Florence today

🚆🌄 We took a scenic train ride through the Tuscan countryside and arrived in beautiful Florence! We visited the awe-inspiring Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, the iconic Campanile Bell Tower,Read more
🚆🌄 We took a scenic train ride through the Tuscan countryside and arrived in beautiful Florence! We visited the awe-inspiring Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, the iconic Campanile Bell Tower,Read more
Quick little trip to Pisa! Such an underrated city in my opinion- even though we were only there 1 & 1/2 days I enjoyed it so much! Beside from the hustle & bustle at the leaning tower of Pisa it wasRead more
I've done the math, and my guidebook tells me that I have walked 589 km from my starting point (Echevennoz), and I now have 405 km to go until Rome. Therefore, I'm officially over 1/2 way! The PucciniRead more
Lucca has really captured my heart. There is something very special about this place. The fact that the "old city" is still entirely encased by walls totally blows my mind. You see many fortifiedRead more
The Way (29 km) provided a nice change today. For the first 16 km, I walked through woodland and forest on wonderfully non sealed roads and pathways. A light rain started around 10:15 (it only lastedRead more
Today we docked in our next port: Tuscany, Italy (Livorno)! We are all SO excited to be in Italy and were lucky to have perfect weather and a great tour guide for our excursion today.
Started offRead more
Da das Handy meldete, dass unser Auto vollgeladen ist, ging ich schnell zum Auto um es abzustecken.
Auf dem Parkplatz angekommen, sah ich nur wie ein Auto ganz dich an unserem steht und dannRead more
Heute früh haben wir rechtzeitig den Stellplatz verlassen. Diesen Tag wollten wir eigentlich in Pisa verbringen. Allerdings zeigte das Wetterradar fast durchgehend blaue bis dunkelblaue Regenwolken.Read more
Nachdem wir uns an Viareggio sattgesehen haben, ging es anfangs über Serpentinen (aber anders als sonst extrem gute Straßen) nach Lucca. Unterwegs haben wir im Schatten allerdings ca. 20 MinutenRead more
Heute früh waren wir noch etwas planlos. Eigentlich wollten wir die Cinque Terre besuchen. Nach ein paar kurzen Recherchen haben wir uns dagegen entschieden. Überteuerte aber dafür schlechteRead more
Traveler Looks beautiful 😍
Wow, that's beautiful!!!