen Land was gorgeous, and we arrived just at sunset, which made everything seem even prettier. The rollercoaster ride was a bit disappointing, though, as it was extremely short, and we'd waited in line longer than the ride lasted. We then did the classic It's A Small World boat ride, which was actually really pleasant, and then we went back to the mining ride for a second turn. It was then dark, and the park was looking twinkly and beautiful as we got some tasty dinner and decided to wander around before the evening firework display. There was a beautiful maze with little miniature princess scenes, which was lovely, and then we rode the teacups before taking up our spot for the display and fireworks. They went on for ages and were very pretty. It was a lovely ending to a really fun day.
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  • Day 80–81

    Traveling to Hong Kong

    April 23, 2024 in Hong Kong ⋅ 🌩️ 25 °C

    Our journey to Hong Kong was probably the longest and most exhausting experience I've ever had. It started at 9 am in Pokhara (ace lasted more than 24 hours), where we took a very small domestic flight to Kathmandu, which was SO bumpy I was actually quite scared (the person behind me was also sick. James and I were both pretty nauseous too btw). We then waited in Kathmandu airport for ages as the King of Qatar's visit meant the whole airport was on lockdown until he left. We also went through a ridiculous number of checks and security, which became extremely aggravating. On our flight to Delhi, just as we were beginning our descent, when the captain announced that due to a thunderstorm (and extremely bumpy conditions) we weren't going to be landing in Delhi but in Lucknow, which was back half the distance we'd just travelled. Once landed there, we waited for 20 mins on the plane before being told we'd refuel here and take off again to Delhi. Our 2 hour flight became a 5 hour flight. We arrived so late in Delhi that there was no point going to our hotel, so we got a Domino's pizza and checked into our next flight to Hong Kong, departing at 4 am. Checking in was slow as the airline's systems were down and after no sleep and being exhausted, it was very hard to stay standing. After making it through security and into the departures area, we found no seats that did not have hard metal armrests, so it was near impossible to get any sleep, plus there were loads of mosquitoes there which I could feel and see biting me as I sat there.

    As soon as we boarded our flight, James and I fell right to sleep and woke after several hours hungry, but soon realised they didn't serve free food on this 5-hour flight.

    When we arrived in Hong Kong, it was like stepping into the future. After being in some chaotic and rundown airports, it felt weird walking through a pristinely clear space that had automatic flushing toilets with paper, tap water we could drink, and even showers all before immigration. Immigration was a breeze, and we collected our bags and found the bus stop that took us straight to our centrally located room. We got front seats on the double-decker bus and ogled the smooth roads and obedient cars. The hills surrounding Hong Kong are lush and beautiful, and springing up from below them are tall high-rise buildings which make it so interesting to just stare at.

    Our Airbnb room was located in Chungking Mansions, which I would recommend Googling as it's a bit of a notorious place that used to be considered a ghetto (though we didn't know this at the time). The room was... um...a room. We knew it wasn't going to be that nice as it was one of three places that was within our budget in the whole city that wasn't just a mattress on the floor, but we still hadn't quite expected what we got. The entrance was through rough currency exchange and Indian food stalls, to the lifts in the centre. Our landing was then extremely humid and smelled of fried food, and it smelt of BO and more food in the apartment hallway. The apartment had obviously been roughly divided into 6+ rooms. Ours was only just a bit bigger than our bathroom at home and consisted of a bed, toilet and shower room, and a wardrobe. It was tiny, and the AC unit was old and loud and had one setting; cold, and no window (well, a window to a shaft that we were too scared to look into). We both played it cool and tried to pretend it wasn't the worst place we'd ever stayed in.

    We quickly freshened up and headed out for some dinner at a ramen restaurant which cost us £45, more than we'd spent on a single meal for the whole trip.

    We then took the bus to Victoria Peak where you get a stunning view of the city skyline from atop a hill and then took the old (but now refurbished) super steep tram down.

    By now very tired, we then went back and slept to get rested for our trip to Disneyland the next day.

    P.S. we did not sleep well as the AC was freezing when on and humid and stuffy when off, plus I'd all but cocooned myself in my silk liner for fear of bed bugs or other creepy crawlies getting on me. Plus when we woke up it was as dark as when we fell asleep, so we had no idea what time it was all night when we stirred awake.
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  • Day 2

    Here we go!

    April 3, 2024 in Hong Kong ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    After a 15-hour flight from Toronto, we arrived in Hong Kong a little while ago. Our connecting flight to Bangkok leaves in an hour and a half. We'd be way more excited if we weren't so tired, but I'm sure the sights and sounds of Bangkok will revive us.

    I'm back in Thailand after after 18 years, and for Gi, it's her first time. So, in essence, with my memory, we'll be discovering together 😁.

    Here we go...!
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