Florence Cathedral

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  • Day 41

    Ceilings of Florence

    February 12 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

    This week I went to several sites for class including the Medici palace, Santa Maria Novella and Orsanmichele. Each one of these had works of art that absolutely blew me away. To get into the art history a little bit Orsanmichele had a raw groin vaulted ceiling. There was no fresco or painting covering up the original brick ceiling which was one of the coolest things I’ve seen. I am used to see fabulous paintings but seeing the raw brick was almost more interesting. I was able to fully see how each valut and art was created. The Medici palace was incredible. They commissioned so much work for their home and private spaces. The private chapel was my favorite room. Santa Maria Novella was also amazing. I saw Masaccio Holy Trinity and Giotto Crucifix along with the original frescos in the chapel. These frescos are the main event of this church now, however in the past, they would’ve been completely blocked off to the public. Only the elite class could go behind the transepts of the church. This means that even the high altar would be out of site for average worshipers. Masaccios holy trinity was covered in scaffolding but we were allowed to climb onto the scaffolding to view it so that was pretty cool.Read more

  • Day 41–44


    February 18 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

    Visited the Fiezole roman ruins which was very informative and interesting to walk through! Had a coffee in a local shop and then did a mini tour of the florence, visiting the duomo and old bridge that survived WW2. Its so cute and medieval i absolutely loved it!!! Then made more friends and had burrito night before karaoke club 💃 the galileo museum the next day was awesome!! Definitely recommendRead more

  • Day 10–11

    A whirlwind day in Florence

    February 11 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

    After we arrived yesterday, Phil and I went to the grocery store at the worst possible time! The stores in the city are small and crowded, but I was able to find provisions and prepare a decent supper of pasta with pesto and lemon chicken breast.

    Today, we went first to a print shop to print out tickets for the Galleria della' Academia. I had purchased a timed entry to see the Michelangelo statue of David. The place was mobbed, and people who did not have a timed entry were waiting outside for there to be room inside. It was a really cool art museum. There were paintings from the 13th century as well as sculptures from the Renaissance.

    We used the free bathrooms before we left and then walked all around Florence. We went to one of the big markets at San Lorenzo. There were leather vendors outside and inside all kinds of food stalls. As a child, I have a memory of my father and I following a man with a cow's head on his shoulder into the market. I recall all manner of animals and fowl hanging up for sale. This market had lots of stuff, but was more touristy. The top floor was places to eat. Tomorrow, we'll visit another market that our host says is more authentic.

    We walked until about 1 pm and then came back for lunch and a rest. Our hostess came by with some new silverware. In the later afternoon, Phil and I went on a treasure hunt of sorts. Our tiny fold up backpack finally gave out after 8 years. We sourced a replacement. We also found Phil a new plastic cup to replace the one that was crushed when we flew over. We also found my instant coffee con leche packets for when we start walking our pilgrimage in 2 days.

    Now we're back at the apartment. Tomorrow we take the train to Lucca.

    There are so many tourists here, and it is only February! Lots of American University students in every store!
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  • Day 34

    So many stairs

    February 5 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    For class I got to climb to the top of the dome and the clock tower. The stairs were definitely worth it for both. Climbing the dome was amazing. We got to get up close to the original frescos on the inside of the dome! We also got to see the spina pesce which was the masterful discovery that allowed this dome to be created without scaffolding at such a large scale! We got to see the tools used to make the dome along with a replica of the dome in a museum! One thing I learned from this is that I must have a rooftop terrace in my future house because we got to see them all over the city. We also got to see the duomo museum which had the original gates of paradise! I can’t even describe them they are so fantastic. Now I’m off to Lisbon Portugal!Read more

  • Day 26

    Palazzo Davanzati

    January 28 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

    For class yesterday I got to visit a palace! It was built in the 1300s by a florentine family of the Davizzis. This was one of my favorite museums to visit so far because it felt so real. You could tell what every room was used for. It was huge and decorated so marvelously. There were so many paintings, altar pieces, and sculptures filling the walls of every room. There was also original medal work in the kitchen such as the pots used for cooking and heating water. My favorite rooms were the bed rooms and the kitchen. We also went to Dante’s house but that was way less interesting and also not proven to actually be his house.Read more

  • Day 21

    Restoration Studio Visit

    January 23 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    Today for my art history class I went to an art restoration studio. They placed so much emphasis on not making things look new. It seems like that would be the goal of restoration, but instead the goal is to make the piece look as old as it is while still being legible. We got to see some paintings and sculptures in the process of being restored. With a black light you can actually see where things have been patched or worked on. We learned about a fine line that art restorers have to walk. If a section of a painting is damaged, they can only fix it if it doesn't require any imagination to replace what was lost. It is hard to explain without talking about it but something like a whole face missing would be beyond restoration. One of my favorite parts was learning that they actually take statues and paintings to the hospital to get mri and x rays done. It helps them see what objects are made of and what restoration has been done before. I learned so much but unfortunately can't type it all and don't want to bore everyone lol.Read more

  • Day 21

    A little update

    January 23 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

    This week has been just as fantastic as the rest! I took an Italian cooking class and learned how to make an appetizer, pasta, two sauces, and a dessert. My school building was built in the 13th century and has been owned by wealthy families ever since. It is kind of insane to see original frescos and sculptures throughout the building. My classes are going well............ and they're definitely my top priority (wink wink). Also found a forest behind San Miniato and it was actually the prettiest thing EVER!Read more

  • Day 9

    Said ciao to Michelangelo!

    January 11 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Today I did a hike to the Piazzale Michelangelo! The view was incredible and something I will be going back to see very often. I walked about 10 miles today all over the city and beyond the gates. Found some amazing things and also saw some wildlife! Guess what it is in the comments even though its a bad picture lol, hint it's a type of rodent!Read more

  • Day 8

    Ciao Firenze!!

    January 10 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

    Ciao a tutti! Amo Firenze! It is the greatest place I could have asked for! I have learned more than I can even say in the past three days. I just can't imagine how much I will be lucky to know by the end of my program. I have met some incredible Italians and gone to see so many sites. Did you know Florentines used to build their bathrooms on the end of their houses so they could just poop out of a hole onto the sidewalk below? Firenze is also the city of flowers. It is absolutely beautiful and so much fun. I have been exploring everyday and finding new things all over. The worst part was the grocery store but that is okay I am learning, and I will be grocery shopping as little as possible....Read more

  • Day 14


    December 29, 2024 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 54 °F

    We all slept in! We are staying in the Santa Croce area, it is a little less busy than the main square, has some of the best restaurants, quaint streets and houses the largest Franciscan church in the world, associated with St. Francis of Assisi, Italy's patron saint since 1939. Kyle, Molly, Myself and Klaus walked around a bit, grabbed a bite to eat and a coffee. We did a little shopping before Bryce and Brooke met up with us. We went to an amazing food market with 3 levels and everything you could ever want to eat. Bryce and Brooke said it was some of the best pasta they had. We walked the packed streets filled with leather markets and stores. Next stop Santa Maria del Fiore, the Duomo, ranks as the world's third-largest cathedral. It took over 140 years to build and is still today the largest masonary dome. We climbed all 463 steps to the top with amazing views and then back down. We stopped for a quick aperol spritz and went to the famous I’ Girone De’ Ghiotti sandwich shop, it was very delicious but we all agreed we were more impressed with the sandwiches in Milan. Molly, myself and Brooke did a little shopping while the guys waited and had some beverages. We all took a little rest back at the apartment before dinner at II Vezzo. The dinner was great, the boys got the Florentine steak again and we had probably the best bolognese pasta ever. We went back to the market for gelato and walked back to the apartment, it was incredible how empty the streets that we could barely navigate earlier were. Off to bed early morning to Bologna tomorrow.Read more

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