After seeing the Uffizi Gallery, we caught the train from Florence to see the town of Lucca and the famous leaning tower of Pisa! Lucca is another charming mediaeval town but being close to the TuscanRead more
After seeing the Uffizi Gallery, we caught the train from Florence to see the town of Lucca and the famous leaning tower of Pisa! Lucca is another charming mediaeval town but being close to the TuscanRead more
Today I will post in a few parts, starting with the Uffizi gallery to see some very famous work of art. You’ll recognise many of these in particular Botticelli’s Birth of Venus and Medusa byRead more
Nach einer ordentlichen Pasta-Stärkung zum Mittag - das war noch nicht die Falle, die Pasta war ziemlich gut 😌 - sind wir, bei einem Höchstwert von 37 Grad, weiter durch die Stadt und von einerRead more
Bereits gestern spielten wir mit dem Gedanken die geplanten 2 Nächte hier auf eine Nacht zu reduzieren.
Und dieser Gedanke war am nächsten Tag auch noch da. Also schnell noch ne Runde Kunst anRead more
Da es einfach zu heiß ist entschlossen wir uns den Tag am Meer zu verbringen . Kurze Fahrt und einen tollen Platz vor einem Lokal gefunden. Wir baden , baden und baden den ganzen Tag. Jetzt sitzenRead more
We arrived in Lucca early this afternoon (27th) after stopping over in Pisa for a few hours to check out the Leaning Tower. Tomorrow we take the train to San Miniato and commence our 95km walk onRead more
🌅🇮🇹 Sadly, it was our last day in Pisa. We took a casual walk around the city, discovering new places and beautiful buildings we hadn't seen before. It was a true Italian day, enjoyingRead more
🚆🌄 Travelled by train through the picturesque countryside and mountains to Monterosso al Mare, a town in the Province of La Spezia. It is one of the five stunning villages in Cinque Terre.Read more
We are really enjoying our journey through Europe with you both. Lovely photos although devastated at lack of Pisa/Raymond photo and absence of evidence of the man 💼. Simon has man bag envy. [Fiona and Mum]
Traveler We will have to provide suitable evidence! Raymond has been thinking about buying one for approximately 20 years before finally making a purchase.
Ah....look on photo 2. The one with me looking up at the tower. The man bag is on the wrong side of me.... but just about visible. I'll make sure I flaunt it a bit more at the next stop. [Raymond]